If you ever wondered why American policy toward, against, with and groveling by the Israeli state, the answer is the leader of a group of Jews who wrote Barack Obama's AIPAC Speech, (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) led by the Marxist pictured on the left, Daniel Kurtzer, the Judas Goat of Barack Hussein Obama to not only the American, but the Judean people.
The authors of the AIPAC speech which strangely had Barack Obama sounding more George Bush than George Bush was not in the least of what Daniel Kurtzer believes, but was of his Brzezinski Clique to fool Judeans and Americans who support Israel into believing Barack Obama is "one of them".
This is exactly what the Judas Goat is for. It is a goat which would lead a group of sheep to the slaughter pit by fooling the sheep into thinking it was one of them leading them to safety.
Judas of course is the name of the infamous, kiss of death, who betrayed his Master, Jesus the Christ to the slaughter.
This assembled group was a strange mix of leftists who wrote the AIPAC speech in Daniel Kurtzer, Dennis Ross and James Steinberg.

Mr. Ross is most interesting in being a Democrat in the Sam Nunn line of thinking on affairs. He started his life in the Reagan years when Richard Allen of NSA picked Paul Wolfowitz for the State Department's Director of Policy Planning.
Wolfowitz would then pick an infamous team of James Roche, Zalmay Khalilizad, Alan Keyes and Scooter Libby.
Ross would be known in subsequent years Clinton years in leading the Israeli Arab negotiations as "Israel's lawyer" in being biased on meetings never questioning any leftist Jewish government demands.
Right wing Jews would term him self hating during this period, and yet, Ross is currently in the Israeli state with AIPAC, including Benjamin Netanyahu and Mort Zuckerman formulating Jewish peace ideas.
That is not the Barack Obama nor Daniel Kurtzer crowd. It is for that reason it is deemed Mr. Ross was used to con the American Jewish vote in attempting to get them to vote for Barack Obama as he "speaks their same language".

He was a senior analyst at RAND which is a quasi government modifying society group which gives cover to people like Zbigniew Brzezinski to visit Syria as a "citizen" while making covert policy telling the world Syria can be turned into an ally earlier this year, and yet now with Russia demolishing Georgia, Dictator Assad of Syria was praising Russian actions and is about to host the only aircraft carrier the Russians have in a Syrian port.
James Steinberg unless this jack pops out of the box in some other form is but liberal window dressing marching along being used by the real players giving them cover to con voters into casting an Obama ballot.
The real nasty in this is self proclaimed "Orthodox Jew" Daniel Kurtzer. It was Mr. Kurtzer in his leftist Jewish faction who spread the racist term "neocon" about Jews who used to be leftists, but in the Reagan years became pro American and agreed with the policy of strong national defense.
Kurtzer is the group which has made everyone think the Israeli policy is insane, because it veers from being pro Israeli in a Dennis Ross and then slams back to Jimmy Carter anti semite.
It was this faction which has been coming up with policies which decided under James Baker in the Bush 41 years to bring in a defeated and outcast pedophile terrorist in Yassir Arafat to the neo Syrian Philistine (Palestinian) negotiations.
Kurtzer would be the author of the line smashing Begin policy and dooming the American Jewish immigrants to the Israeli state to the brutality and eating Philistine rockets as Russian secular Jews evicted Jews from their homes in Gush Katif and other areas. That line would be "land for peace". The net result being American religious Jewish settlers are now in ghettos having rockets fired at them with the purpose of breaking them so they flee the Israeli state and leave it for the Rothschild Marxists.
Kurtzer is behind the cleansing of Judea of American and religious Jews.
Most people never comprehend that Marxists run the Israeli state completely allied to European Ashkenaz "Jews" who are of a different race and sect. The reason that is so very important to understand is George W. Bush came into office believing he had a working deal with leftist Ariel Sharon who succeeded in destroying the Likud or Conservative party for Jews.
Sharon was honest in building a security wall and formulating a plan of keeping Jews secure as everyone knew a war was coming and "kill zones" were being set up to deal with the neo Syrian Philistines (Palestinians), Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria.
Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt signed off on this deal as they have had enough of the rampages of the communist "Palestinians". Killing them was the agreed upon answer.
Once Ariel Sharon was removed, Olmert implemented the European plan which was to rid Judea of American Jews, move central European forces into the West Bank with Jordan in control and install a permanent Marxist regime in Tel Aviv to gain the Temple Mount.
Kurtzer and Ross have made a great deal of noise blaming President Bush and Sec. of State Rice for failings which were Rothschild in origin in the United States and the Arabs were expecting one scenario and Kurtzer and his clique were implementing a Pax Europious.
Both Kurtzer and Ross would be screaming about Bush / Rice not being public in the "peace" being offered the Philistines and the Jews. The reason Bush / Rice started making their own "deal" was they knew the entire game was changed on them in betrayal.
Colin Powell was suckered into this being a Rockefeller agent and almost got himself assassinated for it on a trip to the Middle East. It wasn't until almost a year ago that Sec. Rice actually got American control over the situation enough to work a deal with pro American Jews and Arabs where Syria was bombed, terrorists were being assassinated and Ehud Olmert the worst problem for Jews, Americans and Philistines is being leveraged out.
Daniel Kurtzer is the schizophrenic face of bizarre "Israeli" policy which seems to work one moment and explode the next as it is his group exploding the situation.
One might ask where he is today? Citizen Kurtzer was in Syria last month visiting with the another colleague who just happens to be the brother of the wife of the Syrian dictator's terrorist state.
Now if 290 million Americans tried that we would be in prison on our return, but Citizen Kurtzer without any position of authority in the United States government was negotiating for Barack Obama by informing Syrians to keep after Jews to give up the Golan, because President Obama is going to make them return it.
Kurtzer is detested by Jews. The most condescending line about him came when he was messing up US policy in the Middle East under Bush 41 when Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir referred to the little comrade as part of "Baker's little Jews". The Baker was James Baker, Sec. of State.
Very strong words from a Jew about a "Jew".
Kurtzer can be found not praising Clinton nor Bush 43, but he does praise Bush 41 and James Baker, because they allowed him to implement the "herding of Jews" off of their settlements which was as stated the start of ridding the Jewish state of all religious, right wing and American Jews that has now left them in a Warsaw ghetto like their parents were almost 70 years ago awaiting death.
All of the idiocy which is fomenting the hatred and burgeoning war scenario is based in Kurtzer and what has become the Islamocommunist buzz phrase in "the entire problems of the Middle East are all traced back to the Jewish Palestinian conflict".
It is a great phrase when one notices it is communist Assad, dead Saddam Hussein, Ahmadinejad of Iran and Zawahiri of al Qaeda joined by fascist bin Laden all chiming in with the mantra for the simple reason it places it on their enemy of America and religious Jews who will never convert to Marxism as they have in being the problem.
Why does Brzezinski and Kurtzer have such a fixation on making the Jewish people give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Brzezinski is a globalist Marxist. He hates the pretenders of Moscow as much as Chicoms loathe the Bolsheviks of Putin. Brzezinski thinks he can bribe Syria to be his ally. (As noted above Syria after meeting Brzezinski is allowing in the Russian aircraft carrier. So much for another Brzezinski disaster where he will now deem vaporizing them is a policy, but will have the Israeli Defense Forces do it so he is not blamed.)
If Syria would be friends then Brzezinski could use them in his fight against Russia. If not, the key to this though is the Golan, because as a tasty barbeque treat both Brzezinski and Kurtzer can have Syria do their bidding before it dies on the Golan.
This is important, because does anyone know who lives under the Golan?
I will give a hint about the Bashan region under the Golan. The people there begin with American, end with "settlers" and have a middle name which sounds like "religious".
Giving the Syrians the Golan helps these leftists simply drive out another right oriented people out of the Jewish state by bombs in leaving only the Marxists.
It sounds like insane policy and it is unless you are of the Lenin and Stalin schools of allegiance.
I have pointed out that it was communists murdering Sunni and Shia in Iraq and not Muslims. I have pointed out it is Marxists in the Israeli state making war on Judeans there in using communist Hamas to bomb them.
These wars are about communist factions attempting to wipe out rightist American, Jewish and other allied peoples of the same political leanings.
Kurtzer repeats the old lie that there are no moral absolutes in the Middle East in that both sides are not either good nor evil. That kind of propaganda is pure communist and why should Kurtzer not couch his policy in it as he has his brother Islamocommunists of Iran arming Hamas to murder religious Jews and has Americans arming these religious Jews to murder Philistines.
Guess who is sitting in bunkers waiting to rule? Yes, the Marxist Jews are safe in bunkers who are the ones benefiting from this crime.
No one has examined in the least what Kurtzer is counseling Barack Obama in implementing, because it is beyond the insane of the above.
It gets worse in Kurtzer now will implement under Barack Obama not a gradual implementation, but an immediate implementation of "Gaza for the entire Middle East". There is to be no incremental moves any more, but the absolute installing of mandates and Kurtzer sees this as the solution to the Middle East.
If one looks at Africa in how it has turned out without support and training, Robert Mugabe is that face of disaster. The Gaza people now have the same thugs ruling over them as they have no future, but being subjects.
What Daniel Kurtzer is advocating is simple. A complete intermingling without restraints or putting to slaughter American forces placed in the middle of this until war breaks out and murders them all, whereby, scorched earth will have bodies piled up from Lebanon to Gaza to Damascus to Bahshan.
The Olmert Marxists will be alive as they have the bunkers and all their immediate foes Jewish, American and Muslim will be dead.
This will leave a sort of fortress Jerusalem for Rothschilds to put their name on more buildings as a sort of "international capital of peace" where as the rest of the world will agree to such a peace until they are so over armed they turn out to fight a massive Eurasian world war.
Barack Obama might have an excuse as he is an ignorant, self deluded walking psychopathy wanting to be the boy king ruling the world. He sold his soul for this, but there is not any excuse for Daniel Kurtzer in being a Judas Goat leading innocent Americans and Jews to the slaughter.
It is beyond reprehensible in herding Jews into ghettos, allowing Arab communists to be armed to the teeth, exposing Americans in this horror and then blaming that very government and then tossing it all together and saying, "Work it out", knowing it will erupt into mass slaughter and only Kurtzer's clique will survive.
This is about communities of twenty thousand people to several hundred thousand who will be wiped out in a war. This is about a policy where Judeans are going to be blamed for it and so will the United States of America.
This is about in response to that Islamocommunists initiating a nuclear 9 11 against the United States.
Mr. Obama has bought into this disaster of Daniel Kurtzer. The Judas Goat always lives to lead another group into the slaughter. This happened in Gush Katif in his policies and is about to occur throughout the entire region.
It is paramount that American and Israeli state policy reject this insanity before Daniel Kurtzer leads America to the slaughter.