Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thee Emancipation Palination of America

When in the course of human events of 2008, it became necessary as in 1776 and 1863 for one woman in her people to dissolve the political bands which have enslaved all women with a predatory order shackling them and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station they have right to in life by which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle all women, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this Emancipation.

In this stream of the eddy of time and current of human destiny, sewed Betsy Ross in her uniting American flag, followed closely by the careful footsteps of freedom in Sojourner Truth is now of this era boldly a river born in Sarah Palin where cascading we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all women and men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are the possession of their own Life, responsible Liberty and the pursuit of Completion to the joy of their souls for God alones glory.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among People, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, but that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter, to abolish it, and to institute new a more complete freedom deserving of their moral nature in their self governing Republic.

We as a people do not take what is not rightfully ours in this rebirth, we as a people take back the eternal rights which God's grace has given to all as equals which have been taken from us by an empowered dictatorial few.

We will be defined as of the people, with the people, for the people and by the people. We are women.

While the bigotry, bias, sexism and weakness of past systems have been placed upon our unwilling shoulders to be replaced by more modern invention reintroducing the ancient rites to keep the fairer sex unfairly treated, we throw off this past, this present and return to our future in making this our destiny of True Liberation where all women can design their God appointed lives in morality, industry and relationship in our rights balanced as all rights are for the social good of our American Society.

We reject the version of events we now left after August 27th where before, women were cajoled, manipulated and lied to, to sell their futures to others for the price of their virtue, their vindication and their vote.
Never before in the history of humankind have women been so brutalized, barbarized and savaged for the political gain of an elite few.
Women have paid with their hearts, their souls, their bodies and their minds in suffering, trauma and misery in the most loathsome affront to them that has not been witnessed since the days they were ordered to sacrifice their virginity to Ashteroth, sacrifice their children's lives to Molech and sold into Nimrod subjugation for their enslavement.
They were left empty by a promised sexual revolution, left barren in aborticide which scarred their wombs into premature labor and became slaves to a commune where they were afflicted for being women in return for not wages, but benefits handed to them by masters of the government making them dependents of a state and robbing them of their adult natures as women.

It is in these Truths self evident which Sarah Palin brings with her life the emancipation proclaiming no more will women be sold for a vote, used for political gain not gaining them and herded by fear in preying upon their very natures on their love of their nation, their children and their lives.

Make no mistake there is a marked difference between the measure of handed out entitlements and the full flowing torrent of responsible liberty offered in this Emancipation Palination for America.

Consider long the devastation of sex foisted upon women where corporations profited off of them in contraception pills turning them into objects which they were used by those above the glass sealing turning it into a bronze casket of the sky where hope died as they were discarded by the powerful after being used.
Consider long the alienation within themselves as they were told to offer up their children to aborticide, never told of the cancers and the trauma they would face later in wombs scarred that would eject their children prematurely all so those few affirmative action women on top with children could go home to their families, as assistants had piles of those elitist's work on their desks slaving away into the night and on holidays to only return home to soup in cans and an afghan rug late in the night.
Consider the absolute enslavement in women giving all, and giving more in past, and then being told to be taxed more, give up more, enslave themselves more and suffer more.

Suffrage was not the step in this to make women suffer. Suffrage was the step to come to this 2008 Emancipation and no longer to continue to be led to a prison of feminist despair.

Understand now that those who fought against the Equal Rights Amendment, the sexing of women, the aborting of their children, the massive welfare state robbing them of their wages that they were fighting for women as they knew a law of equal would be used to subject them more just as all of the above was subjecting their hearts, souls, minds and bodies to abuse they have been told to carry in untold burden, untold years for a vanishing dream they were promised if only they remained on the plantation and peered in the windows at those who had the money, the au pairs, as the illegal Mexicans were cutting their lawns.
This Emancipation is about responsible liberty. Liberty for all and holding those responsible who have enslaved all women.

Caucasian women know this in the story of Sarah Palin. Establishment males in Alaska attacking her and their wanting the status quo to continue as they profit and mothers worry about bills.
Behold the racist attacks on her in the degrading of her family by patricians in calling them "eskimo". Behold the sexism of a woman is not qualified, for being a woman and being a mother when men are never held to that test.
Behold the patrician attacks upon her that Sarah Palin dares to break that bronze ceiling meant to keep all women at the bottom in their "place" for if Sarah Palin is destroyed the masters will keep their fiefdom for another 50 years sexing, abusing and enslaving a new generation of young girls.

Know this, America in her Constitution elects Citizens and is not limited to qualified males, with law degrees in an intelligence and economic network which they control.
America elects Citizens as that is the only qualification for any office in the American land.

Look to the black women who for over a century since Emancipation have been deprived of their husbands by the elites by imprisonment as all they were left was the drug trade initiated from up town to supply the elites for their narcotic euphoria.
Behold their children were told that education was unnecessary and that respecting any woman was not necessary and that pride in being American was not their vantage point, but instead to be content with their spokesmen who somehow found by miracle the way to be women are men in speaking to a black woman's cause.

See the Latino women now imported for the elitist in human traffic for greater profits and slave labor where they are the blamed as the problem for desiring a better life, rejected from their Latin nations as too many and profited off of in an American state promised dreams, but instead housed in ghetto dwellings, sold inferior goods and plucked clean by organized business of their daily bread.

Observe the Asian women offered the invitation to serve in international corporations for substandard wages, preyed upon in their natures of accepting all thrown at them and when not on phone services, computer services or stuck in the food services, they are told their services are not welcome and shipped back to be replaced by the over 2 billion other Asian women there to be indentured servants in a continuing confinement of women in unlimited supply.

Enough is the cry of humanity. It was enough in 1776 when in this course of human events those deprived of liberty cast off the former associations. It was enough in 1863 when all those enslaved all through the land rejected the former order for thee eternal order that all humankind is created not just equal, but forever free. It is enough in August of 2008 that women, all women, will join all men in an accord of emancipation where there are no ceilings depriving any of advancement.
No taxes, no votes, no policies, no agendas, no indoctrination and no groups who will any longer be allowed to hinder women in their God given nature and God given place in this American land of liberty and justice for all.

This is the Emancipation Palination of the United States of America set above the fray and woven into the frayed fabric to complete this nation as a whole garment of not male and female, but ladies and gentlemen of a whole United States of America.
United as Citizens not as sexes for the advancement of this nation in this our third proclamation to be free at last, free at last, forever free at last and thank God this nation will be a people all free at last.

We secure these Blessings of Liberty for Ourselves, Our children, for all Citizens always, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.

