Perhaps in that God given event, the real issue should be addressed in the speech Sarah Palin gave tonight in St. Paul.
I was apprehensive as I knew the stakes for her as she had been savaged for days and I knew the liberal media would be just waiting to declare her in need of being replaced.
In what Sarah Palin did though this evening, I will describe Gwen Ifill of PBS standing in the arena afterwards to explain how Gov. Palin did.
Ms. Ifill is the reporter who said after Al Gore lost, "Oh we lost.........I mean.......ah the Democrats lost", to give you an idea of what this pro Barack Obama propagandist is about.
After Sarah Palin was done speaking, Gwen Ifill who had been smiling buoyantly all night and for weeks, looked like a woman who had just been beating on 10 wagon loads of Chinese laundry down by the stream on a rock in 100 degree heat, been told her husband ran off with a good looking woman, her water pipes broke flooding her house and the bank where she had her life savings just closed it's doors.
Sarah Palin in a few minutes, with a few words devastated liberals completely. They now know a titan walks among them and this woman is going to obliterate the Obama Biden ticket the way Hillary Clinton was not allowed.
There is joy in Clintonville tonight.
I do not use the following term lightly.
Sarah Palin was fantastic.
Much has been written about two of the greatest political speakers of the past century in Ronald Reagan and William Clinton.
Ronald Reagan had the ability to drive ideals home and make one secure in trusting him.
William Clinton had the ability to draw people in and in a slick (meant in a polished way) deliver a message that he was in sympathy with the listener.
Sarah Palin has the ability of driving home ideals so you trust her, but drawing people in as she delivers the message that she is ONE OF THE PEOPLE and listeners believe her.
I have never in all my study of speeches ever witnessed anyone from dictators to Presidents who has even come close to Gov. Palin. She transcends by miles Reagan and Clinton. She is the word fantastic so I will utilize it again.
What one has to understand is the entire night in St. Paul had wonderful speakers who were working with a crowd full of energy. The former Lt. Gov. of Maryland noted it when he broke into an off script remark in "drill baby drill" for opening up oil resources in America and the crowd broke into that chant.
Mitt Romney did yeoman's work. Mike Huckabee was amusing and folksy in noting in his poor family he never knew showers weren't supposed to hurt until he got to college as all they had was Lava in their house. Rudi Guliani was having the time of his life smacking Barack Obama around exposing his record and had the crowd in an uproar.
This was two and a half hours of people on expending vast quantities of energy which is not what anyone would want to ever step into as a speaker making the speech of her life.
Sarah Palin though took the stage as a still small voice. She then built upon introducing her family to America, and in the most complete way without saying a word about the attacks upon them, she made her family America's family and normal Americans loved them.
One hopes for defining moments which you can never script, but the defining family moment was the youngest daughter who I deem no more than 8 was holding the new baby, Trig, the camera caught her lovingly licking her hand and stroking down the baby's hair which was sticking up repeatedly.
Yes people who are beasts without hearts will savage that, but that was an ultimate moment.
Gov. Palin then literally took Barack Obama and Joe Biden to the woodshed and in the most complete way that only a woman can do, she let the world know that the only man in the room was John McCain compared to these pretenders.
The GOP has not in the least been behind John McCain as he was selected for them by DailyKos voters screwing up the election just as Rush Limbaugh literally hampered Barack Obama in having Republicans vote for Hillary Clinton in helping her.
To let one know how Sarah Palin did, she closed her speech and the crowd was loud. Her family came on stage and it went into a din of noise, but in a few minutes this crowd went off scale when John McCain went on stage.
Sarah Palin gave birth to a child months ago, but in her speech she wed John McCain to the Republican party and in that speech she has now given birth to a Palin revolution which is going to surpass Ronald Reagan's.
I saw tears in the audience for Barack Obama. I witnessed fiery eyes of passion in women and delight in the eyes of men for Sarah Palin in her speech.
Earlier on ABC, I was studying John McCain in an interview and he was his normal self in that military 1000 yard cool look, but just as soon as the name Sarah Palin came up, his eyes lit up, he smiled and I now know what he understood in he knew what she is and how she will deliver.
I have mentioned Michael Beschloss the warped personality who pretends he is a historian. After the Obama speech, he stated it was the best speech ever, even surpassing the legendary speech of John Kennedy in his acceptance. Nothing could be farther from the Truth.
Tonight, he could only smile like the Joker character in Batman curling his lips around his face without showing no teeth like the Grinch who stole Christmas in not bothering to note the immense accomplishment of Sarah Palin in God's grace.
There is only one known speech given that even slightly comes close to what Sarah Palin accomplished and that is the St. Crispen's Day speech by William Shakespeare in Henry V.
This was a moment of infamy in a political revolution, a real revolution for the common person being born in a movement by an American woman for all Americans.
This is not the smarmy Marxist bisexual terroristic revolution of William Ayers which Barack Obama espouses. This is the American virtue of the greater hope of tomorrow always shines brighter for all Americans in Americans inheriting their God given land.
I noted that lightning might have struck for Barack Obama in Denver, but that the thunder reverberating across the land was Sarah Palin. From the sparkling waters of the Mississippi in this speech, an even more powerful echo is now reverberating across to the purple mountain majesty across the fruited plain.
Reagan Country has now become Palin Country.
To know what this lady has been put through and for her to deliver like Daniel Webster, Nathan Hale, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and John Kennedy all rolled into one at their best is a moment of history which little girls will say when they grow up, "I saw Sarah Palin and she inspired me to become the 62nd President of the United States."
Sarah Palin defined herself on energy policy, national policy, domestic policy for the handicapped and foreign policy. Pundits might not comprehend where she is going, but Americans know where this woman is leading and it is to that shining city on the hill for all Americans.
Sarah Palin defined herself when she went off script in seeing a banner for her which read, "Hockey Mom's for McCain".
She said, "You know the difference between Hockey Mom's and bulldogs don't you?
Hockey Mom's wear lipstick".
It is not at all accepted in journalism now to urge people to do something, but having been called a journalist and not like the title in the least, I sincerely ask that people pray for Sarah Palin in God helping her as she can not do this alone. She is good for America and America needs her.
I had entered this election for the first time in my life displeased with all choices in Marxists, socialists, egotists, people who have no idea what being a Libertarian, Constitutionalists or even what a green is.
In the instant I saw Sarah Palin, I knew she was thee political answer to the McCain ticket.
In the moment of her introduction, I knew this was the woman who could change America for the good of Americans.
From this point on in judging her tonight, I know Sarah Palin is America's future as she is presidential not material, but she is the epitome of American hope.
People have rightly judged that Barack Obama's mirror president is Jimmy Carter.
No one has ever approached the president Sarah Palin mirrors but she is equal to George Washington.
Yes she is Vice President, but God has this woman going places for His purposes coming from the PTA, a Mayor, a Governor to the Vice Presidential nomination in a meteoric rise which was not manipulated as Barack Obama's creation was, Sarah Palin's advance was written in the stars.
I told a friend of mine in a letter who was upset over the attacks on Gov. Palin this week who was praying allot for comfort something God whispered to me, "Would you rather be on Sarah Palin's side or be where Barack Obama and Joe Biden are in facing this woman?"
The Obama smear machine, Obamaniacs, the leftist defaming press combined and they are still outnumbered by one woman in Sarah Palin.
She is that fantastic.