Somehow I always tune into a different program than what panting pundits like Judy Woodruff, Mark Shields and propagandist historians like Michael Beschloss are relating they are seeing as it is not what I was viewing.
Tonight was no exception as I tuned into PBS to see what Barry Obama was up to as messiah at Mile High Stadium.
As the wind was blowing to be a distraction in hair fluffed, skirts being flared on women to even the messiah's papers almost blowing off the podium, I was so hoping to see a weather miracle like Jesus commanding in, "BE STILL", but the wind kept blowing and messiah Obama could not even quiet the crowd until the applause lights were off.
It was sad watching Barack Obama at Mile High Stadium with a crowd looking like they were attending the Letterman Show crossed with a Jimmy Swaggart revival when football fans recall John Elway thrilling real fans in that stadium who were cheering someone they loved and were really excited over.
Except for the occasional weepy women who probably were missing their late night prescription drugs in suffering from delusions of being a messiah groupie, most of the crowd in Denver were looking like Pharisees in wanting to see a prophet do a miracle and all they got was a Barry who didn't believe a great deal of what he was saying by his body language.
Beschloss the historian thought Obama's speech was greater than John Kennedy's acceptance speech. Apparently, the weeping schizophrenic women didn't miss their nightly dose, but Beschloss stole them and was chugging them all.
The Obamalution Revolution of Change Yes We Can though was brought down from the mount and Moses messiah Obama carved it in stone on the teleprompters as the "I am my brothers keeper and I am my sisters keeper" testament to America.
It is always nice to know that big brother Obama is going to be sticking his federal police nose into every citizen's life, well just the ones who don't agree with his mandates.
I think America finally found out why Barack Obama is nuts though in thinking he is the messiah as it was due to a lack of sleep, because in the opening boring video, the public was told Stanley Ann Dunham or Mama Obama used to get up Barry at 4:30 AM every morning to do a review of his homework.
While Barack tried to relate this for the reason it mattered somehow, I was wondering how much of a moron his mother was in NOT DOING THIS EVENING BEFORE SO THE KID COULD SLEEP.
Apparently, that never occurred to good Mama Obama in not abusing the kid.
America also found out that Barack Obama is a cheap date or someone like Lenin who asks a girl out and instead of treating her like a lady, taking her to a nice restaurant, finding appropriate entertainment and then some quality time, nope Barry took Michelle to a community organizing meeting in a church basement, left her as he took over the meeting and Michelle Obama told the world this is why right afterwards she fell in love with Barack Obama.
Apparently, she is crazy abnormal too.
America also found out in the movie that senior Democrats had this Obama guy hanging around all the time which they told to go away, but he wouldn't and just kept annoying them.
Now America knows why Teddy Kennedy has dumped this guy on America, as he wants him out of the Senate so he can go back to making waitress sandwiches in peace.
The Obamalution of the speech though that Beschloss so loved started with Barry talking about Joe Biden. Apparently, he has as much faith in Biden as Biden has in him, as soon as he was saying Joe Biden's name, Obama's head was nodding affirmative, but just as soon as he said, about being Vice President, Obama's head was nodding negative.
Great pair Democrats have here in thinking the other is the looser.
Obama also went into negative mode in thinking America will be a better country with him. That is not very inspiring or comforting.
His main economic and energy plans were to end American importing of Middle East oil (this will crash the entire Middle East economy and set those terrorists loose upon the world), to give a tax break to 95% of Americans (this will mean massive corporate taxes on the companies which employ Americans and who will not use their funds to do upgrades on company structure so the entire infrastructure will collapse in 5 years) and switching America to all natural gas which is fine until the price goes 10 dollars a gallon, but Mr. Obama also wants "clean coal". (For the record, clean coal uses billions of gallons of clean water for each power plant to make the steam for the generators. No one who has these plants wants them now for the way they waste water and Mr. Obama should check his Chicago commodity market traders as coal is currently becoming so costly for electrical generation it will bankrupt consumers who need electricity.)
Perhaps the messiah will wave his wand and turn wine into water to solve all these problems.
Barry also wants to educate American children and fix them. Strangely, it was his mentor Teddy Kennedy who President Bush had write the entire education bill for children to fix all things but a few years ago costing billions of dollars.
Barry is also going to give American teachers a raise. The problem is if one does the math, American teachers are earning $50 an hour now on a part time job, but as the messiah has mandated a raise it must be they need to earn $100 an hour.
Perhaps though Dad Ted who caused this mess needs to not be so insulted by son Obama when Teddy is ill from cancer.
Cancer though was a theme in Barack Obama related how his mother was fighting with insurance companies as she was dying. From this, along with Teddy's fixes on health care which caused the imperial problem with American health care, Barack related he was going to mandate that all insurance companies provide insurance to people.
That all sounds messiah like until one understands insurance companies are only able to insure as they are business to make money to pay their own bills. When they start insuring people who will not and can not pay for all the things like from breast implants to cancer patients who think they need a $10 million treatment, it sort bankrupts the company and no one has insurance.
The messiah though will just wave his hand apparently and fix all as he promises all Americans the same insurance which Congress has.
Unless Barry is going to print fake money, it needs to be understood that Congress people do not pay one cent for their insurance. Working Americans pay that bill in taxes.
One can examine right now Tim Johnson of South Dakota, the queen bee of Congressional insurance like Teddy Kennedy.
Mr. Johnson after having brain bleeding had state of the art operations, intensive care and months of private rehabilitation which has now turned into years. With the high tech wheelchair and other devices he has for his lone benefit, Americans have paid around $1 million dollars for one Congressman's mounting health bills.
Teddy Kennedy has that same system. Joe Biden when he had his aneurysm had the same million dollar care.
The problem is when 300 million people all are promised the same million dollar care, it starts adding up into numbers which scientists termed the original GOOGLE as the number was so large it could not be understood.
America does not have google dollars. It does have Democratic Senators getting free million dollar rides while real poor people can't get their bleeding hemorrhoids treated as they lift 50 pound boxes daily injuring them, but they do bleed for free while Tim Johnson rides around in his nice electric wheelchair which is almost as expensive as a car.
Barry messiah though is going to do all of this and protect Social Security too. He must have been in a trance in the Senate when after 2004, President Bush stated he was going to spend his political capital to fix Social Security and Mr. Obama with Democrats stoned the fix to death.
No matter as Barry messiah will pay for all of this projects like $800 million to poor foreigners in handouts by examining how the government books are kept and he will cut programs there.
It must be a messiah thing as he promised he knew better than John McCain how to defend America and take care of Veterans, but in Barry's own policy he just released he was going to gut the United States military to pay for his social programs or his world welfare program for poor Africans. I guess he must really be the messiah as he can cut and increase at the same time.
Barry went into allot of deniability in shaking his head negative as he didn't believe he had the answers nor wanted them.
When he spoke of the same things Bill Cosby spoke of in individual morality and responsibility, Barry shook his head, NO.
When he spoke of supporting Afghanistan in searching for the TaLEEban when the world is Taliban, he shook his head, NO.
When he spoke of dealing with Iran, he shook his head, NO.
When he spoke of defending the United States, he shook his head, NO.
Strangely he shook his head NO in wanting to debate John McCain, but in meeting John McCain he switched immediately to an affirmative.
Perhaps Barry is looking for a new Dad as Teddy Dad is on the fritz.
Barry though assured Americans he was for guns, but was against criminals getting AK-47's. He probably was too busy being messiah to check the FBI statistics to know that no criminals use AK-47's and that Bill Clinton shut down the importation of the semi automatic version which many gun owning Americans were purchasing for targets, hunting and home self defense as they were cheap reliable defensive firearms.
One does not fit an AK into one's criminal pocket and they are not in Cleveland gangs due to Bill Clinton banned their importation.
No matter though for the messiah as who wants to get caught up in things like the facts.
Barack though after this speaking of guns, baby butchering and gays in bridging the divide did not believe a word he was saying as his head was moving negative.
I for one was astounded by Barack Obama's admission to America in what he related on the subject of gays. I was surprised as this has not made national news or the federal courts, because Barry Obama stated this:
Quote: Gay people can not visit their loved one's in hospitals, because they are gay.
End quote.
Barack apparently was sampling some of the crying groupies meds as even on a teleprompter you can't make a mistake reading something like that. This gentleman's brain is fried to even come up in a Freudian euphoric slip with something like that.
Finally as the fireworks started to be lit in the west, Barack Obama spoke of immigrants coming across the oceans and ignored the 30 million illegal border busters ruining the United States in burning up 200 million gallons of gasoline a week which is the chief reason for high fuel prices.
But, I guess when one is the messiah, one can ignore 30 million of his illegal voters as they have forged American driver's licenses saying they too were born in Hawaii at two different hospitals.
It all was a snore as the fireworks went off and Barack with the family and Biden wandered around on the stage all looking like the stadium crowd wondering how to get out of this boring place.
Bill Clinton the night before had genuine cheers in his speech, and whether one agrees with his positions, he gave a political speech which hemmed in John McCain.
Barack Obama in the Beschloss historical extravaganza gave an applause sign speech which hemmed himself in in the worst possible way.
Barack Obama wants to Hugh Chavez America in robbing the people who produce, the companies which employ people and give that money in communist "benefits" where people are working for government benefits so they stay poor, dependent and voting for I, Obama the First in unanimous elections into his pull the feeding tube years.
Barack Obama is not bringing change. He is bringing Obamalution, a revolution where he steals money from people who work and gives it to people who do not work and where "his corporations" make trillions while "evil" corporations not controlled by his government are nationalized in legal theft.
This is the exact system going on in communist China which has 200 million rich people and 1 billion poor slaves without any hope of ever having a future.
Not to worry though as the messiah is on all of this and people like Michael Beschloss and Judy Woodruff give their biased unbiased judgments in how wonderful it is.
It must be wonderful because in 2000 Al Gore's Democrats hated the military, Christians and Americans in their defeat.
In 2004, John Kerry's Democrats changed to love the military, but still hated Christians and Americans.
In 2008, Barack Obama's Democrats now love the military, love God or some kind of god they keep bringing up and also now love Republicans as God and the GOP were more a part of this Mile High Club of Denver than a kidnapped Franklin Graham at a Hugh Hefner orgy.
That was the most religion these delegates have got since they buried JFK and RFK in atttending their funerals.
In reality, I found the Democrats quite bored with all of this and quite boring in pretending to adore Barack Obama.
In the end, I think Bill Clinton was the only Democrat who had it right. He stayed away, probably had some blonde pouring him a beer on a 5280 foot high in the sky flight back to New York and was making plans on attending John McCain's inauguration.
Hillary was probably sticking pins in her voodoo Obama doll from Kenya for fun as she sat in her replica Oval Office playing President.
It is always wonderful when the boring week of the Democrats is over. On to Minneapolis though where at least Republicans don't need to go off their prescription drugs to find a messiah.
Obamalution: come get Marxist absolution for your American sins by being baptized in the Obama of your messiah worshiping schizophrenia
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