The problem with the above is there never was a poet, Inya Seryednya. The problem is unless one is an expert on early Russian poets one would not know that as that information would not be plugged into the internet information system to check. The problem is unless one reads Russian, one could have written, "Pour me a vodka and keep them coming" and gone unnoticed except as a Russian literary expert.
The problem is I was communicating to someone important and I now have that groups attention while those who do not know what it is not, can not tell me what in it is the message being sent.
One can communicate in plain site and only by calling attention to it does the public even begin to realize there is more to this world than meets the unseeing eye.
The past weeks Jeff Rense's website has been played with by "hackers". There are all kinds of hackers, some want to brag of their deeds, some can not dare as they are working in a government facility, some can only smile as they do it off the American shore knowing they are getting away with it, but perhaps it might cause something like a future military contract being canceled or a Prime Minister being indicted for their peeing in the American tent.
As no one has decided to come forward and post of hacking like the server overload which for example Lawrence Sinclair was knocked offline with, then perhaps one is dealing with some connected individuals who have a history of Internet creative services.
People have to have reasons to do things, ability to do things, the resources to do things and the cover to do things.
Even ghosts leave tracks on the internet by shadow packets. Of course, would it not be reasonable that satellites would bounce servers to various hubs and if someone had a non serialized mimic computer, they would leave dead ends for "normal ping back activity", but in that once again, tracks are tracks and one knows who you are by operation, skill, resource, method and reason of stories featured.
A logical deduction is this is a "contract" off the book operation, of you do me this service and I do one for you later as "we both do not like Jeff Rense".
In tracking the story flow of Rense, the "me" appears to be the Obama syndicate. As no bragging, nor tracks are appearing, this is a non white individual or group of African or Middle Eastern fraternity.
The problem for Jeff Rense is that he is an agitator, just like the the noted Frederick Douglas the great abolitionist was. Mr. Douglas' single advice to those who cared about America was to "Agitate, Agitate, Agitate".
Like in a washing machine that agitation works a great deal of dirt from the cloth of humanity in the positive.
In the negative, Mr. Rense attracts moles, profiteers spinning tales in egomania, anarchists and people who are deluded.
In that, the cartels which control this world can effectively use Mr. Rense's strengths in his personality against him. They can use truths he exposes in certain events to herd people like Jews into thinking they are under attack to keep them useful as power bases. They can use the Truth like the devil tempting Christ as it always is easier to deceive with the Truth than a lie.
Something was noted of people emailing Mr. Rense with the color of shirt he wore the day before. While I would be certain that must have been exhilarating for Mr. Rense to know his popularity, the issue is though as Kroll runs the Los Angeles security structure in their Chief of Police, William Bratton was working for them, just as he was working for New York and the same surveillance system has cameras hooked into everything in a private worldwide data base reaching Chicago which Kroll assisted after 9 11 to the world, with input of traffic cameras, ATM cameras etc.... which one of geek persona can access, it exposed the senders hand and them to the powers that be.
The point is the email would be interesting if they knew his underwear size and the precise level of his rice milk in his fridge. Otherwise it is a yawn exposing how absolutely not David Rockefeller they are.
Grampa David is the problem in this, not for Jeff Rense, but as I have warned often for the Chicago group who has been drunk with power thinking they actually amount to something.
This is why my blog posted concerning Mr. Rockefeller and what is occurring with him.
Mr. Rockefeller belongs to a religious order as old as Nimrod and with sacred geometry and rites from the origins of mankind. He is not the "high priest". He is from the American order the person of mastery here.
Mr. Rockefeller had a problem with Bill Clinton stealing from the Rothschilds who do indeed present the adonai choshek in not appreciating Bill's shenanigans for which the American left had to answer for.
Those who by passion, delusion and paycheck think the messiah Obama is going to save them when they have been out in the world poking pointy sticks into other's computers and then dragging those inquiring minds back into the ordo are mistaken.
Mr. Rockefeller has seen to it that penance has been delivered of the Clintons. Chicago is still second city, Barack Obama is still a low grade intel asset and people who make news stories and touch the sovereign scope of Mr. Rockefeller will answer on levels they do not comprehend.
Mr. Rense might be the favorite punching bag as the press will not back him, the right he has agitated will not uphold him, the left he has pricked loathes him and the order will utilize his work to their opportunity, but this will swiftly not be about Jeff Rense, but about the order not appreciating zealot creatures bringing attention on them they do not desire.
Joe Biden thinks he is going to prosecute George Bush after he leaves office in a political game. That comment reveals what is in Mr. Biden has as much in common with David Rockefeller as a worm does to a human.
The Bush group might not be Mr. Rockefeller, but as George H. W. Bush informed wayward child Bill Clinton, he knows where the skeletons are buried so one does not mess with the Bush family as it is too costly.
One would doubt by logic this is an Obama in house operation dealing with Jeff Rense or an underling, unless the individual was working a zealot as a freelance, as the tides of battle turn and the George Bush who ordered the Justice Department to seal the Clinton crimes and then took the massive hits in a winter of discontent, is not going to be the same John McCain who likes the dirty tricks or the fruiting of glorious summer's revenge by this sun, David Rockefeller.
Logic dicatates as the cold reality creeps in to David Axelrod and his consorts that their Bidenisms and ICQisms are fast loosing their political canvas as Mrs. Clinton sits upon her chair the pretender was allowed in jest to perform. Barack Obama will now perform for her.
Chris Matthews is experiencing the steel glove and others will feel the retribution for this midsummer night's dream where a messiah was vaunted, but so many amusements were being performed like these racists teaching minorities not to fly too high and repeating the closing act of Kennedy Mac Beth, where old Joe laid in bed from a brain stroke watching his three sons of promise dead and little Teddy telling him he drowned a girl and all King Lear's sons had consumed themselves.
Now though Teddy, grey of years as his own mind slips to the steps of his father, investing all the Kennedy prestige, now watches in silence as Camelot becomes Othello strangling the pretty white Irish lass of democracy to it's death.
If need be, the spectre of Jeff Rense in what the cartel allowed to happen in fervent passions of jungle fever will arise from the pyre to haunt Barack Kennedy in prison terms, infamy and the political castration operative Jesse Jackson promised.
While the ants have been scurrying on the pile, the cartel has been playing this front to back to their amusement as we who salute you are about to perform.
Mr. Obama succeeded in conning David Axelrod, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his wife. He did not con the people who mattered as they see with eyes of another order.
Common sense would dictate that the individuals who have been impassioned for things named Jeff Rense, should have been contemplating when the rightful owners would return from exile in how they will respond when they see someone has been making a mess in their house.