It honestly is interesting to actually listen to the Obama advisers when they speak on the issue of Georgia as it reveals so very much.
This evening Richard Holbrooke, of the Obama campaign and Clinton, Kosovo war fame was on the Tavis Smiley program on PBS.
To make no mistake about it Mr. Smiley is the smiling face of liberalism in a quite intelligent package who still gets you the iron fist of Stalin with a punch to your kidneys. He is voting for Barack Obama even if he has to scratch Hillary Clinton's name off a ballot and write it with his own blood.
Mr. Holbrooke would not go that far. He instead would use East Timor blood as it was Mr. Holbrooke and Zbigniew Brzezinski who were thwarting a United States Congressional trip trying to stop US arms flows to the butcher Suharto head of Indonesia. The end result of Mr. Holbrooke and Mr. Brzezinski's illegal weapons dealing was an increased arms flow at the height of the slaughter in East Timor.
As a memory check, Mr. Obama lived in Indonesia, so these are his people. His sister is Indonesian so Mr. Obama has a blood relative of these people and he has on his staff 2 advisers who were involved in the slaughter of these people.
In going for the full 9 yards, Mr. Holbrooke is thee Richard Holbrooke who received a $12,000 bribe from con man M. Larry Lawrence who was Clinton's ambassador to Switzerland of money laundering fame.
Mr. Holbrooke then helped Mr. Lawrence get buried in Arlington National Cemetery where it turned out in the nations place for it's heroes, Mr. Lawrence lied about being in the "merchant marine" being a hero and Congress had his body dug up and buried back in California.
For other festitivities, Richard Holbrooke signed a deal with war criminal Karadžić that if he would not run for office in the Balkans he would face trial in the Hague, most likely instead of being shot.
Karadžić has the papers of the deal and is backed up by the Bonsnian foreign minister. Holbrooke denies it all, but perhaps it is the blood on Holbrooke's hands which makes him less believable than the blood on Karadžić's hands.
So into this pudding of dishonor rode, Richard Holbrooke speaking definitively on Georgia as the adviser to Barack Obama.
His first statements were bizarre as his point was not that the Russians were bad for invading Georgia, but that the Russians were bad because they did it when the Olympics were on.
I kid you not. Richard Holbrooke stated that it was horrid what Russia did as Vladamir Putin sat in Peking at the Olympics, because it was internationally expected from history that no one starts a war while the Olympics are on.
People dying on all sides and Mr. Holbrooke only sees a problem with Georgia "being suckered" as he is relating the story in that they are dying, because this started during the Olympics.
I guess it is too bad the Olympics were not running for the Serbians when the Clintons were bombing their hospitals or Vince Foster would still be alive patting Hillary's bottom if the Olympics were on as no one would dare murder people when the Olympics were on.
Next, Mr. Holbrooke politicized the entire war for American politics by stating this was President Bush's fault as Russia had not attacked anyone outside their borders for 16 years. Apparently butchering Chechens during the Clinton years was wonderful inside Russia.
President Bush also came under fire for meeting with Vladamir Putin after 9 11 and attempting to bring him into the community of nations. Apparently in telling the world Mr. Putin had a soul was incredibly wrong and George Bush should have instead kicked him in the groin according to Holbrooke's thinking.
Even Sec. Rice came under fire, not for making sure the war did not start, but because she flew to Georgia and then back to Poland, but she was not scolded for signing the missile treaty.
No, Mr. Holbrooke passed judgment that Condi Rice sinned, because she did not fly to Moscow and make certain the Russians were withdrawing according to the treaty signed.
Mr. Holbrooke apparently missed the fact that President Sarkozy of France was already in Moscow pressuring the Russians as was decided upon by all European powers with America for the expressed purpose of:
I will type this slowly for Mr. Holbrooke;
See, if Sec. of State Rice, who is American, who is a representative of President Bush, who has a finger which is on nuclear buttons, happens to be in Moscow and Russia does not meet American demands, then the entire United States are embarrassed like a slap in the face.
Europeans will notice that America has been slapped and know that if America does not slap back that little communists like Ahmadinejad in Iran, Mugabe in Zimbabwe and big communists like the Chicoms will start doing things like closing the Persian Gulf, blowing up US embassies in Africa and invading Taiwan.
The reason America was not in Russia and Sarkozy was was for the reason of distance in deniability so a big war would not start.
Mr. Holbrooked missed that point, but did offer to the Russians the fact that America (apparently Richard Holbrooke's CFR America of where he is director) was not going to go to war over Georgia.
Wonderful information to inform the Russians of Mr. Holbrooke, as now they can keep blowing things up in Georgia, dig in and foment such discord that Germany and other Europeans are going to have to arm themselves to the teeth.
Mr. Holbrooke in informing the Russians they can stay and play in Georgia now means that a European arms race is certain and it is almost certain that Poland, Ukraine and a host of small states will acquire nuclear weapons to fend off Moscow.
After all of this Richard Holbrooke, the messiah's adviser then lectured a fictional John McCain being played by the black Tavis Smiley who scared Mr. Holbrooke for some reason in this strange television, he said that Mr. McCain was not to politicize the Georgian events and that we are not all Georgians, but we are all Americans.
That bizarre statement either means nothing, but sounding stupid or Mr. Holbrooke was telling Russia that in killing Georgians he was killing Americans, as Georgians were all Americans too.
That would be a declaration of war or a license for all world terrorists to murder Americans as America was not doing a great deal for her Georgian Americans.
Finally as Mr. Holbrooke faded into the night, he turned to the camera and begged Americans to vote for his pupil, Barack Obama, not because Mr. Obama would do anything, but because Mr. Holbrooke wanted to serve America again in a neat job.
To examine again what Mr. Holbrooke stated as an adviser to Barack Obama, he wanted a US Sec. of State in Moscow bashing Russians around to start a nuclear war.
He declared that all Georgians are Americans to start a nuclear war.
And, President Bush was to slap Vladamir Putin around instead of treating him as leader of Russia, so to start a nuclear war.
This is the person giving the empty suit Barack Obama advice. It honestly was thee most ignorant, inept and idiotic segment I ever witnessed on television.
One can imagine how aghast Zbigniew Brzezinski would be if someone cares to highlight what Richard Holbrooke was prattling on about. The man sounded like Steven Webber of the Huffington Post coming off a bad trip or he sounded exactly like Barack Obama does when he goes off script and starts giving the audience his ideas.
This just keeps getting worse and worse. On one side there is bomb em Brzezinski, the other is Frankenfood Daschle, the other is string up gay Lawrence Sinclair Joe Biden and tonight weighs in Richard Holbrooke initiating policy that even David Rockefeller would find insane, because it is.
Richard Holbrooke is an embarrassment and an absolute danger to world stability.
Oh and Tavis Smiley, the liberal, he thanked his friend Richard Holbrooke and like Barack Obama smiled and never caught on the moron he was listening too was speaking policy that gave Georgia to Russia and he wants a Dr. Strange Brzezinski nuclear war.
Richard Holbrooke, blood on his hands, bribery in his pockets and a song in his heart singing, "Oh for doo dah day Barack Obama".
Beam me up Scottie.