Friday, October 24, 2008

Comrade General Obama

No one as usual has decided it important enough for our United States Soldiers to actually examine what the Barack Obama policy means when he says he is going to make the military equal in drafting both girls and boys.

What I would like to ask Obama parents and Obama college students to contemplate in equality means YOU are going to be in a draft to serve in the United States Military.
This means you are not going to hide in college. You will have no choice. You are going to serve in the United States military.
Mr. Obama has stated he will allow also other types of service which means a very broad draft will occur from not just a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of college age people in some type of service.

The service that liberals worship is the peace corps as an example. I want people to understand that the world in Africa, Asia and South America is not the world of John Kennedy sending kids out to do jobs like building things out of mud, digging ditches, living without running water and eating canned food.
Oh you thought the peace corps was some romantic thing? No you Obama voters are going to be enlisted in a peace corp where you are not going to be sitting at home on summer vacation nor going off to Mexico on spring break. No for your service to America, you are going to be in areas of malaria, aids, the wonder of communist and terrorists who will love snatching you for ransom against American policy where you can sit for the next 5 years in a one room cell either being raped if you are a female or beat for being a male.

As that probably doesn't sound so romantic, perhaps being a Soldier might be what you like as Obama says he is bringing American forces home and only dispatching 2 brigades to Afghanistan.

Hey I hope you are now saying! Wait a minute, if Obama is bringing all these troops home what on earth is he going to be drafting hundreds of thousands of kids into service for?

Exactly my Obama friends. What is your messiah building an military for?

I have a clue for you children and parents of Obama, politicians never build an army unless they intend to use it. Remember Joe Biden speaking of Mr. Obama is going to be tested? Well, you children of Obama are going to be the fodder for that test.
To give you Obama voters in the service making the biggest mistake of your lives in voting for Obama early a heads up, in the 6 month nuclear window Biden is speaking about for a confrontation with the Eurasians, you are not coming home but are sitting on the front lines of the next Obama war which will cross nuclear swords as Biden used the Kennedy example.

I doubt any of that resonates with Obama voters and won't learn until they feel what it is like to die under the beloved leader, so it serves the purpose to ask just what kind of military are you going to be dying in for Obama?

Don't make the mistake in thinking you are going to enter into the service which has kept homosexuals out of the elite corps of fighting, but you Obama conscript are going to enter not the World War II generation of moral Christian heroes but the military of draftees of Vietnam.......not the volunteers of the current Ronald Reagan military who are the finest despite the infection of the Clinton years.

So Obama draftee and voter, what are you going to find in your group. Why other people just like you. People who can not take orders, people who can not think for themselves, people who have no hunting, firearms, outdoor skills and people who loathe the military.

At this point, Obama draftee you need to understand the pecking order. In the current military, there are the Army CIB's and Marines. (CIB stands for combat soldiers). This is the elite group and you won't get to serve in them nor the flyboys of the Air Force or the nice ships of the Navy.

Those are thee United States Soldiers.

Next up are the flaps, the kp, the seaboy toilet scubbers and all the other malcontents who get flushed out of basics to do the crap jobs every day and if an Obama war comes, that group gets to go out and die so the real Soldiers are in reserve for real battles after an invasion.

Don't worry though Obama draftee as you aren't in that group either.

Next up are the weekend warriors. They are allot like the flaps, kp and seaboy ranks as they spend most of their time blanking up or blanking each other. Yes the blanking is the F word and there is all sorts of sex in those ranks which makes it horrid for the few good Soldiers stuck there, but Obama draftees this is the group of Americans you think yourself superior to.

But don't worry Obama draftee as you aren't good enough for this group either.

Obama draftee you are in the lowest group called conscripts. Let your favorite mantra of Vietnam Democratic draftees be your guide.
Your officers are going to be John Kerry, you remember John as your parents voted for this hero who got a Purple Heart for getting a scratch, got a Purple Heart for throwing a grenade into a pile of rice which the rice shrapnel hit his butt and got a Purple Heart just because the Navy wanted to be rid of him.
Don't think Kerry is so inspirational now even as he greased a Vietcong kid?

How about Colin Powell your Obama shot heard round the world who was so not combat savvy he stepped in a hole with pointy sticks in it to get his Purple Heart.
Sorry Obama draftee as that is your class of officers as the real Soldiers are off with the real Soldiers and you get the Wes Clark political appointments who think you should be cuddling up with homosexuals understanding them and want to bomb the Russians just over the hill so you can have nukes rain down on your head.

Wait it gets better Obama draftee. You know those drugs you all appreciate like your dope head messiah? Well think of this miracle now. You will be surrounded by 23 other people smoking weed or the other local high and they will have automatic machine guns, grenades and won't in their stoned nature if you are the enemy or a friend.
They might frag you in your tent or they might frag officer Kerry while you are out on patrol leaving you without a leader just like in Vietnam, as they like you haven't thought that far ahead.

Sort of like voting for Obama now you haven't thought that far ahead.

Remember now those pictures you saw of real Soldiers you mocked. it is you who is going to have your limbs blown off, scorched looking like a burn victim, some kind understanding enemy Obama thinks he can talk with might even torture you with real torture you for days, drag you around behind a car, piss on you, set you on fire, chop your head off and then hang you for all the world to see for a conversation.

That is your Obama destiny in peace corp or Army corp, and, the nicest, sweetest, tastiest part about being in Obama corp Obama draftee is once they got you, they got you until you are 65 years old.
That is the way the military works. They have you once, they are going to call you up any time a Democrat decides to send you to the new Korea, Vietnam or Kosovo...........I wouldn't worry though too much about that as your messiah speaks of using nuclear bombs and as you will be in that theater eating radioactive dust and not being able to leave or you will be shot, you will probably be dead of some cancer in 10 years.

Kind of a catchy phrase though isn't it Obama draftee?

Voted for Obama at 21 and dead from cancer at 31.

Maybe they can put that on your tombstone.

See there isn't going to be any Bill Ayers raping Jewish girls and blowing up things in America for Obama supporters as all those jobs are taken by the power people and you know Joe Biden's kid isn't serving in combat, but in an Al Gore fluff job. Sorry, but you won't get the fluff job either.

You will though serve your Obama in whom you voted for till your dying day as your life expectancy if he steals this election is going to be lower than the 3rd world at dead at 21 or the long life of cancer death at 31.
Don't worry about lingering in cancer treatment though as only the elites like in England and Canada get that as there is only so much money with Obama's Mexican illegals of 20 million he has to answer to as he is giving them the vote will be who he will be saving and not you.

4th class conscript dying of Obama nuclear war cancer or second class peace corp conscript dying from malaria or a tapeworm.

Enjoy your vote Obama draftee and the service you will soon find out you signed your life away for.

Don't worry about the McCain voters though as they taught their kids to shoot guns so they will be in the elite units as the military loves them and their parents, so they will live as they know how to survive and are an asset to the American nation.

Comrade General Obama thanks you for your lives and I thank you Obama voters for your service.
