Friday, October 3, 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin, Field General

As the only lame blogger, below room temperature, who was inspired enough to note Gov. Sarah Palin's brilliant operation and predict it before the debate, I suppose it is time to educate those on the fringe and the left exactly what was occurring when Sarahcuda took the stage and trounced Joe Biden in a debate.

In none of this in God's plan, do I want to leave the impression that Joe Biden did anything but a fine job in the debate. That mark of Biden as Chris Wallace noted in not self destructing make what Gov. Palin accomplished even more remarkable as she defeated as fine of debater as America has produced in the past 50 years.

Confirmation of what I noted last night in this blog was unleashed by the McCain camp today. While the liberal and fringe press were attempting to term Gov. Palin as just getting through the debate or terming her less than intelligent names, the McCain campaign had marshalled a telling task to set up the final stage of the campaign.
I will repeat that to those who are airheads and ignorant the fact that John McCain placed on Sarah Palin the cornerstone and foundation of the entire campaign to defeat Obama /Biden.
This was not some low bar she had to clear. This was the impossible task in a debate to maneuver and dominate Joe Biden who is one of the most adept "stretchers of the Truth" in politics.

Repeatedly Sarah Palin last night cut Joe Biden out from the Obama camp noting Mr. Biden's votes which were not agreeing with Barack Obama. Repeatedly Mr. Biden feinted at returning to the Biden herd and once again Gov. Palin would cut him out with the facts of his voting and the statements which Joe Biden had made in Obama is not ready to be President and was playing politics with the lives of US Soldiers serving in war zones.
In the end, Joe Biden agreed with Gov. Palin and remained outside the Obama camp and chose to attack Dick Cheney, in which Joe Biden actually got it wrong what the job of Vice President is.

The fact of the above which I spoke of immediately noting the Palin operation appeared this morning in new campaign ads appeared across America featuring Barack Obama being castigated by Joe Biden in exposing Obama as a political hack playing with US Soldier's lives in denying funding and not ready for the White House.

These commercials did not just appear by accident or chance. This was an absolute marked out brilliant strategy sitting on the shelf for weeks. While Katie Couric was bashing the Gov., while David Letterman was smearing both John McCain and Sarah Palin, while the fringe media like Jeff Rense were suckered into posting things degrading a fine American woman, McCain / Palin had a definite strategy for a campaign as this juncture mapped out and they put it all on Gov. Palin to complete.

If the PUMA women in the Democratic circles want to know how much value the McCain camp puts on Sarah Palin, just note exactly the task set before her. She was hemmed in by the Nazi press in a Battle of the Bulge and Gov. Palin told the attackers, "NUTS!" and pressed on alone just like she did at the Republican Convention.
She did this by God's Grace for all Americans, but especially for the women of the Democratic Party. I want all women to note this that it has been Barack Obama who has been destroying women. He hides his Grandmother in an apartment like dog in Hawaii. Mya his sister gets to walk Gram after dark and gets to come out to Denver to draw in minority Pacific votes and then is ushered back into the cave. Hillary Clinton is ravaged and savaged by Barack Obama and who is Obama, Matthews, Olbermann, Rense, Couric and the host of people who have claimed to be for women now trashing, but an American woman who is daring to prove for all women that they belong in thee seat of power in America.

Gov. Palin is a last hope for this generation of women as Ferraro was saddled to looser Mondale, Hillary has been trashed and will be too old to run in 8 years and Gov. Palin is it, because the old boy network and the cutie Couric network do not want any more women competing for the power jobs, so American women either get this with Sarah Palin or the big boys and girls are going to make sure a woman does not get on the ticket again for 50 years.

Make no mistake, Gov. Palin in the debate proved she is intelligent, brilliant, gifted and savvy. Gov. Palin proved she is not only qualified to be Vice President, but to be the President of the United States.
I predicted that Gwen Ifill would come up with the code words of "experience" and "heartbeat away" to smear Gov. Palin, but the Governor just slapped them aside proving how inept Gwen Ifill is and how fitting she belongs to the Obama campaign of loosers.

Gov. Palin proved she is a Field General as adept as Patton, MacArthur, Bradley and Patraeus. She was given an overwhelming assignment which the McCain camp trusted her to complete and she overwhelmed the opposition of Joe Biden and Gwen Ifill for the Obama camp.

In American military terms, Joe Biden was the Stonewall Jackson of this battle, but Sarah Palin was the William Tecumseh Sherman and she out generaled the best the Democrats had.

For all her lame antagonists who missed the above, they owe her an apology if they are ladies and gentlemen.

For all her supporters, Gov. Palin proved what we have known from the beginning of her greener days we witnessed her in amazement, we now treasure her in these days she masters in God's Grace, because she measures not only the sands of time, but measured Joe Biden out in the balance and it is time Gov. Palin measures out Barack Obama in the balance to expose him as empty.


Mes compliments à Simone Peres