Friday, September 5, 2008

The Silent Obama

You know in high school when all the hot girls were so hot and all the jocks were so cool that no one in this world could compare to them, but then you went away to college and happened to notice one day the the cool wrestler was now only 5 feet 4 inches tall and the cheerleader isn't so cool now, especially since she is dating the guy who runs the carwash?

That is thee essence of Barack Obama.

When one is the only Obama doll in your toy box, he looks pretty good in being all exotic in the black Ken doll, but as you play with him liberals all kind of got tired with the same doll every day for 18 months.
Then all of a sudden a real doll comes along so that you notice your doll stutters, looks like a white shirted Muslim from a 3rd world nation (Didn't notice that one did you people how Barry has had his white shirt on every day with his coat off. He sure isn't imitating Southern Baptists or used car salesmen, so where have you seen hordes of people in white shirts but in Islamic states.) and people are finding out that compared to Sarah Palin, the B in Barack and B in Obama stands for BORING.

Barack Obama does a great deal of talking in sounding like a 9th grade science teacher making the same point to minds whose IQ stands for Ignorance Quotient which says allot about the crowds Barry is gathering. He though has been very quiet on things like Larry Sinclair to now Phil Berg.

Jeff Schreiber like many of us is a blogger just looking for the Truth or for that matter something resembling a fact one can check from Barack Obama. Today he posted on his website America's Right a conversation he had with one of those nameless Obama people who always have something to say anonymously. The ghost was telling Mr Schreiber in a belittling way that they were not going to comment on a story from the Washington Times, but would only comment on a real paper like the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune.

The Obamaniac at the campaign headquarters left out the Boston Globe for some reason, but it is interesting he mentioned every propaganda sheet of the globalist new world order.

It is a certain that Barack Obama is an intelligence asset, groomed like all media people are to read a good teleprompter, look like they are thoughtful and con an audience into thinking something is in the suit.
The Clintons were an intelligence asset couple in Hillary was the control working for the CIA money laundering operation out of Rose Law Firm and Bill was the Rockefeller boy wonder.
One can see the same machinations in the Obama camp, except in Axelrod and his layers of intelligence global operatives he is the Chicago rude which people are finding.

What is fascinating in this is while Clinton could not hide information, the Obama people are so syndicate connected that this bunch is wiping all records clean and no one and I mean no one is daring to in the common citizen utter a word.

This blog consider it an interesting thing to just test the Obama system on a mundane inquiry last week. It contacted several sources who would have known about the infamous Barack Obama baptism. Now there should be public church records, there should be stories of faith to people like Rick Warren of Brokeback Saddleback Swayback church and there should have been vunderbah family photos of the adult washing and regeneration of Islamic Barry Muslim Bisexual Marxist Obama, and yet the vision of hope has nothing but silence, silence, more silence and more silence on one of the key aspects of a real Christian's life.
One would think at Rev. Jeremiah Wright's hood of community organization would have that in their records proudly proclaiming it in community news how the young Barry, community organizer, a job we now find out from Clarence Page on the McGlaughlin group is more vital than Mayor, Police Chief, District Attorney and God as in Chicago a communist organizer protects alone all communities from evil white folks in evil corporations who descend on black neighborhoods to take them over.

Mr. Page did not quite explain how many divisions Warren Buffet has of his corporation, how many complexes Bill Gates has of his empire and how many IBM, Apple etc.... evil white guy corporations have all driven out blacks out of the Chicago southside as why on earth would anyone build an evil white guy corporation in an area with no educated work force.

Oh.........I get it, Barack Obama saved the ghetto from education and prosperity in keeping jobs out in preserving the hood. I guess he really was more important than God in impoverishing black people in Chicago.

But in knowing according to liberal Clarence Page how important Barry Obama was, just why was it not news of his baptism. Why on earth did Oprah not have him on and why on earth is no one willing to answer a simple inquiry into just what, when, where and how did Barack Obama get baptized?
He took the time to get two birth certificates, but not even a fake one emerged for his baptism.

The silence continues on the Phil Berg suit in trying to make Barack Obama prove he is a citizen.

Someone contacted me on the scenario logically concluded here that Barack Obama was born in Canada. They apparently had not read the blog as they were asking for information. The blog had stated at a time when people were wondering just what was going on that Stanley Ann Dunham would have had to have been born in Canada as flying to Africa would have been forbidden.
This blog said the place logically to look was Vancouver, BC and it did not take long before stories appeared that Barack Obama was born in Kenya with a mysterious birth certificate there which has not appeared.

That story matters as who was feeding that information if Kenya is a red herring for people to look at instead of Canada.

I will repeat the logical deduction. Stanley Ann Dunham would not have been allowed to fly to Africa by the airlines as it just was not done.
Africa required numerous vaccinations which doctors would not be giving to a pregnant woman of any trimester as it would harm the baby.

Even if Stanley Ann Dunham was some sort of mother retard injecting infections into her body to get to Kenya, the airlines would have not allowed her to fly. In the event she told them she was chugging beer and they let her fly, it would have been at least at month 7 which means this poor white girl would have been in Africa for 2 months.
She certainly was not staying with wife #1 and Barack sr. and he certainly didn't have the funds for a flat for her.

Logic dictates Kenya does not make sense. So this appears as an intelligence operation plant to keep some prying minds out of Canadian files.
Canada is the logical choice and someone is muddying the waters stating to look in Kenya.

Barack Obama is silent though as are his own passport records and the real records which would clear all of this up in Stanley Ann Dunham's passport records at the State Department. They would show at least a Kenya travel record. They would not show a Canadian record as in 1961 anyone just drove across the border as no one cared.

I will promise something now though as the intelligence operatives who are with Barack Obama, that unless Tony Blair with MI 6 or the Clintons obtained those records in Canada or wherever that the Obama people have scrubbed the paper files and if microfilm files were made they will have disappeared now too.

In case no one has noticed, Barack Obama does a great deal of talking about things, but goes completely silent and his records disappear on things that will expose him to the self destructive personality he is.

Barack Obama has covered up his medical records, his birth records, this travel records, his baptismal records for some reason, his known associate records and his voting records.

That is the silent Obama.

Now that liberals are finding out the Obama doll came out of the island of misfit toys, the public deserves all of the records above before the November election.
Barack Obama will have his finger on a nuclear button folks, people in the Pentagon, State Department, CIA, Boeing, General Dynamics and yes Microsoft working government projects all have to turn over their information on lower pay grade jobs.

Silent Obama must turn over all his records too.