Carter threw out the Shah of Iran causing the horrendous situation today facing the world, but it did not matter that hundreds of thousands of people died because Democratic human rights being championed were the justification for all horrors.
The list is long and laborious of the left pointing out the many human rights violations around the world. It began with Hitler, there were Stalin's gulags for "insane" people who wanted freedom, China has prisons filled with criminals who are Christians and every good Democrat knows of Leonard Peltier of AIM has his human rights violated in being a political prisoner in federal prison.
There was Nelson Mandella tossed in prison by South Africa. The prisons of Robert Mugabe of Rhodesia are full of white political prisoners. North Korea is full of political prisoners too, but what is really the definition in all of this for political prisoners and international hate crimes against people?
In Wikipedia they define a poltical prisoner as follows:
A political prisoner is someone held in prison or otherwise detained, perhaps under house arrest, because their ideas or image are deemed by a government to either challenge or threaten the authority of the state. It may be a prisoner of conscience , deprived of freedom of speech.
Lawrence Sinclair fits the above definition since going public that Barack Obama engaged with him in illegal drug and sodomite activity.
He was illegally detained like in a Turkish prison in DC, denied his medications like in a Russian gulag by US Marshals, lost in the system like in a Chinese prison in DC and has faced propaganda posted stories like a Nazi kangaroo court coming out of Delaware.
He has been harassed in Chicago Social Security where Sen. Barack Obama lives taking away his disability benefits and terrorized by Susan Dwyer who works for Beau Biden, son of Vice Presidential candidate, Sen. Joe Biden, with life imprisonment for a misdemeanor.
The situation Mr. Sinclair has currently been placed in by the Democratic presidential ticket is they are forcing a disabled person with nerve damage to drive from Duluth, Minnesota to Delaware to be terrorized there in a court trial over a sealed indictment the Delaware Attorney General's Office will not respond to in direct violation of his Constitutional rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The Obama / Biden Campaign has had supporters threatening Mr. Sinclair and his mother's life, by denying him his medications in prison due to his suffering from a brain tumor further put his life in jeopardy, his liberty is now at jeopardy due to a life sentence and what happiness can there be for a citizen in his own nation hounded by the Democratic elite with their brown shirt minions howling at his door.
There are a myriad of federal crimes tracing right back to the Barack Obama and Joe Biden campaign all from Delaware. Mr. Sinclair has had his human rights violated. Mr. Sinclair has had his due process rights violated. Mr. Sinclair has had his international rights violated in hate crimes due to his being a homosexual and being a disabled person.
Mr. Sinclair is being made to drive from Minnesota to Delaware knowingly by the Delaware Attorney General's Office with nerve damage and a brain tumor. The kind of pain, discomfort, anxiety and pure torture this is makes Beau Biden and Susan Dwyer guilty as the Americans vilified in Abu Gharib.
Teddy Kennedy, Barack Obama and Joe Biden made caustic comments about the what the US military was doing to Iraqis, but these people are doing far worse to Lawrence Sinclair all for speaking out.
Where is Dan Rather with his photos of Lawrence Sinclair in detention showing him "lost in the system"?
Where is anyone exposing these crimes against humanity which Mr. Sinclair has been forced to endure.
Delaware Deputy Attorney General Susan Dwyer is forcing Lawrence Sinclair to sell his worldly goods all so he can obtain money to go and face her gulag court threatening him with life imprisonment.
Mr. Sinclair is not employed. He is disabled and is ill and Susan Dwyer's idea of compassion is threatening Lawrence Sinclair and the Delaware Attorney General's Office further corners Mr. Sinclair's attorney in court letting it be known they are upset Mr. Sinclair placed on is site Ms. Dwyer's public email address.
This is intimidation and thug tactics which have been denounced around the world by these same Democrats and that is exactly what they are doing without excuse as they follow marching orders to silence Lawrence Sinclair.
Delaware is criminally responsible for this as are the Obama and Biden campaign as Mr. Sinclair's human rights, civil rights, international rights and Constitutional rights have been violated.
Prosecutor Nifong of North Carolina attempted to make political prisoners of white Duke students and was finally brought to justice. The state of Delaware with the Obama and Biden camp must be brought to justice either by the Federal System of the United States or the International System which Obama and Biden champion.
Let The Hague become involved in this as the world does not need le petites marxistes du Delaware or the little marxists of Delaware sprouting Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Kim roots in the United States.
What has been done to Lawrence Sinclair is shameful and dishonorable with a direct soiling of the United States Constitution.
Let tyranny be exposed and let the thugs of the Democratic elites be ridiculed and brought up on charges for their hate crimes and crimes against humanity.
Mr. Sinclair's rights have been trampled upon in his being made a political prisoner in the United States by the Obama / Biden campaign.
Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden deserve no Democratic nomination, but an indictment instead.