Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama unCulture of the rapine women

I have watched a culture taking shape in America of Barack Obama, where it is now accepted misbehavior to beat up women.

There is a vast difference between taking apart Hillary Clinton's intellect of Marxist programs compared to biotch slapping which Barack Obama pushed Mrs. Clinton around in the campaign and later in her submission.
Obama rationed out money to her like a cheap prostitute and then as all Clinton supporters note deemed all of them rednecks.

This culture is of the entire liberal ilk. They next set their sites in political rape on Gov. Palin. It was quite illegal the smears and the savage beast attacks upon her from David Letterman to Campbell Brown.
This entire Obama sport in the Obama maniacs savaging women is now a cultural trend.

There was an elderly campaign worker in New York who had her McCain sign ripped from her, destroyed and then the Obama supporters beat her over the head with a stick.
Thank God this gutsy woman then chased her attacker with her cell phone taking pictures into the subway as this coward ran into the arms of waiting police or she too would be deemed by Obama liberals as "self inflicted".

That is what is so reprehensible for the girl who was savaged in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a McCain volunteer from Texas.
In a report now published, Pittsburgh police, Democrats, liberals and Obama supporters HOOKED THIS GIRL UP TO A LIE DETECTOR.

Gee imagine that. You have 2 black eyes, both your cheeks are obviously red because someone ground your face into cement and there is a big B on your cheek, and Pittsburgh police are investigating the victim.
Wasn't it the old line from Democrats in the story of George H W Bush getting into a U 2 Spy Plane to fly to France in dealing with Iranians, that even though that liberal story was crazy, the weight of it was so important THAT THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERED?

Pittsburgh police are harassing a young woman because she has "inconsistencies" in her story. Pittsburgh police didn't find the 70 dollars this woman says she had robbed from her, but apparently has a receipt for, but Pittsburgh police doesn't deem black eyes, bruises, stolen money and a B carved into a cheek as EVIDENCE.

Michelle Malkin apparently in this this trying to be Peggy Noonan jr as she was wondering why a woman would not seek medical help joining in the liberal bashing after being assaulted.

Ms. Malkin, dear, people who have been traumatized in a brutal way have an instinct in wanting to flee to their refuge, take a shower to scrub the filth off and not have more strangers violating their body.
Apparently Ms. Malkin you have been fortunate in not having Kobe Bryant rape you, but if you want real understanding in your luxury DC abode, just go down to the dike bars with your little Rush Limbaugh button on and you will soon find yourself going through what this young woman did in Pittsburgh.
You might even be held down and have an Obama tattoo inked into your 4 cheeks as you learn bisexual Obama luvin'.

Then Ms. Malkin, see if you want an examine in a hospital and feel the comfort of DC police like Pittsburgh who are in the tank for Obama questioning why your story doesn't add up. So what if have black eyes, so what if you are bruised, so what Michelle that you got that big Obama tattoo on your butt.
Rest assured dear, that you too will have some cocktail crowd woman in this Obama unculture question your actions and have the world calling you a liar as Michelle Malkin assaults you one more time for Barack Obama.

All of that is simple Psychology 101 and if Ms. Malkin doesn't know the answer, then she shouldn't be asking a stupid question which is savaging another woman.

It is past time that a united voice says STOP in this as this is beyond now a young woman being beat up in Pittsburgh. This is an entire Obama unculture turning numbers of women into Joy Behar crass madams running this nation like a bunch of 8th grade school girls thinking it is sport to dirty up the good girls.
I have seen enough of this pathetic juvenile assault on women from the right and the left like they all have some BDSM voyeur fetish getting orgasms watching some pervert savage an innocent woman.

For the clarion call in this, this is about women's safety because Obama has initiated into this American Christian culture a barbarian 3rd world mentality now toward women which is ripping apart the chivalrous fabric of protecting women which is our culture.

As Ms. Malkin was questioning this in public, she like all her tainted Obama kind need to visit history and start looking at why Stalin unleashed the Soviet army to rape the entire East German population of women from infants to 90 year olds. The rapine of a culture subdues it. It makes the women cowed and it castrates the males while leaving bastards to be raised unhinging the culture.
Ms. Malkin can visit Theodore Roosevelt's fine work on the War of 1812. She can review his writing on the Battle of New Orleans where he relates the French Creole of New Orleans stood on that line against the British knowing very well they had to stop that Lord Nelson army, because the British like all empires in history once they defeated an army would invade the unprotected New Orleans and rape the female population into submission.
This fine red coated British military did this across Portugal, Spain and France to allies and enemies.
That is what the rest of the world does from Claudius' Rome to the Latino gangs of today. It is always the case in standard procedure to subdue a culture one wills to conquer is you rape the women.

Why do you think William Ayers was having that young Jewish girl raped by a black man in his apartment? It is intelligence asset conversion in dominating a woman in mind control. It was Bill Ayers playing leftist intelligence asset conversion in dope and sexual domination in experimenting with the effects.
Guess what? It worked because that woman is a socialist today existing in isolation on a Kibutz AND SHE SUPPORTS OBAMA.

Imagine that. A Jewish woman raped by Bill Ayers instruction, the same Marxist mentor of Obama, and this woman is still so Stockholm Syndrome in transference she is giving praise for the same Obama who told his supporters to "go out and get in people's faces".

........and there sits the Pittsburgh police putting one more B into this woman and now right wing women savaging her along with all the left wing Obama females making this brutalization of women a new Obama sport of making America 3rd world.

Obama wants this expanded in drafting our young women which is America's future into the military where they can die in his wars instead of have families or at the least end up gang raped by some Marxist army which Obama is going to send our women to fight.
Perhaps that is the new Marxism as you don't wait for your nation to be conquered as Stalin conquered Germany, you simply send your women out to get gang raped in Asia forever scarring them.

Why isn't anyone in this nation screaming NO MORE of this 3rd world Obama rapine of women?

One expects uncivilized behavior from liberal women as they are trained that way like Hillary to expect your husband is a rapist, but one does not expect silence or questioning from Conservative women as they should know better due to Christian and American values they have embraced.
