Normal adults know there are such things that one can do and things which are simply verboten in such events.
Like, you do not make a pass at the widow at a funeral or go into a dying person's hospital room trying to get first chance at buying their home.
Barack Obama's idea though of honoring the dead of September 11th was to first go on the cocktail circuit in appearing on David Letterman's show in order to make it a political event and to make certain to call Sarah Palin the lipstick on the pig of John McCain again.
Next Barack went over to kiss the ring of Pope Bill in his Harlem office which as more room and less rats and cockroaches than all black families have ever experienced except in Madison Square Garden.
The pope though assured the press that Obama would win easily. Bill did not state if he was talking about winning the Hillary lottery where she has him tied to a tree twisting in the wind as she throws dirt clods at him for lousing up her nomination or if it was the election where he is 10 points down and sinking fast.
The third leg on the Obama 9 11 triple crown of disgrace was something I urge all people to witness as it was 10 year old boy disgusting in what Barack Obama did at the memorial.
Picture in your mind the scene of a bright sunny day. John McCain is standing as you look on the left and Barack Obama is standing on the right.
They approach the memorial all solemn looking. Both men step forward with a rose to lay on the memorial of the dead.
I will repeat this point. This is a memorial which represents dead people who are loved, cherished, missed to tears yet by family members who got to bury bits and pieces of their loved ones as concrete grinds bodies up into oblivion. This is a holy site and the holiest of holies in New York.
At this point, 47 year old, basketball playing Barack Obama makes his move.
John McCain 72 year old, broken bodied war veteran makes his move in a body which does not bend as his bones are fused from not being set correctly in Vietnam.
As John McCain is making an impossible attempt at bending to lay his rose on the memorial, Barack Obama THROWS HIS ROSE AT THE MEMORIAL.
The rose whips by McCain who is still struggling to get down and lands in front of him. John McCain then gets to the point he can bend no more and lays the rose down.
Barack Obama just stands there unfazed. He has no idea the slap he has just committed to all of the 9 11 dead and their families.
Of course the press is not going to bring this disgrace up, but this is once again the 10 year old Obama who has no idea how to act in public and the 10 year old who doesn't think any farther than himself.
John McCain had the appearance of understanding the gravity of the situation and the meaning of this site. Barack Obama literally looked like a kid who had better things to do than stand in the hot sun and his response was to throw a flower at a memorial to get it over with.
If you can find the feed on this, it is worth watching because it once again exposes the child Barack Obama is in his reprehensible conduct.
The only part worse in this are his enabling parents in Charlie Rose, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Kiran Chetry, David Letterman etc... all enabling this child when he needs a good spanking to start considering there are other people in this world besides himself.