When was the last time you saw, heard or read Vladamir Putin, George Bush, John McCain or Barack Obama actually using foul language in a public forum?
They might get caught once in a great while in conversation, but their habit is never express themselves with gutter language as everyone who has any capability knows speaking in those terms means one is out of control and an extremely weak personality.
So one side can call Putin a beast, McCain insane, Bush retarded or Obama queer in gutter language, but in the end throwing terms around without sound reasoning it reveals how utterly inept the accuser is.
As no defense, but as fact, this blog uses terms and definitions exactly as they are meant and purposely adheres to not using foul words as it distracts readers from the point and adds nothing to the commentary.
There was only one inspirational speech in the history of this world which used foul language, and it was Gen. Patton in a specific instance with green troops, who he wanted to shock into giving them an edge so they might stay alive in a few more numbers.
Otherwise even Patton in his memoirs which are outstanding will never resort to gutter language as it has no purpose except in showing one has lost the argument.
The world currently is lined into various camps of languages. There are the Russians, eastern Europeans, central Europeans, western Europeans, Chinese, Indians, American alliances, the Chavez communists, the South American fascists and Republics, the Islamocommunists of Asia and Africa with the north African Muslims.
In looking at the above, I will simply state, it will make no difference if Barack Obama is elected or if John McCain is elected in the broad scope of choices. I will be staying in the United States and backing the United States utilizing all the leverage I do muster to swaying that government to take up the better course.
Resigning from the world or checking none of the above is not an option ever.
As so many people fight in elections or are writing commentaries for profit or to feed egomania, the one fact eludes the points in a self hatred of all things American in that if the people complaining about America, Britain or whatever western nation of their nativity were to show up in Russia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, Europe to China, they would receive a rude awakening without the umbrella of the United States government they detest led right now by George Bush which is all silently keeping them safe.
For those who have really played in the real world in seeing children grab for human feces to eat in war zones to keep from starving, had a group of Libyans come for you because 3rd world peoples never will take on two or three Americans even in a mob, but require single odds to attack, to the fun of being shooted over a little or feeling the sting of shrapnel, it all has a different meaning when an American flag unfurrels and it doesn't matter what kind of American it is talking, because you have experienced the fun it is to stand down alone against a mob who will murder you in the blessed foreign lands.
So this blog takes great exception to the foul mouthed for the weaklings they are and by experience knows that the worst America produces in better than the best other nations churn out.
This blog has been forced to invest great amounts of time in producing information exclusively concerning Sen. Obama for the good of the American nation.
For example, in Mr. Obama's acceptance speech detailed he was going to cut taxes on 95% of the United States citizens, the Po Folks.
No one is going to take this apart except here showing what a disaster that will be, because Mr. Obama has to raise the money for his 4 trillion new spending on health care, world welfare checks to dictators and education.
Mr. Obama is going to go after corporations.
For those uninformed people who are cheering, "YEAH STICK IT TO THE RICH!", there needs to be an understanding they have overlooked.
A corporation is in the business to make money for investors who are risking their money. One of the attributes is it creates jobs for the people cheering and it creates cheap products for all people to make their lives better.
So now Barack Obama cuts Po Folks taxes which are about six hundred to three thousand dollars are year and goes after corporations to fund his agenda.
The problem is corporations, even oil companies are not printing their own money. They have booms and busts in cycles and their reserves are used to invest in new projects or infrastructure. Things cost billions and millions of dollars for major companies.
So Mr. Obama taxes for example General Mills which makes your cereal as he will all corporations. General Mills is not going to be able to absorb several hundred million dollars in taxes, so it will take your 3 dollar a box cereal and charge for it 10 dollars.
Who ends up paying for Mr. Obama's corporate tax increase? The answer is the poorest Americans by virtue that they spend a greater percentage of their income compared to a billionaire like Warren Buffett on food.
So Mr. Obama's 95% tax cut for Americans will mean at least a doubling of inflation in the United States and the people like you reading this who were only paying a few thousand dollars in taxes originally will in the end find they are paying in excise taxes (hidden and passed on taxes) double their rate in their cereal, cars, repairs and yes even your bank will start charging you for things you never were charged for before.
Barack Obama's tax cut is going to cause epic inflation and where on earth have you read that fact except in this blog?
That is the greatest of problems in the experts are so busy typing something to be the shining light of the moment that they are incapable of reasoned deduction of what is exactly occurring. The internet is rife now with cut and paste comments which simply is a coffee clique chattering away.
Just do a search sometime for items or references and numerous times you will find dozens of sites all listing the same exact phrase from an original source.
America is now divided into 5 camps. Anarchists with profiteers, Marxist socialists, Christian Patriot Conservative, the patrician nation rapist and the group who are spacetakers who could not tell you Washington, DC is not a state, but a city.
Senator Obama last night spoke of cutting capital gains taxes for poor people and one could hear the revulsion in his Democratic followers, because they have all read on Huffington, DailyKos and various leftist sites this is a "Republican tax cut", so it must be evil.
Stopping the government from taking people's money is never evil, but it should be for the rich as well as the poor, because rich people spend their money on the things poor people make and poor people buy the things the rich people produce for their daily needs.
It is called an economy.
From a perspective in one instance, Senator Obama supports biofuels which will be extremely good for America as it will dump billions of dollars into the farm economy where there still are family farms. Farmers and Ranchers are notorious for never saving a thing, but they always spend it on products other Americans are making or selling.
That is good for America as that money stays in the United States and does not end up in a European Rothschild bank.
Is Mr. Obama a messiah of goodness for doing this? Not in the least, he is simply helping out the Tom Daschle wing of Frankenfood agriculture with the Chicago traders who will make billions off of the biofuel industry.
That does not make it bad in the second city cartel is profiting as most of America will profit, but what makes it something which can be horrid is when these corporations who are now driving up the price of American farm and ranch land that people will not be able to afford it and in corporate farms they will pollute the environment.
It is in this that Vladamir Putin is not all evil and not all good, just because someone does not like George Bush, George Soros or Nathaniel Rothschild in the other George of Georgia.
Mr. Putin has every right to his own nation, but in the 90's he signed off on the Bolshevik Manifesto which called for a united Europe under the Kremlin from Dublin to Moscow. It also called for the implementation of a proxy Islamic war against the United States and western Europe.
Zbigniew Brzezinski created the Isalmic terrorists, but Mr. Putin was adept in taking al Qaeda and turning it against the United States for the 9 11 attack. The Russian FSB and GRU have been coordinating terror attacks with their satellite and intelligence information for the entire Iraq War as it benefits Russia to tie up the United States.
Everyone on the internet now can quote Zbigniew Brzezinski in saying he suckered Russia into its own Vietnam in Afghanistan. The Truth is Russia was going into Afghanistan anyway and the Brzezinski people just hastened it.
Everyone does not know though that Russia knew America was going into Iraq anyway as it was part of it's national interests and Russia simply helped America where she was going and made certain she bled. Some of the commentators who were rubbing this in and bashing America did so out of genuine angst, some were agents of Marxism and some like Robert Spencer were allowing racial terms on their sites which were pure hate against "those people over there" to abandon them to death.
What is lost in this is bad things happening to America still harms those people in America disagreeing with the policy and good things happening to Russia makes life more difficult for an individual American citizen as they are caught in the crossfire.
Vladamir Putin does not get up everyday being a saint. He is quite murderous when he chooses to be and by the same reasoning Barack Obama does not get up being the messiah, but instead acts out in his own selfish interests to gain what he desires.
All of this leads back to the knowing that elections in America are not about voting for St. Paul. One reasons which will do the least harm in elections, attempts to gain by a group into power and then daily keeps watch as for instance in forcing President Bush to put Conservative pro firearm justices on the Supreme Court who will vote pro life for the best outcome in American's lives while at the same time finding ways to stop bad policy without tearing down the government which is for the most part protecting the ability to debate.
This blog might not appreciate Barack Obama, John McCain and deems these other foundlings stroking their egos running for president as culls, but these are the horses in the race one has to deal with in this cycle by going to the whip.
Barack Obama chose Joe Biden due to his being a thug and someone who at least knows where Georgia is in answering the CFR of the Rockefellers.
John McCain who is a socialist was forced by the voice of this blog and others which has been beating on his choice for Vice President, for a woman and a Conservative. Mr. McCain wisely listened and chose Gov. Palen of Alaska, not for electoral votes, but because the woman stood up to her GOP crooks in Alaska and brings with her Alaskan oil which she wants to gush on the United States.
In this choice for energy reasoning, John McCain with Gov. Palen trump Barack Obama in dirty coal and natural gas, because the Alaskan fields might open up with them in the White House which will mean deflation in the cost of living as in the Reagan years.
IF and if America has that policy, then it means that she can get out of the Middle East and instead support eastern Europeans as a fort dealing with what is occurring in Russia so they are the one's dying and fighting and Americans can stay home and build their lives.
Too much is being made of catty attacks on George Bush or Vladamir Putin. They are both doing what they do for their national interests. What needs to be examined is what nag in this race in America is going to keep us from getting into a Eurasian world war, going to make America energy neutral and implement a policy to stop this imported illegal slave labor out of Latin America.
Those are the issues and Mr. Obama can learn a great lesson from the people of Latvia, Lithuanian and Estonia who have implemented Milton Friedman's economic policy which Mr. Obama was scorning last night.
In those states poor people pay no taxes and all other people pay 23%. Their economies are prospering at 6% growth compared to the stagnant western European socialist economies and are the working solution for a healthy society.
It is not about attacking any leader or potential leader, but it is about choosing the best policy and then in a group leveraging enough voice to get a better deal.
Long ago at the Constitutional Convention a Founder stated, "When you are in the minority talk. When you are in the majority vote."
America needs reasoned examination and solutions in our discussion backed by facts no matter what the vote is so a better outcome will result.
Mr. Obama is not a good choice for America as he is a Marxist with a thug fascist as a running mate.
Right now, Mr. McCain being a socialist has an American Conservative as a running mate with morals, someone like that can check Mr. McCain from his acting out enough that he will be delayed where Americans can voice a better policy he will have to follow.
The end result is a good healthy distance by a McCain administration from Mr. Putin in Russia which is what America requires and having east Europeans do their own warring as they are capable of accomplishing that.
Mr. Obama will have America in spitting distance as she is now under the Brzezinski doctrine and in nuclear spitting that is unhealthy.
Will Mr. McCain stop the patricians from getting all they want and doing as they please. Not in the least, but in this scenario a better deal in Americans keeping more of their money which translates into freedom is a world above the Chicom Marxist scenario of excise taxes Mr. Obama will ruin what is left of America with.
I will not quit America though no matter the who is in the White House and I hope that Americans will not quit the government either as the solutions to problems is what this nation requires and that genius only comes from a God given wisdom provided to the united people.