I am incensed.
I have had to watch the political rape of a woman in Sarah Palin from the right and the left of America.
I have beheld David Letterman judge Sarah Palin stating she should be handing condoms out to her children and I have witnessed the disgusting attacks from the National Enquirer calling her a slut.
I have watched Newt Gingrich hide in the weeds at the Republican Convention being shown like bump on a log not listening to one speech and then come crawling out after Sarah Palin triumphed in "noting she was being attacked" and then showing his bravery.
I have watched Peggy Noonan get caught on tape showing what all these right wing pundits are in being paid shills living off of hard working Conservatives as shills for the globalist elite.
I have watched this mob ravage the entire Palin family with the disregard of a pedophile rapist.
It is beyond disgusting and it is beyond inhumane it is inhuman.
In all of this, I have ripped Barack Obama to shreds like no one else has in what I have exposed. In not being a John McCain supporter I thrashed his socialism and nuclear foreign policy to shreds.
In every moment of this though, I have never once forgotten to include support for Mr. Obama in noting he needs counseling, never forgetting his two daughters who need him and never forgetting that the White House would destroy a 10 year old boy whom he is.
I have never forgotten John McCain in I was the one who first blogged pressing he needed a Conservative woman to find a way to victory.
In all of this, I have always advocated a better way and I never once ever did anything, but set a course which would protect the Obama and McCain households, along with Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.
What is most disgusting to me in all of the attacks is the brutalization of a teenage girl who is 5 months pregnant by people so absolutely self absorbed that they never once considered that trauma for that girl is being felt by the child she carries.
That baby is under emotional stress right now affecting how they will live their entire lives and it is all because of people like David Letterman, Jeffery Toobin, Bill Maher, Peggy Noonan and whatever other ilk from Obama's savages attacking that family to Newt Gingrich not uttering one syllable until the woman cleared the mine field.
This is not a plea, but a cold iron handed 60 below zero stinging slap to the face of all of these animals to figure it out that pregnancy stress causes miscarriages and God forbid that baby dies.
Hey David Letterman, are you going to be proud in mounting a miscarried baby on your wall as your trophy?
Bill Maher, Campbell Brown, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and all your festering ilk, will you show off that child above your mantel once you stress that family out enough so you murder that child?
All of you are sick, pathetic, senseless incredible excuses for humans. You are family rapists, infanticide deviants and pure cannibals in preying on your own species.
God save and preserve that unborn child and that entire family, but fully know know this you "people" that there is a God who records all of this and He is intently recording this orgy of rapine which is putting stress on a baby endangering the lives of mother and child.
It isn't going to work David Letterman with your long pouting face then changing your mind with a child miscarried. All of you want this on your conscience? If you don't have one people, I promise I will burn one in for you as I fully intend to note in the forever internet what your excrement of thought has been doing in abusing an unborn child.
I will stand for that child and I will call others to join this and they will make note of it and in chivalry rise for a family against the beasts which you are.
I close with Henry V in words for your princely pustule,
With scorn and defiance; slight regard, contempt,
And any thing that may not misbecome
The mighty sender, doth he prize you at.
Thus says my king; an' if your father's highness
Do not, in grant of all demands at large,
Sweeten the bitter mock you sent his majesty,
He'll call you to so hot an answer of it,
That caves and womby vaultages of France
Shall chide your trespass and return your mock
In second accent of his ordnance.
Do not ever forget you beasts in human skins;
And, be assured, you'll find a difference,
As we Sarah Palin's subjects have in wonder found,
Between the promise of her greener days
And these she masters now. Now she weighs time
Even to the utmost grain; that you shall read
In your own losses, if you stay in your nature of rapine.
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