Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama looses in a landslide

I know something which all the liberal media, all the Obama financiers and all the pollsters know, but I sort of doubt Obama knows as he is allot like Daunte Culpepper the created football star in issuing press releases "as he is his own agent" in telling the world he is a winner and ready to play, but for some reason not any NFL teams are offering the looser a contract

Because he is a looser.

Obama has been surrounded for years now by "polishers" who have told the press to groom Obama as a winner, so Obama believes he is the messiah to the White House. Barack Obama is quite deluded and quite insane. For all of his gay sexual contact, I would not be surprised if he doesn't have syphilis insanity like another product of Chicago in Al Capone.

Ann Coulter noted the reality of the polls in the polls always have about a 10 point cushion for Democrats consistently since Richard Nixon.
In other words, pollsters create fraud in tampering with elections for their financiers benefactors.

Dan Rather before the internet took off was part of such a plan in tanking the numbers of George H. W. Bush in the month of December when all the press went after him from Iraq War I highs and once they used the "economy" in the Christmas month of pounding to drop him from 75 to 55, the Rather headline was about the horrid numbers of George H W Bush.

It is the way the game is played against Americans by communists.

John Zogby, the liberal, was quite good at his job when Rush Limbaugh quoted him as Zogby got it correct. The problem is in 2004 Zogby sold his soul and came out with numbers trying to suppress the Western vote in the United States by telling them that John Kerry was winning. He joined with Democratic electioneers to try and throw an election.
He failed and for 4 years has been discounted, but he did mumble a fact that this election would turn on the last week just it did with Carter and Reagan.
The problem, Zogby is lying saying they are now currently moving to Obama.

Matt Drudge posted a telling poll yesterday in which 11.6% of the electorate is undecided or for a lack of a reality, these Silent Majority of Richard Nixon have not yet pulled the lever for the GOP which they traditionally do.

CBS with Harry Smith was attempting to illegally suppress this vote again by telling the world the election is over and Obama has won.
Smith doing that reveals just how desperate the liberals are to try and suppress that vote.

Liberals did indeed suppress that vote for Bush 41 when Lawrence Walsh handed down his bogus indictments. Those voters would have voted for Bush 41 as he predicted but because the cocktail Letterman crowd had told Christians to shut up and go away after voting, they simply stayed away and so Bush lost by his own patricians and electioneering.

2008 is completely different in even Rush Limbaugh noted that unless Obama has a 15 point lead, he is going to loose this.
Obama in current bogus polling can only mark 1 to 6 percent. That is a disaster for him.

The reason it is a disaster is John McCain is already leading among likely voters and when that 11.6% voter wing comes in to vote which liberals are trying to illegally suppress, they are going to vote McCain Palin 10 to 1.

I can not help it if Obama pulls something or some Democrat indicts someone, but if this 2008 election trends "normal" in the liberal manipulation, John McCain and Sarah Palin will win this by 8 points come November.
That is what liberals are desperately trying to keep from happening.

The current data shows McCain taking Ohio, Missouri and Florida. Those are must win states for Obama and he can not win them even with jigged numbers.

I will also inform the readers of something I have been noticing among rabid Democrats. I see numbers of local and state signs on Democrat lawns, but I don't see any Obama signs.
This morning I was listening to the conversation of a George McGovern Democrat. This couple used to worship the ground he walked on and were so Democrat they made Harry Truman look Republican.
This morning though I was amused as the wife loudly stated she wasn't voting for Obama and then she ticked off the entire list of state Democratic candidates and affirmed she didn't like them and was not going to vote for them either.

I know this is a story of immense proportions in Democratic voter erosion as I see evidence of it in various markets around the nation. The media has been suppressing that story and it only comes on the scene when Murtha of Pennsylvania is slandering his own people in western Penn as being racists or rednecks.

The old Democratic couple I noted above who I love dearly also said the husband won't even talk to this goofy daughter who is all jungle fever in love for Obama. These Democrats are that ticked off and want no part of the messiah.
And for those clawing liberals at the keyboards thinking racism is the reason, nope this couple's other daughter has been married to a black guy and has black children.

There is more going on here across America which the liberal or Conservative press is refusing to deal with.

If this was a fair election, John McCain would now have 73% of the vote and Obama would be sitting at 17% in a struggle from being beaten by a 3rd party in Nader. Due to illegal voter suppression and vote theft though this election will be in the 10 point range as that is what it is jigged for.
America has become a Hugh Chavez system of vote fraud from the left. That is the only way Bill Clinton could be selected as a minority candidate and Barack Obama has been banking on that type of fracture to make him the 38% winner too in a field of egomaniacs from Barr, Baldwin, McKinney and Nader. There is not a love of America in those candidates but an addiction to hotel room food and bars paid for by followers taken advantage of.

I'm making no predictions as I stated, there are too many crooks involved in this. I just hope that some of the crooks even the side out for McCain as Obama has enough of them American and Eurasian skewing the election for him.
I will state though that historic numbers that operations like CBS are battling state that John McCain wins this by 8 percent as those numbers trend to him.

I will also state that the Obama erosion on the electorate traditionally voting Democrat is going to have numbers of Congressional Democrats sweating and most likely loosing on election night as the GOP is by Grace awarded more seats than thought.
There is as much outside chance of the GOP regaining Congress as it was in Gingrich's Contract with America year.

That is the trend and if I'm right I won't get credit for it just like I didn't get credit for noting Sarah Palin was the choice as Vice President as stunned liberal media types sat agape.

That though is the reality of where the election sits today and is why the liberals and Obama are running around lying about what the situation really is.

The 11.6 gets out and votes and John McCain will have a landslide for America's good.

11.6 do not be intimidated by the liberals or Obama thugs. Vote like you always do and show the Silent Majority is still the force it has always been for the past 50 years.
