Community Organizer, the title Barack Obama especially likes being defined by is a strange title and either in a confessional slip of Freudian proportions or that of an egomaniac wanting the world to know just how the artful dodger rose from rags to riches, the term Community Organizer is the fraud, filth and philandering of Barack Obama.
I'm astounded no one has bothered to really show who Barack Obama is for the manipulative, money, power pimp he is.
His story starts out in 1985 arriving in Chicago in a broken down car from New York where he soon enough landed a job as "Community Organizer". In 1985, it had a staff of 1 Obama, but in 3 years by 1988 as head of the Developing Communities Project, he had a staff of 13 and a budget from original salary expenses of $70,000 to one of $400,000.
To put it bluntly, Obama tripled government employees and tripled budgets every year from his base.
If Barack Obama does this to the federal government, there is not enough money in the world to feed his Marxist programs and every person in America is going to be working for the government.
At this time, he went to Kenya, and somehow a Community Organizer from Chicago ended up enrolled in Harvard in 1988 where somehow in 1990, this community organizer who had not written a thing became head of the Harvard Law Review, supervising a staff of 80.
It was in this time that his "book deals" showed up which take on a new twist as new information came forth that he and Michelle went to Bali for several months to "write" Dreams of my Father.
If it was money advanced in the book deal, there is no information in how Barack Hussein Obama afforded this exotic vacation which is a hot spot for Islamic terrorism.
By 1992, the Community Organizer was no more, but he was appearing as lawyer without any high profile cases, lecturer at Chicago University and sitting on various boards like Annenberg where he was founding director and president until 2002.
In the meantime, the CO was out registering 150,000 black voters with a staff of 10 and 700 volunteers in 1992.
If one does not get the point in this, the Community Organizer of 1985 was transformed into the elect Barack Obama drive as he used foundations, Marxist connections, public campuses and putting in appearances at law firm in 1993 Obama joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 12 member law firm specializing community economic development.
Obama found after he was paid to register voters to vote for him as his base, that a new community required organizing when the master manipulator ingratiated himself to Jewish powerhouse Abner Mikva and black politician Emil Jones.
It was during this period that the trademark of Obama mimicking a black preacher was created to strike a key note in those well trained black voters sitting in Churches every Sunday looking to the Lord God, but soon to find out a messiah god was feeling their pain while picking the rich of Chicago's pocket books.
Ever resourceful the Community Pimp would use his wife having worked for the Daley Machine in the early 90's where the political thug David Axelrod was with now with Valerie Jarret, now all part of the happy organized community of Barack Obama.
For those who think marrying Michelle was just an accident of fate, this Community Organizer just happened to pick a woman connected to the impoverished Chicago South Side, whose father was a precinct captain there and who should Michelle's friend from her childhood be, but Santita Jackson.
If Jackson sounds familiar, she is the daughter of Rev. Jesse Jackson. Does it make a little more sense now why Jesse was going to castrate Barack Obama in being furious with him?
Jackson is an asset of the government in controlling blacks. He must have figured out a new asset was shoving him aside and had in perfect sleeper agent mode risen to the top by a calculated strategy it does not seem Obama is bright enough to have figured out on his own.
Congressman Bobby Rush would mark Obama for what he was in stating as he trounced him in an election, "Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool".
Community Organizer Obama didn't get bitter which would be normal for a human, but this was no human, this was an intelligence asset on a mission.
Within a few years, he would have organized the last key corrupt piece in Mark Nesbitt who is a happy mix of the Chicago Housing Authority, PRG Parking Management and Pritzker Reality who worked for billionaire Penny Pritzker, who just happens to be Obama's bag woman now and connected to all the other nation rapists like Warren Buffet the international robber baron funnelling all your money you lost in stocks, housing, retirement funds into the Obama coffers.
I won't get into Syrian Tony Rezko, getting Iraqi French Banking billionaire, Auchi, who was funnelling the lions share of Saddam's bribes to the west which had Chirac of France refine 1.77 tons of weapon's grade uranium from Niger Yellow Cake, who happened to help Barack buy a million dollar plus house $300,000 under value when Rezko didn't have the funds, but later sold his holdings to Auchi, when Obama was glad handing him at events.
It is all though part of the Community Organizer Obama ascending to the world stage from intelligence control, Marxist William Ayers, who was an asset to keep track of Charlie Manson helter skelter types fusing it with the Chicago Black Panthers manipulating them as people got blown up.
This then links back in the global community organized in Middle East terrorists in Hamas who are Islamocommunists just like Barack Obama is who are Obama's main supporters.
So many have missed the worldwide scope of the Obama community organized. His mentors, his controls and his associates are all Marxists who just happen to be bisexual perverts or part of groups like Yassir Arafat who was a pedophile in the PLO.
I knew from the first book deal Barack Obama was lavished with that something was very wrong with this guy as if you ask any author, nobody gets money advanced, doesn't write the book and then the book shows up to mediocre sales, to which a new million dollar book contract shows up later.
Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson for their French / Niger uranium cover up and attempted coup on George Bush got "book deals". Book deals are the trademark of the left wing intelligence group. It is why asset Bob Woodward churns out his pulp as a perpetual coup comrade.
If people really knew and understood what Barack Obama was stationed to do, how he manipulated large groups of people, even the secular Jewish community who are the old breeding ground of the "neocons" as that is exactly where these militant communist evolved from, there would be a rather disgruntled mob of democrats or democratic mob mumbling the exact same words Jesse Jackson deliberately said on mic.
All of these thugs from Richard Daley, Michelle Obama (make no mistake this woman is a thug and an equal man eater like Stanley Ann Dunham), David Axelrod and Zbigniew Brzezinski if they knew how they had been gamed in being stepped upon, just like Hillary Clinton was stepped on, there might be a most interesting outcome.
Barack Obama though is not that bright, but he is adept at scamming people. He has done it his entire life in the "white folks" as his perverted initiator in Frank Davis broke this kid down and rebuilt him in his bisexual image to be a chameleon, spot weakness in people and exploit it.
Tom Daschle, David Plouffe, Steve Hildebrand to name a few girly men, take a peak sometime at Lawrence Sinclair and see if you recognize a pattern Barack Obama surrounding himself with effeminate white males, and, racist black males, thug secular Jews to do his dirty work and savvy Muslims all rolled into the service of the Obama Community Organizer funded by rich cartel Marxists.
America had better wise up very quickly in exactly what Barack Obama is in not a Manchurian Candidate, but a Maxchurian Community Organizer melding all the communist factions in an intelligence operation to literally overthrow the American system for change (revolution) which is perpetual as Obama is a Trotskyite.
For those who do not know, Trotsky was a communist originator who believed in perpetual revolution to gain his ends. Change we can believe in.............Revolution we can believe in.
I know Richard Daley didn't sign onto any of this nor even that thug David Axelrod as he thought he was getting Jack Kennedy par dux. Zbigniew Brzezinski thought he was getting a black mindless version of Jimmy Carter to manipulate, but all of these big shots got caught with their fingers in the cookie jar thinking they were the ones doing the shaping and Barack Obama was manipulating them.
My biggest concern is when Michelle Obama figures out what Jesse Jackson did as she was hand picked by her "husband" for the doors she could open in a black poverty area with connections to the millionaire black Chicago club, and, because she was an easy tell in being impressed by the Barry Community Organizer shtick.
The concern is for the two little innocent girls whose mother is mesmerized by a chameleon she now glowingly adores and whose adoration is falling on a Community Manipulator who has not been working with people, but objects he has been moving around to attain his quest of messiah Obama walking among the animals he keeps.
Post Script: This Obama's Community he organized in Chicago.
A disproportionately high amount of robbery related murders involved African American offenders murdering Hispanics and whites.
A murder rate of 500 people a year is considered acceptable.
76% of victims were African American; 77.4% of offenders were African American,
The African American murder victimization rate was approximately 34 per 100,000.
# 1990: 851
# 1991: 927
# 1992: 943
# 1993: 931
# 1994: 929
# 1995: 827
# 1996: 789
# 1997: 759
# 1998: 704
# 1999: 641
# 2000: 628
# 2001: 666
# 2002: 647
# 2003: 598
# 2004: 448
# 2005: 449
# 2006: 467
# 2007: 435
The Governor of Illinois calling out the National Guard for Chicago.
On a given day, more than 6 percent of Chicago's young black males are incarcerated, twice the rate of white and Hispanic males.
Barack Obama is skilled at running intelligence operations to perform a coup upon the United States Government, but his legacy for Chicago as "Community Organizer" is one where he whored that entire community all so he could pimp himself to power.
Crime in Chicago
South Side
Governor Offers Troops
Chicago Blacks Behind Bars
Barack Hussein Obama Community Organizer