Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Obama

I noticed that a dolt from Ohio, a Ms. Gray, was warning white children not to dress up as Barack Obama as it would be racist.
I noted that Barry Obama was 50% white, 38% Arab and 12% black, so would it not be anti semite as Arabs are semetic if white children wore brown face paint?

What if a white child went as white Barack Obama, certainly this would not be racist and would for example Chris Rock or Danny Glover and their children wearing white face paint going as white Barack Obama would this then be racist?

So much ethnic etiquette now having a messiah, but then will Jesus now be outlawed in America due to America having a serveral million vote Obama as messiah?

In any event, the need must be met in how to dress up as Obama for Halloween.

First up we have Indonesian pretty prostitute Obama, which Obama qualifies for in his bisexual nature and being an adopted native of Indonesia.
This outfit should be wonderful for trick or treats in Hawaii gay bars or San Francisco.

Second, we have Trotsky Obama as Obama is a Marxist of Trotsky revolution. This would be a good costume in visiting Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn's house unless one wanted to dress up as a raped Jewish girl or the black friend of Ayers who raped her in Ayers apartment.

Third we have Nazi Obama due to Barack's giving a speech at the Nazi's favorite monument in Germany.
This costume would be fitting to wear at David Axelrod's home and other Ashkenaz secular Jews like George Soros who have a love for thugs and forget the Jewish heritage they claim.

Fourth, is a favorite in Kenya Obama. It is the best of both worlds in one can wear the same bisexual outfit if you want to be gay Obama or lesbian Obama embracing the entire Obama.
Wearing this one should visit Oprah Winfrey, Whoopie Goldberg and Chris Matthews mansions as showing up in black communities like this will only get you a date with Jeremiah Wright.

Fifth, we have Muslim Obama, the shira girl. It is wonderful that Muslims have finally come out of the closets as for too long Arafat molesting boys was the hidden secret along with his dying from aids. How lovely now that the Muslim religion of Ghadaffi and Farahkhan has finally rewritten the Koran to embrace bisexual Obama.
A new Muslim is born this Halloween for bin Laden, Zawahiri, Assad and Ahmadinejad to go out and put on women's clothes and dress up like bisexual Muslim Obama.

Lastly, there is jackass Obama of the Democratic party. No race is thought to be involved in this one, but polls do have it that 10 out 10 jackasses consider this an insult to be an Obama jackass.
