On Wednesday, September 10th, 2008 Barack Obama appeared on the David Letterman show on CBS, he brought with him though this time someone who has never been seen in public, and while the standard book answers of the Obama mindset were condensed in as follows the real interview was with the 3rd person on Letterman's stage:
It is ok to call Sarah Palin a tramp wearing lipstick.
It is ok to refer to John McCain as a pig.
America is broken.
Obama though can take enough American money from Americans to fix things.
That is pretty much Barack Obama in script which does not change in fixed issues of slapping people around, thinking America is broken outside like he is inside and that all it will take for this poor man is to rob people to fix things.
Something happened though on the Lettermen set which no one saw and will be another exclusive here on this blog.
It is no secret that I loath David Letterman. He is a mean person hiding in comedy who uses the basest of smears to attack people who are polite in making fools of them for his political agenda.
Letterman is a Democratic leftist operative who has horrid creatures like Al Franken on cackling at his malevolence, but will in a heartbeat condemn Sarah Palin for not forcing her children to use condoms.
This is the set Barack Obama entered on Wednesday. Letterman was sitting on the edge of his seat the entire interview like a jockey urging his horse to run or a parent begging their child to take a first step.
To say the obvious, Letterman was the dominant male and Barack Obama with often downcast eyes was subordinate and intimidated by him until the third person showed up.
That body language does not in the least sit well for Obama wanting to set across the table from people like Ahmadinejad or Putin as those males are the top of the food chain and the last thing America needs is Obama mirroring or being dominated by them.
In watching, I noticed a very irritating habit of Barack Obama in an incessant use of "UH" and "AND" which I had not noticed before. He usually "stutters" in a way which is not really stuttering, but instead is he just keeps going "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..........".
So I decided at about twenty minutes after the hour to time 60 seconds of his speech pattern and found he went, "UH" nine times in one minute. That means in 20 minutes he was given in a free campaign spot he said "UH" 180 times. In that minute he only said "and" twice, but I know it was more in previous minutes, but what that all reveals is a mind which is not functioning correctly in the Barack Obama mode.
This is what I want to bring out in exclusive as Barack Obama proved this blog profiling of him correctly in the assessment he is a 10 year old child really.
Mr. Obama was relating how at age 11, he took his first trip to the mainland. He specifically stated he was age 11 and not one phrase later in his euphoria over America, Disneyland and remembering his first trip to Chicago, he broke pattern and started talking about, "that 10 year old kid".
He immediately in the next sentence said he was 11 again, but in a deep Freudian slip Barack Obama was telling the world he is a 10 year old inside yet who now has this Barack skin on he has no idea what to do with as he is fooling the adults.
If people could have seen what happened on that stage when he was speaking of this trip and he started speaking faster, the sullen face of Barack Obama disappeared as he spoke of the 10 year old seeing America (10 was the last complete year of age he had before he was abandoned by his mother at age 11), you would have witnessed who I have been stating all along is inside Barack Obama, because for the first time in my watching Mr. Obama, Barry Obama appeared last night on Letterman for several minutes.

This child on stage was endearing, amusing, engaging and absolutely flowering in being allowed to be let out of his prison.
If Barry was the person America was seeing, he would be leading in the polls by 20 points as America grappled with the understanding should a child we love be allowed to play with nuclear weapons.
I do not want people to think all is sugar and spice in this that Barry is still inside who is that smiling, glowing, person, because what this means literally is the persona of Barack Obama he has engineered and engaged is fracturing due to stress in being rejected by America in polls.
People must understand that while one has absolute compassion and sympathy for this child Barry we must also comprehend that an individual with a fractured personality is at a point where he can either be helped or harmed by political hands like David Axelrod, who will cement Barack Obama after he recovers from this trial into a more resolute psyche who might never be able to be helped and as the soul is seared from trials of rejection like this a new Obama will appear more ruthless than the one bashing invalids, handicapped, women, children etc... who now being abused for political gain.
My one warning to David Axelrod is your domestic and foreign crew shattered Nixon and had him talking to paintings. You put Obama into the White House and the pressure he is under now in fracturing him will form a crust which is hard, but soft Barry will still be under it and the first crisis Mr. Obama faces, he will implode. Now you might with Gordon Brown of the UK know you can roll this Barack Obama to your agenda, but you better understand that the Russian FSB and Chinese PLA saw exactly what this blog is revealing here in the Letterman interview and they are already positioning a series of crisis to break Barack Obama into a puddle of mind where they can take whatever they want and as America is in turmoil in needing a visual leader, your "uh uh uh uh" is going to cause a crisis in America where you either remove your Obama and are left with reactionary trigger puller Joe Biden.
You should not have run this Barack Obama and you can not fix him under this pressure.
I know that the cartel reads this blog, because of the traces they leave. If the loggers at the Obama campaign care anything about Barack Obama as much as they say they do, I sincerely ask for his children's sake and his sake that they talk to Barry for America's sake and offer him something to save himself from himself.
Barry has to understand that the Barack he has built is not him. He is a safety shield he hides behind, but it is quite all right for Barry to come out as the past can be dealt with and he does have the right to acknowledge that it is Barry who has brought him to this point and not the Barack skin.
Phil Berg is going to muddy this up for Hillary Clinton one way or the other. Barry, you know very well that your going to godfather Bill Clinton in New York was condescending to you and that the Clintons say one thing and are going to be working for Hillary.
You have major problems in David Axelrod in what he has been doing. You have major problems in David Plouffe in what he has been doing. Hacking and throwing people into prison on false charges are felonies.
I in no way as an American ask Barry Obama to walk away. I ask him to assess impeachment, scandal and a world where he is not going to be facing anything but Russians and Chinese out to get him, Muslims who think they can roll over him and Europeans who think they can manipulate him.
At home, Barry will have your posse brewing violence as your political problems arise not just from the right, but the Clinton New York wing who have been leveraging you.
That is nothing you want Barry as you run from adult John McCain now into the enclave of people pulling all sorts of things you know are wrong and are becoming your worst enemies.
Instead of being Lincoln in the persona you have put on for Barack, I ask you to examine George Washington, in not putting him on, but in relating to Barry in knowing what is right and wrong.
George Washington could have been king, but he walked away Barry. The King of England said if Washington did such a thing he would be the greatest man in the world.
Barry you have the opportunity to become the greatest statesman the United States ever produced in coming forward now and telling the American people there are problems. You know Americans are very forgiving and America is not broke, but they love their own and will protect their own if you tell them the Truth.
I know John McCain, if you go to him and tell him the Truth, he will protect you and I promise that Sarah Palin will do her utmost to protect you too. The GOP is not going to file charges on this and you know very well that the rest of the people who were smeared and attacked by people working for you are good Americans and the moment you do what is right, they will embrace you and just like Lawrence Sinclair, these Americans will become your champions too.
You might not be a natural born American who can be President, but you could serve in a historic position not seen since Washington of actually being in the McCain Administration.
Consider your choice of doing what you want Mr. Obama. A worldwide ambassadorship working on projects you want under the tutelage of John McCain's experience in helping Africans and Muslims. Not healing a broken America which is not broken, but strained repressive systems in the third world with American help.
Imagine Rush Limbaugh being your champion. Imagine this blog which has done it's utmost to bring Barry out to help him, being a blog championing you.
Make no mistake Barry, your economic, social, political and security policies are incorrect as much as a test paper is incorrect. It does not mean you are wrong. It means the answers are wrong, but that can be fixed with serving America instead of trying to lead it.
I blogged months ago that John McCain is the type of adult male you need to grow into the person you want to be. There are Dr. Sowell, Walt Williams and Justice Thomas who are all strong males who will assist you in a way you have always been searching for.
The people you have been attacking were not attacking you Barry. They are Americans and instead were explaining the problems you were facing inside and the problems your policies will bring for everyone.
You remember what it was like at 10 when you got into trouble and how much worse it became in covering things up, because then teachers became involved, but when you dealt with the situation the adults rallied to you and were the first to help you work through situations.
I'm not talking about Frank Davis who harmed you. I'm talking about your Grandmother and Grandfather.
This same mainland America is there. You can build from this in stepping into the future Barry always looked for. It can be better than being President and you will find people who genuinely will help you.
You have to though take the step Barry and leave Barack behind like the costume he is. You came out on David Letterman and I noticed you and so did others. Letterman is too much like so many people you have met in their own self interests. People who care though are in this world, not in the establishment, but in America.
If you would take this step, I would counsel you in any capacity you would like and promise it would always be private providing you were sincere and not hedging like you did with the white folks. I know better than to be conned Barry and this is your opportunity.
I have seen your picture Barry with Michelle in Africa and with Ronald Marsh of the South Side when you come out to talk with people you trust. You are there Barry, but your window of opportunity is closing in fixing things like in school before the Principal comes in.
There is a better way Barry and a compassionate America is there.
Come out that God will bless you as no one even in the opposition to your plans wants the heartache waiting for you and your children.

Can you not see the difference Barry and Barack
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