when will the headline for justice be done
Barack Obama has never really gotten anything right, including his self deluded stroking that he is the messiah, when in reality he has been the godfather of Chicago political thuggery in the deep tradition of Richard Daley now co mingled with Trotskyite Marxism of perpetual revolution of destroying how people make a living and piling an even bigger cost of living upon them.All Marxists always promise a utopia where you can be freed from burdens like morality and if you just trust in them one will be guided to a valhalla pledging allegiance to their god if you will just unite behind this father of mandates who will provide equal misery under a dictatorship for all.
In that Barack Obama is not a messiah at all, but in real Chicago politics he is a godfather of organized criminal attacks upon United States Citizens.
The indictment for Barack Obama rests in the RICO Act, which are statutes designed to convict mafia kingpins who ran organizations, but delegated criminal acts for others to accomplish so they could appear in public as smiling, benevolent people while their thugs were breaking knee caps.
RICO adjusted the law where the orders of committing the crime were equal to those who brutalized the citizenry. Character assassination is equal to physical assassination. Telling someone to destroy someone was equal to the act.
Where has Barack Obama carried out such crimes to invoke the RICO Act?
Count 1 before a Grand Jury would read: Barack Hussein Obama set upon a course with David Axelrod to commit fraud in a conspiracy with Whitehouse.org to smear one, Lawrence Sinclair, with a false polygraph test to cover up Mr. Obama's bisexual relationship with Mr. Sinclair.
RICO is important as it invokes when a conspiracy of 3 or more people are involved in any illegal action. Fraud is an illegal action.
Count 2: In said conspiracy, David Plouffe, campaign manager for Barack Obama, set out with Joe Biden, Beau Biden, Attorney General of Delaware, to silence Lawrence Sinclair when the Whitehouse.org action failed.
A false arrest was issued under a sealed Grand Jury indictment for Mr. Sinclair out of Delaware, whereupon Mr. Sinclair was arrested illegally and held where he was kidnapped by DC police, deprived of his medications in his civil rights violated and in undue process violating his Constitutional rights was threatened with unduly high bail and deprived of legal counsel in being "lost" in the system while in detention.
Count 3: Attorney General Beau Biden of Delaware for the Obama campaign issued false court papers to the Social Security Administration to have Lawrence Sinclair's benefits denied.
If Mr. Sinclair's life is shortened due to stress from said attacks all participants in this will face homicide charges.
Count 4: Chicago Social Security Administration where Mr. Obama resides and represents in Congress attempted on the forged Delaware information to threaten Lawrence Sinclair to repay all said Social Security benefits including medical benefits.
Count 5: In accomplishing the above terrorism of Lawrence Sinclair in violation of the Patriot Act, Sen. Joe Biden was given payment in the form of the Democratic Vice Presidential nomination.
Count 6: Deputy Attorney General of Delaware, Susan Dwyer, threatened defendant, Lawrence Sinclair on behalf of the Biden political syndicate with life imprisonment for a crime of misdemeanor when Mr. Sinclair had been a law abiding citizen since 1986.
Count 7: Delaware Attorney General's office illegally planted court information into Delaware press to defame Lawrence Sinclair.
Count 8: Barack Obama and Joe Biden upon receiving their party's nomination seeking to not have their actions exposed in the press by a Lawrence Sinclair trial had Beau Biden's Delaware Attorney General's office drop all charges against Mr. Sinclair in an illegal cover up.
Count 9: The false arrest of Lawrence Sinclair seeking to make him a political prisoner, violating his state, national and international human rights.
Count 10: The repeated harassment of the Obama campaign in illegal, corporate spying and stalking of Mr. Sinclair and numerous unnamed American plantifs for the purpose of silencing their Constitutional rights.
Count 11: The consistent operation of attacking political female opponents from Hillary Clinton to now Gov. Sarah Palin by a repeated method of first issuing said orders to smear the intended victim and group. Second, the orders to such operatives as John Aravosis to place said stories as Gov. Palin typed as "trailer_trash" as they did Mrs. Clinton's voter base, then with full media operatives such as Charlie Rose, George Stephanopoulos, Jeff Greenfield in all major media outlets smearing said group or Gov. Palin in defaming them.
Count 12: The defamation of Gov. Palin in a direct political operation by the Obama campaign and unindicted co conspirators in the media in the form of naming her "trailer_trash" to infringe upon her ability to be elected to the office of Vice President.
Count 13: The defamation of the Palin family in the Obama campaign claims via DailyKos that Sarah Palin falsified records to hide her daughter's delivery of a child that the Obama campaign via DailyKos stated was her grandchild and not her son for the Obama campaign's political advancement.
Count 14: The criminal abuse by psychological trauma of the child Bristol Palin, said daughter of Sarah Palin by the Obama campaign and unindicted co conspirators in the media.
Count 15: The criminal abuse by psychological trauma of the child Trig Palin, son of Sarah Palin by Barack Obama and unindicted co conspirators in the media..
Count 16: The criminal abuse by psychological trauma of Sarah Palin by the Barack Obama campaign and unindicted co conspirators in the media.
Count 17: The willful threatening of the life of an unborn child by exposing a 17 year old child in Bristol Palin to undue trauma and stress during her pregnancy with said unborn child.
Count 18: The Obama campaign via their operatives in resorting to racial hate crime speech in attempting to use the term "eskimo" to defame the Palin family in having Native America roots as one of the said parents is Inuit.
Use of said word as "eskimo" is derogatory as it means "fish eater" instead of the Inuit term "real people" as their name denotes, as it was the complete intention of the Barack Obama campaign to use said term to slander the Palin family in a Native American term equal to the N word.
Count 19: The willful use of race by the Obama campaign to deny Sarah Palin a government office based upon race.
Count 20: The willful use of race to defame the entire Inuit people in defaming their culture to be less than American by the Barack Obama campaign.
Those are just 20 federal felonies Barack Obama and Joe Biden are guilty of in tandem. The prison sentences would be in 100 plus years. It would be 20 to life for just endangering an unborn child and God forbid if anything happens to the Bristol Palin baby, it would then transform to homicide.
The fines Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Beau Biden, Susan Dwyer and the media face are in the millions of dollars.
They would be impeached from Congress or the White House and certain members such as Rep. Barney Frank would face full censure for endangering the life of the child of Bristol Palin.
The Justice Department on the same content put numerous mafia godfathers into prison, put David Duke into prison and currently under RICO have arrested 5 Obama anarchists who by their means were not attempting anarchy, but terrorism in Minnesota to attack Republicans.
Politics stops being politics when it moves from the legal to the illegal. The Obama campaign can call Sarah Palin "trailer_trash" when it is coming out of Barack Obama's mouth or some operative inside the campaign as David Axelrod.
The moment they engage in having a citizen like Lawrence Sinclair silenced as a political prisoner by ushering in false Grand Jury indictments or depriving a disabled person their medications it all becomes a felony.
The moment Barack Obama utilizes in a "wink and nod" people such as John Aravosis with hidden funding from other sources to defame someone with a full leftist media then knowingly picking up the story to slander or endanger an unborn child, then it becomes a conspiracy felony all covered by RICO.
This is what godfather Obama is all about. This is the abuse of power and delegating of criminal acts by a central figure.
Someone such as Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald of Chicago should be holding Grand Jury hearings on the above. Rudi Guiliani who was a federal prosecutor should be contacting the Justice Department demanding action.
If one wants to add Count 21: The terrorizing of the American Issues Project by Obama campaign legal counsel Bob Bauer in a concerted effort to criminalize and intimidate AIP by coercision of the Justice Department to limit AIP's legal free speech under the Constitution.
None of this has even touched upon the fraudulent birth certificate of Barack Obama, if said certificate is a fraud how it was used in an attempt to overthrow the United States government, the illegal money laundering of Tony Rezko for both Senators Obama and Biden etc.... etc... etc....
Justice must be done and it is time the Justice Department of the United States of America start protecting it's citizens great and small from the organized crime syndicate of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.