Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another Obama Bad Omen

I catalogued a long list of bad omens that have been following Barack Obama and on October 21st, another chart topper hit the list as readers of Newsbusters might remember in a "Republican" was defecting to Obama to start "Sportsmen for Obama".

The defector was none other than Tom Daschle and Tim Johnson supporter, Tony Dean. The problem is the last major betrayal Tony Dean carried out in life was followed by him going tits up after an appendectomy when he returned home from the operation.

While I pray if Dean had any family which no stories even mentioned are in God's care, it is worthy as Charleton Heston said in Will Penny, "How was good old Claude before he bucked out".

Tony Dean was given a start in life by the South Dakota GOP as press secretary. From that point on he cashed in making a fortune off of wildlife which he never repaid a cent to the taxpayers whose wildlife it was in the first place.
Dean was of that canned hunt crowd who made fun of hunters going out to shoot a buffalo while promoting the idea you could watch him hunt and fish as there was a deliberate liberal attempt to make guns, ammunition and hunting licenses so high that Americans could not afford Teddy Roosevelt's dream.

Those who have read enough of my posts have heard of a "person who stalked me, harassed me, attempted to silence me and threatened me who was associated with a campaign", that person was Tony Dean who did not appreciate it when Tim Johnson was stumbling out of a corn field with him in my asking numerous people just where the fine line between corporate donations and money fraud occurred.
That really ticked Dean off and he showed a side of himself which was juvenile, condescending and childish. He was salivating in thinking I was a GOP operative when all I was interested in was the Truth and exposing the betrayal he was about.

In the amazing world of things coming around and God's vengeance, one can look at the election Tony Dean helped Tim Johnson steal from John Thune, who in turn worked harder and the next time beat that crook Tom Daschle.
Johnson soon enough had his brain explode and is now riding around in million dollar health care while poor Americans have none and he has that neat expensive electric wheelchair which costs more than a small car to which poor handicapped people can't afford either.

So into that rode Tony Dean once again betraying Americans as he lost his television program several times over after the Johnson election theft (People might need to be reminded that Thune won that election, but by miracle a mass of Sioux Indian votes showed up hours later at an almost complete vote for Johnson to give him just enough votes to pass Thune.), that Dean announced he was starting Sportsmen for Obama.
That venture probably had 1 member in Dean being the sell out as the only member as he died.

All of that though is just one more bad omen in a continuing saga of dark moons in August, bad bowling, satan 666 license plates in Texas changed to Obama and now Tony Dean having God say, "That's enough", after him jumping in bed with Obama.

As I said above, if Tony Dean had a family, may God be with them, but as old Claude bucked out, this is one person who is never going to forget the malevolent, condescending bully who betrayed and hurt people in who Tony Dean really was.
He belonged with Obama as they were birds of a feather, but it is just one more bad omen linked to Barack Obama.

agtG 263

PS: Dean is his own messiah bible also lectured me contrary to Scripture that God didn't care about elections.
Dean found out different.