Russia has not helped it's cause in the least by having it's ministry officials and generals spouting off about, "Georgia is kaput", "Georgia's borders mean nothing" and the favorite, "Russia is going to nuke Poland".
The polish of Vladamir Putin is but that glow on the Russian apple charming the western press, but under it is what Ronald Reagan said in those sour old Russians, bitter to the core.
Russians are Russians and their own worse press agents.
When Georgia blows up a city, roll in the television crews, limp your gimpy soldiers into New York at the UN and use propaganda to get what one wants. Instead, Russia as typical has shown the world they are the bad guys.
All of that matters now as when retaliation comes against Russia on all fronts, the people of the world will shrug and smile while relating in their last MSM headline, "Russia deserves it after all they knocked the stuffing out of Georgia and then stomped them when they were down."
Revenge is the name of this game now and there are allot of people who are going to make Russia bleed worse in peace than they ever did in war.
In taking this back to the Clinton years in America, just who do you think has been arming the Islamocommunist terrorists around the world?
Who do you think has been feeding the Iranians precise satellite intelligence, so their operations have kidnapped British soldiers and so the Persians almost nabbed some Americans?
Who do you think has been spreading oil money into Pakistan's hinterlands and turning Pak intel against America?
The answer it has been Russia.
With a rabid Zbigniew Brzezinski wanting to pay Russia back for the trouble they caused by their proxy Iran in Iraq and now with President Bush being promised the Russians would only scuff Georgians and Americans in Ossetia, there are now 2 major players on the world stage spoiling for revenge.
As was stated before, it doesn't matter who did what before. All that matters is numbers of people are viewing this from their perspective and they are furious.
If one looks at that oil pipeline having holes poked in it by Russians, there is British Petroleum of an English people who is still furious over Putin peeing on their little island when he used Polonium 210 to assassinate a subject.
That pipeline has Rothschild money, Soros money, American money and Saudi money in it. The Saudi's are the real nightmare in this as they have now Slavic speaking, Russian looking Kosovo Mujaheddin Muslims who can poke holes in all of Russia's pipelines as they look like Russians.
Then there is Poland just itching, begging, pleading and hoping that Russia dares to come over and knock out it's new missile defense shield. Poland will probably make certain it is built by some orphanage for good press coverage when Russia blows up orphans as Polish super surface to air missiles knock out Russian plane or missiles.
There might even be some weeping Russian pilot saying he is sorry, but Vladamir made him do it.
The entire Slavic eastern European area is now going to be looking at ways to funnel support into the North Caucasus Military District to make life hell for Russia, before Russia punishes them for flipping Moscow the bird.
The Caucasus does not make the news in all that is occurring there, but there are numbers of very displeased peoples there. The worst problem Russia has been having is these freedom fighters or terrorists have been running around kidnapping Russians and or their proxies.
The site of the 2014 Olympics had a major terrorist bomb blowing up Russians the first week of August.
The entire region has been in war games from the month of July into the invasion of Georgia which was the last day of the second wave of war games.
The Caucasus from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea is filled with areas if Russians enter there, they do not leave alive.
This is now what Russia faces in Rothschilds, the Brzezinski CFR, Americans, Slavs, European Muslims, Saudi's and the "pocket peoples" of ethnic groups who want their own Ossetian independence from Russia.
The order of battle for this is going to come right out of Iraq where Sadam's Islamocommunists were counseled after the American invasion to fight a guerrilla war.
In logic as Russia is big, the various forces now seeking revenge will go small. They will use IED's and some of the best sniper rifles in the world to make Russia bleed.
One has to examine the North Ossetia and South Ossetia region as it is divided by the Causcus. At the beginning of August, the crack Russian 47th and 7th paratroopers were in maneuvers in that very area practicing for, "The attack of 200 armed insurgents who would come out of the mountains and attack Russian cities".
South Ossetia is a nightmare area to try and defend for guerrilla warfare. It is a little Pashtun region by Afghanistan. If you have ever been there, it is beautiful country of high hills and mountains, ranges to dry conditions so it is healthful for snipers living for weeks in the woods and wilderness, which also makes it perfect for cache's of munitions and the ability to move unseen by surveillance.
South Ossetia is surrounded by mountains with only one good connection to North Ossetia in a tunnel. It is Fort Apache sitting in Indian country Vietnam as the Marines learned there.
All sorts of bad things will now happen to conscripted drunken Russian soldiers. Georgian snipers will not blow up the tunnel to North Ossetia which they should have done to stop the Russian actions, but will instead use it as a choke point for attacks.
Russian soldiers will wander off into the night and find themselves captured and tortured now by Georgians who are going to pay back the Bear in spades.
This is going to spread as Poland, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine and Georgia will with various underground routes provided by Kosovo, the Russian mafia human traffic and opium trade and Saudi Arabian Muslim connections are all going to be getting their pound of Russian flesh.
This time though it will not be Russian FSB and GRU in Iraq. This time it will be American CIA and Naval CIA feeding satellite intelligence and intercepts to Chechen rebels, Georgian snipers and all of those other groups who are going to be stinging the Russians.
The methods which Russia used to make America bleed are the methods Mr. Brzezinski and Mr. Gates will see to it that the next American President assists Russia to bleed in payback.
It is a definite with Sec. Rice forcing the Georgia President to sign this peace humiliation, that already days ago the United States has been setting up a Polish, Kosovoan, Saudi lines of action as President Sarkozy of France has kept Russia busy in diplomacy.
The same basic system which Ronald Reagan, the Pope, German Lutherans and Saudi Arabia utilized to cripple the Soviet Union is now going to be an American President, Orthodox Slavs, European Muslims and the Saudi network to make Russia bleed.
This is not going to be that communist cell activity like in Iraq where it was foreigners running the attacks and video taping it like sport for their own egos. This is people on a mission native to the region with a long grudge concerning how Russian soldiers raped their mothers and grandmothers and they had to take it.
South Ossetia is the perfect arena to kill more Russians on both sides of that tunnel than America lost in Iraq.
There will be now more terror attacks inside Russia proper and a concerted effort to kidnap more Russians as this spreads.
It is so important to understand this last point. Everyone has mocked the United States in not being able to kill bin Laden. Russia has her own bin Laden in Doku Umarov of Chechnya.
This Umarov is sitting in the equivalent of Texas in the United States, had 2 wars with a Russian division pounding him for years, and yet, the Russians can not get this guy or his forces, and, he just threatened Russia audaciously on July 30th and he can back it up.
Mr. Umarov thought the Russian build up was to attack him, but the Russians do not want any part of this guy or his military.
Not a good thing if you are a Russian division having that on your flank and Georgia on your front.
Russia can not even control nor police it's own territories in the Caucaus. It has the Black, Crimean and Caspian seas as gaping holes to move terror traffic around, along with the mountain ranges no one can patrol effectively. This entire area is the perfect guerrilla warfare situation.
100 sniper teams (Shooter with spotter) 50 Tow missile teams (1 spotter, 2 mules to carry and launch) and 10 Stinger missile teams (2 spotters and 1 fire and control) for a total of 380 troops which Georgia and the various insurgents have trained can and will bring absolute disaster to the Russian Caucasus force.
There is nothing more demoralizing the Russians found out than a small army with guns like in Afghanistan making your unit bleed daily like a banshee howling in the night.
Russia had a contained civil war on it's hands, but now it has a supported civil war by people who have the ability with very small investments to turn this into a real civil war.
Perhaps this will not sting Americans so much any more in Bill Clinton "fixing" the Russian Sunburn missile now facing the US Fleet from Iran nor those IED's going off in Iraq, when they consider it was Russian FSB and GRU who were helping perfect the al Qaeda IED's in Iraq like it was Russian GRU who taught al Qaeda how to strike M1 Abrams tanks to cripple them.
What the Russians perfected is now going to be turned on them with vengeance in the Caucasus.
Maybe as the commentators point fingers on this and that, they should not be so jumping to World War misconclusions, but instead seeing a Russian Civil War is the war initiated.
The Russians are not going to be smiling about their run in the next several months as winter is coming on. They will either have to be more belligerent in the spring attacking eastern Slavic nations or sit there and bleed.
Assessment dictates they will bleed for a number of years as they blinked in allowing America to fly in Georgian troops and humanitarian supplies, while the BBC showed photos of pretty Georgian girls crying as their homes were burned and looted by Russians and Ossetians retaliating.
That is what South Ossetia is about. Georgians demolishing a city Russia will not rebuild, but allowing for a fine array of targets for snipers to kill from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea.
Russia now has 2 of it's 3 spears meant for Europe engaged, one in the Caspian and the other in the Caucasus. They can not invade Europe with only 1 spear.
The gambits had better work though, because if battle only hones Russian troops, in time Europe will be the one bleeding in millions dead and Ossetia will not even be remembered..