Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama IQ

Barack Obama has mustered in his messianic holy war jihad and cry fest a group of astounding minds to reason with the public in why he should be President and why John McCain and Sarah Palin should not be President as Barry is now tanking in the polls.

After reading the choices of the spokespeople the Obama camp have sent out, it is readily concluded that if these are the people Barack Obama thinks are intelligent having been given a thumbs up by Joe Biden, Mr. Obama's IQ is apparently only of value in stating, "He is the smartest man in a group of liberal women".

We start the lower education with perpetual New York syndicate liberal mouth Thomas Friedman. Friedman has been busy on Obama's energy policy. His angst has been that Palin McCain are for drilling oil as apparently Friedman believes tomorrow America is going to unveil Star Trek anti matter engines.

Quote: "But when I hear drill, baby, drill...... I'm against is making that the center of our focus, because we are on the eve of a new revolution, the energy technology revolution. It would.... if on the eve of the IT revolution, the revolution of PCs and the Internet, someone was up there standing and demanding, "IBM Selectric typewriters, IBM Selectric typewriters." That's what drill, drill, drill, is the equivalent of today."

Oh man where to begin on this one..........

First of all, there is not going to be on tomorrow's dawn a new energy revolution. It will not happen for several hundred years as there is money in oil and oil is cheaper than hydrogen which burns too. Anti matter is not something child Obama should be playing with and plasma to ion power are also something that goes boom to blowing planets up that children should not have.

Second, wind power needs wind. If there is not wind, then there is no power which means everyone is in a brown out if one resorts to that and is why energy companies want no part of it.
Solar power is a wonderful addition, but until pocket size storage units are invented as there are none now with the electrical reserves to power a house for a week, do not look for Eveready phasers in a store near you for the next century.

Third, Mr. Friedman does not seem to understand that there is a need to drill baby drill, for the simple reason this is not about gasoline.
Crude oil has in it things like plastics and fertilizer which the world simply needs now. These bi products of the oil industry are now as important as fuel. Mr. Friedman apparently does not understand that there is only so much gas, plastic, diesel, engine oil in a barrel of crude. One has to distill the entire barrel and one can not make Tupperware out of gasoline or gasoline out of Tupperware.
Oil is going to have to be drilled for in greater amounts to simply supply the needs of people in a wide array of areas that the bi products have filled in people's lives to make people healthier in a number of ways as eating glass chips tends to kill people.

Fourth, what does the world do with billions of gallons of gasoline, kerosene in jet fuel and diesel fuel if they are not used by the public when plastics, fertilizers etc.... are being produced as the main products and these bi products of fuel are not burned on Scottie's Enterprise?
Oil is nature's pollution and one can not simply dump fuel back into the ground. The only feasible way is to utilize it in engines burning efficiently, because the last thing the ground water needs are 50 billion gallon caverns filled and leaking into aquifers due to Tom Friedman's starship doesn't run on gas.

Fifth, and this is beyond Friedman and most people's venue of understanding, but the fact is there in studies I have done that the earth as of 6000 years ago was a different place. It's atmosphere was much more "heavy" and instead of rain, mists from a damp earth watered all living things.
Longevity and the size of life forms was larger due to perfect conditions in available food in a perpetual spring and this heavy atmosphere.
Soon though this explosion of life was creating the White Cliffs of Dover to the natural earth generated hydrocarbon deposits which was a natural way of earth consuming massive amounts of basic elements. Earth began hording these atmospheric vapours and the result was the atmosphere changed, people started dying at around age 120 and a natural pollution started occurring in oil deposits.
There is every reason to believe that people on a small scale are doing a service in the natural order in releasing these hydrocarbons as carbon elements back into the atmosphere in freeing the trapped water and gases to the atmosphere.
Using crude oil, methane ice and natural gas is good for the earth as it stops pollution and begins returning the atmosphere to more life friendly levels.
As a fact, earth forces the past several years were "burping" methane ice it was overflowing with in the oceans and it was killing immense areas of the oceans as nothing an live in that kind of pollution.

Friedman is part of an ignorant group who never once understand that the earth pollutes itself and people actually play a natural roll in using that pollution and returning the stored energy, calciums back into gases in a natural cycle which makes life healthier for all people.
That is the way the world functions and these self hating humans like Barack Obama to his Al Gore flat world scientists bent on dictatorial powers are not bright enough to understand that people using natural resources are the solution not the problem.

For Barack Friedman's IQ though, I hope his anti matter engine works in his Mercedes as he and Obama go from zero to 6 billion miles an hour in seconds.

Bob Schieffer of CBS news announced to the world that he doesn't know the Iraq War is going on as he hasn't seen himself covering it. His remedy is to raise taxes and hand out rationing cards when none are needed.

Quote: "
If the rest of us didn't watch television or looked at the newspaper, we might not know there's a war going on. Our taxes didn't go up, there's no rationing. If you didn't look for it, you wouldn't know the war was going on. Shouldn't there be some way, in a democracy, that we share this burden?"

One can quite agree with Barack Schieffer in a Obama democracy that all these liberal millionaires write out checks until it hurts and ration the caviar they all are eating.

So Barack Obama's idea of managing America is ration cards when there is a full supply of all America's needs.
Interesting liberals had no ration card ideas for Truman's Korea and Johnson's Vietnam wars.
The Obama policy is to ration goods, which will stop consuming, which will collapse the economy into a depression.

Alec Baldwin, perpetual Hollywood mouth, weighed in with the argument that John McCain might get sick or die due to his age. This is from a mind who used to start every sentence when married to Kim Basinger, "Well Kim says", when asked on any issue.

"At 72 years of age and in questionable health, McCain's fitness to coach a high school football team would be in doubt, let alone the grueling reality of the presidency of this country.

Medical Quote from John McCain's physician Dr. John D. Eckstein of 16 years:

"Sen. McCain enjoys excellent health and displays extraordinary energy, and, while it is impossible to predict any person's future health, I and my colleagues can find no medical reason or problem that would preclude Sen. McCain from fulfilling all of the duties or obligations of the president of the United States."

One really does not believe that Barack Obama wants the debate to go on the medical issue in this debate with Baldwin, as in America, the black male is prone over age 50 to die from heart attack and other illness at an extremely high rate.
Barry is now age 47, so according to Alec Baldwin's logic if John McCain who has been cleared by a group of physicians and Barack Obama who has only released one page of his medical files, then no one should vote for Barack Obama due to health issues as black men like himself die young and then America would be left with 66 year old Joe Biden, who is another old guy who will die according to Baldwin.

So Barack Baldwin's IQ for Obama says vote for Sarah Palin as the black guy and old white Biden are going room temperature.

Jamie Lee Curtis weighed in with her deductive reasoning which basically stated that since she was too stupid in being a woman, incapable of even answering an emergency call in the night, that all women like Sarah Palin are the same.

"The problem is I may be relatable (relatable is not a word Ms. Curtis) and share some of your experiences and concerns but you don't want me as president of United States.
I couldn't hold my own for one minute in a debate on any issue with someone like a Barack Obama or Joseph Biden and neither can Sarah Palin."

Ms. Curtis really needs to get out with real women who raise children, have one husband and not 5 ex husbands with 300 sex partners who actually have businesses, run for public office and have read books like the Bible instead of Vanity Fair to make them complete women as Sarah Palin has.

Apparently this liberal female voter in Barack Lee Curtis must have a staff to help her open mayonnaise jars and solve the complex questions of, if my cell phone battery is half charged, does that mean it is half discharged or is it half fully charged, so do I charge at half empty of half full?

It is wonderful God gave Jamie Lee Curtis looks for awhile to get through in life as she certainly is a Darwin candidate without any brains Obama'ing along now..

Jacob Weisberg of Slate magazine debates for Obama that Sarah Palin is wrong on aborticide as she has a "purism" attitude toward life.

Quote: "Palin's pro-life purism is as ethically flawed as it is politically damaging to the GOP. By vaunting their pro-life agenda over everything else, conservatives are abandoning one of their most valuable insights, that intact, two-parent families are best for children and the foundation of a healthy society."

So Barack Weisberg says that Sarah Palin in choosing life for all children should instead be limited to only 2 parent households only raising children and is advocating aborting the children of single mothers.

Weisberg is essentially stating in his argument that Barack Obama from a single mother should have been aborted.

Amazing group you have sent out their Barack Obama, one thinks you are going to fly on electric planes, one thinks you are going to die from being too black, one who can not think thinks all people are as stupid as her and one thinks you should be aborted.

The Obama IQ, measured in negative three digit numbers.

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