It seems almost too much for good natured people to really understand what is right or wrong or why Barack Obama is wrong for the United States of America.
In this the attempt will be made to explain why Mr. Obama will harm the not only the American citizen, but citizens of the world.
The world is divided into two philosophies. One is God oriented and the other is human oriented. One is responsible liberty oriented and the other is enslavement control oriented.
The God based philosophy deems that only God is perfect and people struggle their entire lives to grow to be better people by moulding their choices they make freely and be responsible for them for their care and in caring for others.
One can hear this philosophy in the American words, "We hold these Truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.'
The human oriented philosophy can be heard in the words of Karl Marx, "Workers of the world unite. Religion is the opiate of the masses. It allows the elite to control the masses and by it the masses are taught to suffer in silence".
The essence of this is if people unite in a mob that through revolution in trusting in their own force and establishing a new government free of God and using human judgments the mob will then be god delivering themselves.
Barack Obama is an abandoned child fused at approximately 10 years old. Recent American history had such a President in Lyndon Johnson whose mother would refuse him her love if he did not succeed.
Mr. Johnson would invest his entire life in that psychopathy attempting to be loved by the American people. Good things can come from this in his helping bring electricity to the Texas rural areas, but when he decided to end poverty by expanding the FDR socialist system in taking money from people who were earning it and giving it to people who do not work in the plus trillion dollars now, all that has been accomplished is the ruining of many blacks and hispanics in destroying the family structure and their moral codes in religion.
This Great Society as it was called by Lyndon Johnson bankrupted the United States and it is growing by epic proportions yet.
President George W. Bush, who is not a Conservative, but a socialist with leanings toward William F. Buckley's "big brother" policies, attempted to ruin the Democrats in spending this money to buy poor people's votes by spending it all and then in "rebates" has been corrupting the working Americans by first taking their money and teaching them the government hands out checks.
His policy is equally wrong in creating massive debt which is sold to foreign nations and then via inflation and deflating the dollar robbing them of their investment in American bonds.
Mr. Obama seeks in an almost 1 trillion dollar collection from Americans who are working to create a fund where their money is given to "poor people" around the world.
This might sound like a noble thing, but what this will do is exactly what it is doing in America now.
First, it will take the self worth of people in removing their God given ambition to work to better their lives through challenges.
Second, it will create a bureaucracy like in America where now billions of dollars are being used to employ people to run this welfare state where nothing is produced and that money is not helping to advance poor people.
Third, just as the World Bank dumps billions of dollars onto poverty nations, that money is not ever given to the poor. Instead it ends up in communist dictator's accounts and is deposited back inside European banks benefiting the same globalist elite.
This is the reason Paul Wolfowitz lost his position at the World Bank, because he was changing policy so that money was going to individual Africans. The financiers were about to loose billions of dollars in money skimmed, so they removed Mr. Wolfowitz.
President Kennedy was attempting the same Lincoln type currency transfer in Kennedy silver certificate dollars, but was removed like Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Wolfowitz.
Barack Obama's major poverty policy will only enrich communist dictators even more, impoverish America more and make poor Africans more expendable in starving them to death for when grant money is doubled, these dictators can like a carrot farmer have fewer vegetables to contend in expenditures with while doubling his money.
The world is not going to operate on Mr. Obama's intentions. History has proven otherwise with leaders more adept than him.
For example, Theodore Roosevelt who was a student of Alexander Hamilton understood fully the need for a strong central bank for raising funds in national emergencies such as war or building the Panama Canal where high taxes to fund such projects could instead like Lincoln in bonds be stretched out to be paid over years by people with extra money who could afford it.
Mr. Roosevelt though did not foresee that the Rothschild European financiers would with their employees of the Rockefellers and Morgans would take the Federal Reserve and make it their own money printing operation benefiting themselves.
The same is true for Ronald Reagan when he was effectively creating "free trade" in North and South America. He had reformed dictatorships into Republican forms of government in Chile, Brazil, El Salvador etc.... and these peoples were prospering and buying American goods.
Mr. Reagan did not foresee that these same financiers would swoop into Brazil for example and give that government low interest massive loans to which like they did to Americans farmers in the 1970's, and then took low interest rates and boosted them to 20 plus percent bankrupting the system, all for the purpose of gaining complete control in establishing a communist regime to more easily glean funds from a nation.
That is the point of the God based system in His system expects people to work and to profit from their labor by how much they choose to work and to keep their money. The human based system seeks to have people working for the entire system where they do not keep their rewards, but are instead gathered through taxes, inflation or interest to be managed by the elite on top.
The God system always provides the opportunity to advance each human while the human system entrenches the human to exist in the place they will never get out of.
Mr. Obama's system is open and exact in creating conditions which are Marxist. His words of "hope" and "change" are not of the hope of God for a transformation to a better person, but a mandate of revolution to create a more refined system to control the mob.
Words indeed do mean things. It is often distressing for me whenever I read commentators speaking of "revolution" as what is required. Revolutions are horrid things. In America, most of the founding fathers either died, had their property seized, lost their families and literally when they pledged all they had, they lost all they had.
Thomas Jefferson who was so enthralled in his democracy revolution after destroying federalists like Alexander Hamilton and John Adams looked back and beheld his beloved French Revolution. It cost the French an entire empire. It cost them 11 million murdered citizens and it bred a Napoleon which slaughtered all of Europe.
People like Mr. Obama who speak of revolution are either ignorant juveniles or masochists in loathing their own nation. Revolution is nothing someone believes in. Revolution is only something of the absolute last resort. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and yes even Thomas Jefferson did not want change nor revolution at the start of this in 1760. They wanted to be good British citizens and prosper as free subjects in the British Common Law system.
It was only after the British were seizing American goods, taxes them for "British operations around the world", seizing American citizens and as Patrick Henry witnessed the British soldiers scourging an American clergyman leaving his back shredded and bleeding that these citizens took the step to throw off slavery of the human system and attempted in God's grace to advance their responsible human rights.
Mr. Obama does not have the slightest idea what he is speaking of. He blames his white mother which is America for abandoning him and as it is always children who hate the parent they are with and love the fantasy far away, he chose his communist African father and chose to emulate the Marxists of color like Frank Marshall Davis so "mommy would love him".
This is why Barack Obama is driven to change or bring to revolution the American system from the social democracy it is now to a Marxist system as that is what he is suffering inside his psyche from.
Study his border buster policy which is an advancement of the corrupt policy of George W. Bush and even John McCain. It is a system where Latino labor is imported into the United States for corporate kickbacks. (The construction industry for example states they pay Pepe Gonzales 12 dollars an hour, but only pay this illegal 6 and the industry pockets that money and gains the full amount of that on tax deductions which profits them. So in essence each American industry is making 18 dollars an hour off of each illegal alien.)
These Latinos then send money to their own socialist nations to prop them up. The money not sent home is then used in shanty housing, buying up low priced vehicles and necessities of life which funnels all back into higher prices in the real estate, housing and automobile markets enriching robber barons even more and burdening Americans even more.
I have pointed out that Barack Obama is of the Ugandan Luo tribe which moved into Kenya displacing other blacks in war stealing what property they had. These Luo people were never slaves, but of a system which hunted down, captured and sold to Europeans the ancestors of people like Oprah Winfrey and even his wife Michelle Robinson.
Barack Obama is seeking to expand this same system which is one of the most hideous forms of human traffic ever known in the history of the world. He brings in poor people, supplants the Americans and makes Americans pay for health, welfare and criminal confinement of these slaves and then uses the slaves own money to buy their votes so he can be elected the deus el presidente.
This is Barack Obama's revolutionary system which is no different from the one which Nimrod laid the first stone for in Ninevah thousands of years ago and degraded to in the Tower of Babel enslaving all mankind in a one world order.
From his infanticide which mirrors the Molech child sacrificial cult to the flattery of Antichos Epiphanese of the Greek Empire to tell anyone what they want to hear to cement power and dispose of them later, this is Barack Obama policy.
His delusions have him creating material illegally which shows him as President of the United States with the Presidential Seal selling it for profit. He created his own "brown shirts' jihad 1000 points of darkness to render a Kristallnacht against all who dare in New York Times media to bloggers like Lawrence Sinclair exposing Mr. Obama's bisexual nature, to silence all detractors.
Right now in my personal email account at Yahoo, there is one of these Obamadine fighters wiping out incoming emails and as I file complaints they change the protocols and the email starts working again, only to start again in a few days wiping out my emails again.
Barack Obama has initiated a human system based in Marxism, Fascism, god king, jihadism and a form of psychopathy which will rival Caligula in insanity.
As noted, good things can come out of government. Theodore Roosevelt broke up monopolies impoverishing people. He created our national parks and conservation system. He created our food protection system and he believed in the Monroe Doctrine of the free Americas with America keeping it's big stick might ready, but not striking out and bashing nations over the head as first policy.
Mr. Obama seeks to create monopolies for control. His entire Zibigniew Brzezinski foreign policy is one of fomenting smaller wars to crumble western rivals in China and Russia, while inflaming Mulsims to do the battle.
Enslaving the world and adding to conflict is not in the least good policy for the United States of America from this eastern transplant of the Pacific realm with communist African roots with Marxist motherings.
No matter what Obama supporters think in their utopia they are not going to change Barack Obama. He is the policy or psychopathy and he can not change himself as he is in revolt against himself inside.
There is a much better way in keeping this system of America and unshackling it and her people as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan attempted to implement.
Thomas Jefferson knew the basis for a free people was their being armed and using those arms to defend their homes and property answering to the moral codes of God termed the 10 Commandments.
Mr. Jefferson never advocated a separation of Church and State, but instead was warning against the government from ever establishing a national religion like Barack Obama's Black Liberation religion.
Onto this building block of property to create wealth was Benjamin Franklin's proven methods that as each American worked, and kept their profits from that work, then the entire agriculture, mining, forestry, fur natural resources would couple with manufacturers in adding to the value of that product produced and American merchants would sell that production around the world in trade.
Mr. Franklin proved that in this way, every segment of the population worked together and prospered together, so the entire nation was wealthy instead of a few elite at the top.
John Kennedy attempted to restore a balance in the federalist system by printing his Kennedy dollars which were free of the financiers loan shark charges as it was Americans producing money which was soundly backed by real goods instead of the dollar now which is printed in mass according to the needs of the robber barons.
Ronald Reagan initiated the free trade policy not to impoverish Americans to Walmart wages, but instead as like Benjamin Franklin, his policy was to bring American high wages to all of the Americas in advancing prosperity instead of what the globalists are now accomplishing in making Americans try to subsist on Mexican and Chinese wages.
The American System works extremely well. Milton Friedman who refined the Adam Smith and Benjamin Franklin plan was invited to create a working program for eastern Europe which he did before his death. Right now as socialist France, Germany, Italy, England etc.... struggle under Obama Keynesian monetary policy which manages growth, the nations of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic are having record growth through investment and production.
The American System produces and when it produces it creates a people free and a citizen who can afford all their life necessities and retirement necessities. The American System produces security in being an economic power which other nations seek to be in business with so they can prosper with instead of attacking it in terrorism.
The American System supplies through trade in commodities both raw and complete to adversarial nations who being supplied by America find it too valuable to attack with conventional and nuclear arms.
Barack Obama is the antithesis of the America System. His system is European elitist colonialism meant to manage second and third world nations for the purpose of raping those economies while American workers in groans fund the system.
It is no coincidence that the people from George Soros, socialist Germans, the robber barons of Rothschilds and Rockefellers, Islmaocommunists, Russian Bolsheviks all flock to Barack Hussein Obama as their "change" as he is implementing the last phases of the world revolution of workers of the world uniting behind a government god for their salvation which will be enslavement.
This is why Barack Obama is bad for America and the world. He will break the system and this breaking will cause a world war.
The left must understand their policies are setting the stage for poverty and world destruction of billions of people. There are "more perfect" ways to assisting the poor and stopping violence. It does not though involve Obama policies.
No one is going to change Mr. Obama no more than his globalist backers, but the robber barons can be made to understand that they are going to bring the house down on themselves this time and their sacred geometry and rites are not going to initiate the false tree of life they are creating as the frequency requires God to make this tuning fork work for humanity's transformation.
One can not create free people from a system which enslaves them no more than one can create the immortal from the consumptive dark forces. The Tree of Life is a Tree of Light and not a Tree of Darkness.
The globalist can work their experiment in photonic physics and Obamanisms, but they must understand that a shining city on a hill, namely America must have an untouched people genetically and an American System to fall back on once the illuminated find out their experiments fail.
Let the Eurasians with their bloodlines and systems be the Obama laboratory, but leave the Americas to their God given system as the safety line. Robber barons can profit even off of that.
So to let America reject the Obama system of the world, that his benefactors can install him president of Kenya where he is a citizen and he can practice there being an Islamomarxist siphoning off several million dollars a year from his poor starving people as he imports refugees to be slave laborers and smokes fine Cuban cigars on his veranda with an electric fence to keep the people out, telling himself with a fist butt to Michelle, "Our troops shot 400 rioters today. Would you like a strawberry with your champagne?"