Friday, October 3, 2008

Grey Bar Obama

It is past time for it to be stated that Barack Obama is a crook. His campaign is crooked. He employs crooks. He associates with crooks.

It is past time to note that the entire press, pundits, fringe, right and left is in financial bed with Mr. Obama's financiers funding the entire group.
There is no Truth. Olbermann rants for Obama. Limbaugh prattles on about things which no one cares about. O'Reilly has a luv fest with Obama.
The FBI might as well stand for, For oBama Incorporated, as they know very well of all his money embezzlement and not one charge filed.

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have a long list of odd revenue happenings. He gets to attend Occidental, Columbia and Harvard on student loans apparently like his wife.
Nowhere is it listed that either of these two ever held a summer job, so their job was taking student loan money and living well off the taxpayer for 7 years. Be assured, American taxpayers at Occidental your student loan for Obama purchased quantities of drugs as part of his living expense for which the Mexican border and Colombian jungles are littered with dead people all so Obama could get high on your money.

That if felony embezzlement of government funds for illegal activity, involving people being murdered so Obama could get stoned.

In this period, Barack somehow found enough money in not working to take a trip with Muslim school mates to Indonesia, Pakistan and he ended up in Kenya.

One knows very well that was taxpayer money in fraudulent use of school loans to take a round the world vacation.
That is the second felony embezzlement of government funds for illegal activity, involving Islamic terrorist states.

He graduates Harvard, gets married and becomes employed as a writer. This means one is supposed to pay off your student loans. That is not what Obama did though. No, he and Michelle took another 3 months vacation to Bali.
Islamic terrorists if one remembers were blowing things up in Bali with delight and yet Obama goes to Bali, not Hawaii where he supposedly called home.

Then Barack and Michelle with her as a lawyer and consultant, him as a lawyer, teacher and legislator are earning around $200,000 a year for a decade. Still the student loans are not being repaid.

He did though have money for a $450,000 Chicago condo. Once again one is responsible to pay off student loans, but Barack and Michelle Obama seemed to have found ways to not pay off the loans using them instead as low interest subsidies on 6 figure rich careers while poor people couldn't afford to send their kids to college.

That all changed though when Obama hit the Senate and he cashed in on book deals for $2.27 million dollars.
Obama at this time stated he paid off his student loan. One knows why he did as it looks bad for millionaire stooges running for the White House living on million dollar welfare.

Obama states his net worth is around $700,000, the problem is the book deal and the fact he moved up to a Tony Rezko mansion he bought for $1.6 million which was 300,000 dollars under market price of $1.95 million in a sweetheart deal involving Rezko.
Did I mention Rezko is Syrian and he just so happened to be bankrupt until he got several million dollars from Saddam's banker, Iraqi Islamocommunist billionaire, Nadhmi Auchi, whom Obama was entertaining.

Yes Saddam Hussein helped buy Barack Obama his Georgian Mansion in Chicago.

Rezko's wife, Rita, though assisted the Obama purchase by buying the next door lot for $625,000 and later sold Obama a piece of it so Barry could have a bigger yard.
In cutting the crap, Rezko got Obama his mansion from Saddam Hussein's bribes to the west, because Obama was assisting Rezko in plundering blacks on Chicago's South Side in being a slum lord.

Barry termed his deal with Rezko as dumb. No Barry it was a multiple count felony, and, still silence from all in the closing weeks to the election.

Obama's spokesman, Ben LaBolt, is on record stating that Obama had $3 million later invested in the savings trust which then gave the Obama's a loan.
Excuse me, FBI check please, as if they paid off their student loan finally, Obama says he is only worth seven hundred thousand, was paid over $2 million for the book deal, where is this other $800,000 coming from?

In any event Obama received a $1.32 million loan from Northern Trust where he took out a 30 year loan at 5.625 percent which was well under any loans available to other citizens.
The loan was saving him $300 a month. At this time, Obama had never did one cent of business with Northern Trust and yet he gets a special rate loan.
These are the same scam loans which Democrats Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad received, all like Obama serving on the Senate finance committees running interference for these crooked slum lord lenders who just cost the taxpayers a trillion dollars.

It is all FBI ok though as Obama took over one hundred thousand from Fannie Mae, Northern Trust gave him $71,000 and convicted felon Tony Rezko public records show around $40,000 all in Obama coffers.
This is not unethical only. This is felony illegal in quid pro quo.

The financiers deliberately imploded the derivatives market 2 weeks ago to assist Obama which it did.
Nancy Pelosi deliberately imploded the bail out which will line Warren Buffetts' Chinese pockets and cost thousands of people their savings so Obama could have one more week of financial mess to attack John McCain and scare Americans.

All of these activities are felony crimes and I don't see one George Will, Katie Couric or any of these countless other employed right, left or fringe media all being paid out of the same financial pool which is assisting Obama saying one word about Obama being a crook.

Obama has brought in illegally over $250 million dollars from foreigners into his campaign to subvert the US elections. The campaign via Pritzker, Hildebrand, Plouffe and Axelrod are drying cleaning that money to election fraud groups like ACORN who say they have registered 1 million new voters.
CSI of New Orleans is being paid around a million dollars for stage events when it doesn't do stage events for the Obama campaign and says it is passing the money to ACORN.

Anyone who knows Tom Daschle and Steve Hildebrand of South Dakota is well aware of their election fraud in showing up on the Sioux reservations with cases of cash buying Indian votes for victory. ACORN is funnelling money into a same election theft scheme.
All felonies and yet not one word from Congressional Republicans, President Bush, any pundits right, left or fringe on the national stage.

Barack Obama has lived a 3rd world dictator's life doping and vacationing off the American taxpayer and now he is implementing a 3rd world theft of the American election system.

and not one sound from any major player, not one indictment from a US Attorney like Patrick Fitzgerald who didn't seem to have problems indicting scooters and not one investigation by the FBI into the biggest 29 year felony embezzlement of taxpayer funds and the felony fraud on the US election system.

Where is the Truth in America and is there not one person besides a few bloggers who are willing to call a crook a crook in Barack Hussein Obama.

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Obama the Crook