Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Obama in Whom They Trust

On September 11, 2001, an attack was engineered upon the United States which the common thought has misplaced. It was not an attack of military terrorism, but one of economic terrorism to crash the United States and western economies as bin Laden announced.
The measure which the Bush Administration was forced to employ was simple. Bush 43 ordered the Federal Reserve as their only remedy offered to him to print up 1 trillion dollars which were dumped into the world economy to stop a Clinton era recession from evolving into a global depression which was intended by the communist terrorists who were hiding in Islam.

The main crux to absorb the revenue would be the housing market worldwide. This would filter into the Chicago markets where a Syrian, Tony Rezko, would be part of an urban slum lord operation taking part in a soon to be chosen rising messiah of Barack Obama's representational district in Chicago's South Side.

Tony Rezko currently convicted of numerous fraud charges would be a monetary funnel of money to Barack Obama and the Illinois corrupt political system.
Who Mr. Rezko brought into this is what sets upon the stage an exposure of the international intelligence Marxist community of political, monetary and educational octopus which has profited upon the second 9 11 economic attack upon the United States and western peoples in their literal economic rapine by these nation rapists.

As stated, Tony Rezko was an Arabic slum lord creating 3rd world housing for Chicago blacks who were supposed to be represented by Barack Obama, who by lineage of his Luo father, Barack sr. is noted to be a black Arab Muslim and not just a black African . Mr. Obama though chose instead of take illegal funds from Mr. Rezko and benefit from an Iraqi billionaire, one Nadhmi Auchi, instead of protecting the black people of Chicago's South Side.

Mr. Auchi brings this center stage in providing funds to Mr. Rezko when he was bankupt, so Barack Obama could purchase a million dollar plus Chicago home for under $300,000 market value when Rezko bought the adjoining lot to seal the deal and then later sold Obama part of his property too.

The Auchi links though would go beyond political meetings with Barack Obama, because a company on which Mr. Auchi's wife is named of Panamanian origin, Fintrade Services, loaned the Obama senator campaign funds.
For all of the million dollar deals, loans and appearing with Mr. Auchi, Mr. Obama told the Chicago press he does not remember Mr. Auchi.

Mr. Auchi represents what could be termed an ecoMuslim invasion of the west, which is economic billionaires using their Middle East connection and money to place their ideals as the new Marxist or Islamocommunist thought process which the west is finding in all of its think tanks, colleges and government offices right and left wing.
This is at it's core the Muslim Brotherhood manifesto to overthrow governments at first by coercion and if that does not work to accomplish it by force.

Mr. Auchi has a band of lawyers suing and threatening journalists who dare to bring any of this up. The Observer though did publish that Mr. Auchi was part of the original Saddam brigade which was to assassinate in 1959 the Iraqi Prime Minister, Abdul Karim Qasim, and install the Baathists, who are a French creation of Islamic Marxism, hence the evolved term in Islamocommunists is correct as these people from Syria, Hamas, Iran, Iraq are all communists and not fascists.
bin Laden was the only fascist and he has been supplanted by Zawahiri who is a communist agent for the Russian Bolsheviks since they captured him in Chechnya, turned him and released him to con bin Laden to graduate from attacking Saudi Arabia to attacking America, which has brought Mr. bin Laden to utter ruin as he has taken all the blame.

Mr. Auchi admitted to a small part in the assassination plot, but left Iraq after prospering greatly under the Baathists for London.
His first western deal was selling Italian warships to Saddam, a profitable venture netting him a $17 million cut which would not end even though Saddam executed Auchi's own brother.
This though would be the first illegal misstep of Mr. Auchi as Italian investigators would claim Auchi via a Panamanian company was funneling illegal payments which Auchi denied.
Mr. Auchi is also so Iraq connected that when European hostages were taken, he was in the delegation paying off the terrorists to get French citizen's free. Some connections with terrorists who will do him no harm like Mr. Obama's terrorist connections support him.

In no coincidence, we find Panamanian Auchi companies giving loans to Sen. Obama and the bigger fish soon to fry of massive bribes, money laundering and corruption for the Bill Clinton sanctioned, Saddam Food for Oil Scandal whereby Mr. Hussein had western Marxists siphoning Iraqi oil, using Iraqi bribes to keep him in power, build him palaces as Iraqi's starved.

What part in this did Mr. Auchi play? Mr. Auchi owned the French Bank BNP Paribas which was the clearing house for the UN run Saddam Food for Oil bribery and embezzlement funds.
It would be in 1993 when French oil company, Elf Aquitaine, would be awarded exclusive rights to Saddam's oil fields.
The Elf scandal would emerge as the oil company became a private bank for literal whores, retreats, artwork and political favors. Mr. Auchi would be convicted in this and given a "suspended" 15 month sentence and an almost $2 million fine.

To cut through the fine print, Mr. Auchi is an intelligence asset of the Marxists just like George Soros is. Mr. Auchi just happens to be British MI 6. The same people who overthrew the Shah of Iran with Carter adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to start the Islamic terrorist movement which was to be aimed at the Soviet Union.
Mr. Putin with Zawahiri, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and then Saddam's Iraq had turned this Brzezinski Islamic army against the west. These western Marxists though have been up to all sorts of mischief the world is paying for dearly while they publish books, are running for the White House and getting suspended sentences.

Mr. Auchi in Elf though was not just an oil bank skimming money illegally. It was under socialist French President Mitirand a literal 5th column for France instituting the dirty deal side of French policy.
It would be Mr. Auchi in his bank, BNP Paribas, which would in this massive bribes and money laundering of the UN Oil for Food scam which for a strange mix had Marc Rich an Ashkenaz secularist moving funds around from Saddam Hussein to bribe the world via an Islamocommunist banker that an eye opening foundling, 1.77 tons of enriched uranium, appeared in Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

After the Americans liberated Iraq, they discovered this huge stockpile along with the Niger Yellow Cake in Iraq.
As Iraq did not have the capabilities to refine this ore, it was France in this scandal which Bill Clinton cooked up to fund his cronies in the Rothschild syndicate in Europe and Rockefeller syndicate in America to profiting off of Saddam on a short leash.
It was this Marxist intelligence group which had in the Bush White House a mole to keep track of this operation in Valerie Plame. That is why she sent her husband, Joe Wilson, with French connections to Niger to muddy the waters and why the entire Plamegate story which was proven a red herring by Robert Novak was manufactured. These people were desperate to hide the international bribery scandal which would have collapsed everything from the American Demorats to the French Socialists in prison time of their elected leaders.
This is why the Joe Wilson meandering fiasco with Ted Koppel on Nightline was staged as a last attempt to keep the Bush Administration from invading Iraq and finding all the evidence of what was going on.
Bush 43 found the evidence, took the hits, but deemed it more vital to the "war on terror" that the world never find out American Democrats, UN officials, French, British and German leadership were bribed and that Russia was selling massive amounts of illegal weapons to Saddam. To keep a worldwide depression and a worldwide Watergate with a new Cold War from coming, George Bush covered it all up.
That 1.77 tons of uranium has disappeared with no published forensic tests on it of Niger origin and French manufacture and is most likely sitting in White Sands now in storage.

Mr. Auchi would soon enough though during the Clinton years appear in America.

What you may ask would an Iraqi intelligence banking asset be doing in America?

Running a bank?

Nope, Mr. Auchi was vice chairman at the Kennedy School of Government at a certain Harvard University from 1996 to 2000 where a Barack Obama attained his degree in law 1988 to 1991, running the Harvard Journal without ever having written anything and currently his written Columbian thesis in 1983 has gone missing, so the mystery continues in the rapid rise of Mr. Obama.

There is though a common denominator of global Middle Eastern Marxism which does arise linking early the facets of Columbia University, Harvard, Obama and Auchi and that is the ground which Zbigniew Brzezinski trod.
The entire system is a mind factory to assemble thoughts to produce leftists wanting to tear some nation apart and rebuild it in their own Marxist vision.
One of the interesting Brzezinskites is in the person of Marxist Lisa Anderson who wrote books on Arab Nationalism, Tunisia and Libya. Who was a professor /dean at Columbia University from 1986 to 2007. From 1981 to 1986 she was an assistant professor at Harvard.
Currently the promoter of radical academia is Provost of American University in Egypt.

A provost for simple terms is "indoctrinator of thoughts" to Middle Eastern children. American University of Egypt taught the current President Hosni Mubarak's wife and son, and, the current queen of Jordan, Rania. This is the American Marxist indoctrination center which awarded a Presidential Prize in 2007 to Nadhmi Auchi for his "work" with American University Cairo in "young Arabs studying institution management and leadership".

This is the Carter doctrine transferred and revamped back into Egypt, where before he was hauling all of these disgruntled children to American colleges turning out doctors and engineers, who went home, became terrorists using engineer degrees to fly planes into buildings, building bombs and using their medical knowledge to create bio warfare agents.
I will remind readers at this point that in Saddam's recovered papers he was studying in how to introduce West Nile into America as a biological weapon. New York University was also studying "West Nile" just before that plague swept across the United States in an east west route mirroring the interstate system.

In any event, the saga continues as Mr. Auchi is quite awarded as a promoter of Arabism at home and in England.
Mr. Auchi is President of the Anglo Arab Association in England. Posted below are part of the manifesto from this site:

1. Conserving the identity of the Arab community in the United Kingdom.

2. Promoting the integration of British Arabs into mainstream British Society, whilst retaining their identity.

3. Enriching the host society by encouraging the participation of Arabs in social, economic, artistic and cultural activities including public life in Britain.

5. Promoting commerce and investment between Britain and Arab countries and encouraging businesses to add to the economies of both Britain and the Arab world.

6. Encouraging the employment of qualified young Arab professionals in joint investment projects.

To translate the above, Mr. Auchi who in 2004 received a coat of arms from Queen Elizabeth and was knighted by Pope John Paul in the same year, is advocating the Muslim Brotherhood doctrine of Arab identity, Arabization of the west and in economic investment for the purpose of advancing the Arab professional in "host" nations.
The term host is vital as it does not mean the place of one's home, but the place like a body to breed some cancer to destroy it.

Does one Barack Hussein Obama, funded by Mr. Auchi, named by the leader of Libya, Mr. Gaddafi as "one of their own Muslims", in league with Syrian Tony Rezko and by miraculous rise is at educational establishments of Columbia and Harvard promoting academic radicalism, just like William Ayers of Chicago terrorism and intelligence asset of the Marxists, but this time with an Islamocommunist twist, with this information start having a troubling connection revealing in his backers are instituting a Marxist overthrow of the west funded by both Ashkenaz Americans and European Marxists, Marxist Arabs and by Black Marxists.

To tie this part of the package up, Lisa Anderson's academic specialty is in, state formation and regime change.

As this group of Marxists has been busy moulding the Arab world, do not make the mistake in missing they are busy in "change to believe in" forming a regime change in the United States.

This is the genesis of the missing "Columbian Years" as revealed by Mr. Obama's roommate in Sohale Siddiqi.
Mr. Siddiqi describes Obama as disheveled without a place to stay, very lost, a dope user and alienated from the world, but once he arrived at Columbia he became a driven community activist.
No one in the Black Student body remembers him, none of the 400 classmates at Columbia remembered him, he lived off campus, but it did happen to be where connecting influence Zbigniew Brzezinski was a professor from 1960 to 1989, although Mr. Brzezinski claims he does not remember Barack Obama, who just happened to attend Harvard were Mr. Brzezinski was a former professor from 1953 to 1960, and Mr. Brzezinski just happens to have adopted the "finished Obama" to be his national security mentor on world affairs in the 2008 campaign.

In review, Mr. Brzezinski has a fixation on radical Middle East Muslims to use against Russia. Barack Obama just happens to be a Black Arab of Muslim decent attending the same institutions Mr. Brzezinski was a professor at, Mr. Auchi is an Iraqi asset funding the Arabization of the west was at Harvard Kennedy and Lisa Anderson of both Columbia and Harvard is now turning out child Muslim scholars to fix the world in regime change, just like student Barack Obama is on the scene to change America from it's current regime.

This is the hybrid of Barack Obama. He is a world of business, university, finance and government in a law unto themselves.

The most striking example of this law unto itself recently was in Elf's most interesting character in Alfred Sirven, when captured in the Philippines , crushed his cell phone chip and ate it, destroying all evidence of his contacts. He acknowledged he had enough information to topple the French government 20 times over.
He though is serving his prison time in silence as Marc Rich is serving his time in pardoned luxury when one is an asset of the cartel in service to them. One rises, one falls, one goes into exile and one carries on, it is the way of this faction unto itself.

France is not limited to the boogeyman of the world though. She is just the consumptive black hole of the abyss America is facing in the same banking fraud of the American homeowner.
Mr. Auchi is but an example of the Muslim bribery division of the Marxist cartel. The globalist had another bank in France which is the focus as it shifts to a rival of Mr. Auchi's in the Eurocentric George Soros, an east European secular Ashkenaz monetary agent.

The bank which set off the entire world housing bust in savings and loans collapsing was the French bank, Société rale. It would be a junior trader named Jerome Kerviel who would be the focus in a $7.2 billion disappearance of funds in bogus trades.
Mr. Kerviel is cooperating with authorities and has stated that what he was doing to garner profits was being accomplished by numbers of traders and sanctioned by the bank.

It was this information leaked to the media which set off the collapse of the major lending institutions across the globe and broke the housing bubble.
The reason all the lending houses were lending money is due to the Bush Administration attempting to ward off a worldwide depression in printing $1 trillion. The problem is when one prints tons of money there are always money launderers stuffing their pocket full in the banking cartels. The lending groups were deliberately over extended and then the major banking cartels of America and Europe purchased million dollar shares for pennies in entire investment groups.

If one might think this is a recent scam, this group did the same thing in the Great Depression, they pulled the same thing in 1972 when Nixon created huge profits for US farmers, did the same thing in the dot com stock bust, did the same thing in breaking the Reagan Latino free trading partners like Brazil by installing Marxist governments in that nation and Venezuela.
The first rule in banking is put in a Karl Marx system which they created for him to write up, take over Russia, make the people wards of the state, plunder the economy, rape the natural resources and call it a workers heaven on earth. Marxism manages nations on the cheap for greater profits and control. That is why Africa, South America and most of Europe and Asia are managed for Marxism and is why this group has Americans now working for benefits as in communist states.
It is all about profits.
To regress to the late 1980's, one can find the BCCI scandal which was the tip of the iceberg in failed savings and loans. These cartels needed a way to skim billions from the profits Ronald Reagan's robust economy had generated. BCCI was but one part of the process of today in a Paksistani Muslim in London creating a bank laundering money and dealing with terrorists like Abu Nidal.
>Nidal was in vogue then in Iraq, but by Bush 43 when Iraq had enough weapons of mass destruction from Europeans and early American shipments with a lone SS warhead, enough was deemed as enough and Saddam for various banking, containment and terror reasons was removed.

It might be noted then an American secular Ashkenaz quite familiar now in Marc Rich was the proxy of the cartel setting up the letters of credit for arms deals through BCCI, the "Bank of Crooks and Criminals International".

Société Gérale set this engineered collapse off, but as the world has shown there are numbers of scams like this which pocketed at least $350 billion.
George Soros was in this mix in this long journey as socialist President Mittirand was attempting to take the Société Générale bank back from Jaques Chirac, a later president of France.
Soros hedged his trading in stocks and was found guilty of insider trading 14 years after the fact by a French Court and given an almost $2 million fine. No jail time of course for any of these nation rapists.
This though is the crux of the French banking being not banks, but schemes in French government economic policy, warfare and corruption.

Société Générale was but a first public notice of George Soros who would 1992 make an attack on the British pound which forced London to withdraw from the European Monetary System.

This requires an understanding in Mr. Soros attacked in what would be a crime against humanity in the entire British population which suffered horribly, but Mr. Soros remains as a Eurocentric operative for the central European financiers without any prison time but with his various propaganda groups creating attacks on the American system, funding Marxists candidates, that he has so many high level powerful people protecting him that he is but an arsonist burning children's homes down and interviewed by Charlie Rose on how great of job he has done.

These nation rapists are functional operatives of the elite finaniciers. Warren Buffett is one such plunderer and on a smaller scale there is Penny Pritzker, a Buffett cocktail party friend, whose own plundering ways bankrupted an Illinois savings and loan, destroying common citizen's savings.

Ms. Pritzker's reward?



She is currently the fund raising expert for one Barack Hussein Obama with personal data of credit cards, computer activity monitoring and dispensing funds through various payoff schemes like CSI in New Orleans, which is a front for ACORN, which just happens to be an election fraud group.

Mr. Soros is a chief hedge fund backer of Mr. Obama as with Mr. Obama's prophesied regime, he will legally steal money from businesses which are in competition to people like Mr. Auchi, Mr. Soros, Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Rothschild and then "give" it to the poor.
The giving though will mean that corporations like General Mills will have to charge you 10 dollars a box for cereal instead of 3 dollars due to the taxes they can not afford to pay, that your electric company will have to charge you $500 a month for electricity instead of $60 due to taxes and all that means Mr. Obama's tax cuts will cost poor people 5 times in taxes what they pay now, all so a new financial order will be instituted in the change we can believe in.

If I might visit the dealing of the $1 trillion again in the Soros explanation, as people have noticed that crude oil is dropping and that cereal grains have dropped from $20 a bushel in wheat to $7 a bushel, the reason crude oil and commodities rose so fast last year was for the reason of that huge surplus of printed cash.
Please understand, that after the housing bubble burst a great share of the embezzled and banking money was pouring back onto the market which would have created a problem for the cartels as it would start filtering into individual citizen's hands again. To remedy this and keep a monopoly on the currency, the dollar was tanked from 60 cents value to 30 cents.
This was the first cog in inflating prices which Americans have noticed. Mr. Soros then in hedging the commodity of oil in the Chicago exchange drove oil up to $150 a barrel.
In the meantime, Cargill along with the other food monopolies in the summer of 2007 started offering contracts to American farmers of $4 a bushel. American farmers had only seen prices like that once before and they sold their entire grain reserves.

By the autumn of 2007, Cargill and company with George Soros hedging the cereal grain futures in their monopoly had driven the price up to$20 a bushel.

The reason for this was to soak up the trillion dollars mentioned above. They have now accomplished this and reasoned like in the BCCI bust keyed against Bush 41 that Mr. Obama or some operative like Mr. Gore or Mrs. Clinton would be the choice of straining Americans, the price of oil will continue to drop and the price of wheat is $7 a bushel.
As an added feature, the financiers will raise the value of the dollar's buying power again to 60 cents on the dollar and by economic reality create $2 trillion out of one.

Just as Barack Obama created a slum lord in Tony Rezko in property deals making black people exist in wretchedness, now the liberal lending institutions of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been nationalized like the bad old Soviet Union and the American taxpayer is being left holding a massive debt while the accounts of the financiers backing Barack Obama are sitting with $1 trillion.
Of course there is a pecking order in this, Mr. Obama and Mr. Clinton might receive a little over $50 million for their services while situations like power appeal to a Mr. Brzezinski more than monetary billions, while a Mr. Auchi and Mr. Soros will gain their hundreds of millions and the power financiers glean their hundreds of billions.

Is Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, a messiah? Not in the least. He is not even an Nadhmi Auchi in position.
Mr. Obama is simply an empty suit wandering about on a Columbia campus which the Marxist handlers who prowl such institutions take note of to fill with their Marxist thoughts as the suits are going in that direction on their own any way.
There are allot of these empty suits plucked with dreams of fixing the world as they are broken inside. Some actually think they are reporting the news like Charlie Gibson sneering down his nose at Gov. Palin and some are mimics like Barack Obama.

Mr. Obama just happens to be a fragmented 10 year old child in a new black Arabic exotic phase of this. Certainly the Marxists want the policy they gave him to be initiated, but it does appear as the coffers are bare scraped to the wood in this bust, that the financiers will have to make certain an alternative is elected for economic growth and energy production, so the boom and bust cycle can be recycled again. The Marxists are going to have to put the Obama doll back on the shelf no matter how tingly Chris Matthew's legs get.
For the racial reality, Mr. Obama might be interesting for these European financiers to wonder over in their snobbish cultures contending exotic Obama is exciting to American leftists tired of chewing on old Clinton bones, but as you never will find a black queen, black prime minister or a black Othello in charge of anything European in their caste system, Mr. Obama must be understood was summoned to con the minorities that their votes mattered just as when asset Jesse Jackson was herding that segment of the vote. In the elitist system, some Clinton's rule and some Obama's make the sheep on Animal Farm think they have a chance too at staying in the big house.
Mr. Obama was a tool and as he is second city Chicago commodities and not New York financier backed, he was a means to deal with the minority issue in not cropping up again for a generation, a means to be rid of the Kennedy upstarts in finally burying Camelot's liberal panting dream in the dying Teddy Kennedy, and, a way like conning Arabs into buying western paper bank shares to glean all of that money back for nothing.

The Ashkenaz financiers do not share power, bloodline nor money. Lower level bloodlines of secular Ashkenaz are allowed to play with the money in people like Marc Rich and George Soros, but that is the edit point. Pope's can turn over Vatican funds and Arabs can be money launderers and the people can be sheep to be sheared periodically, but this is the world Mr. Obama is herding for. He has sold himself to it and ransomed what was his empty soul.

He is second tier operation and fourth class in status, and, in league with the people who crashed the housing market and are making profits off of it, including driving up the prices for what citizens have to buy to survive.

He is nothing nor his system he represents what a Republic should trust in.

The above though is the trail of these life altering stories citizens from across the world have been suffering under and not knowing the reason behind them. Hopefully with this exclusive information assembled here people will understand what has been going on at least in the Obama part of the puzzle.



1.77 tons enriched uranium



Sohale Siddiqi

The Observer

Lisa Anderson




Societe Generale

