Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sarah Palin Clear Debate Titan

I would first like to first state that considering Joe Biden had to carry the burden of Barack Obama, he did very well in the debate.
In noting that, Sarah Palin outpaced Joe Biden in poise, debate, intelligence, ability and purpose, so as Joe Biden did very well, Sarah Palin topped better than very well.

What pundits missed in this was Gov. Palin has squashed all her lying detractors who termed her the worst of things by being the best of people.
What Sarah Plain accomplished in this debate was strategic in she filleted the meat of Joe Biden from the skin of Barack Obama leaving him flapping in the breeze, exploiting the Democratic voters from the PUMA to the soccer mom the discomfort they have in not wanting to vote for Barack Obama.

Gov. Palin repeatedly drove in the stake that Joe Biden was different from Barack Obama and Joe Biden agreed more often than not. For those who have said disgraceful things about Gov. Palin, that is the challenge in you just try to do what she accomplished as it should have been impossible, but she not only accomplished it in God's Grace she had Joe Biden talking and smiling with her after the debate.
That point alone in Joe Biden standing on stage for almost 10 minutes smiling with Gov. Palin slaps every Keith Olbermann, Katie Couric to liberal online who have been smearing Gov. Palin that he detests them.

Points I noticed which were bizarre is Joe Biden in the debate seemed to have some sort of red bulging marks on both temples. The one on his right side looked like a 5 and the one's on the left side looked like 1 1. For a time he had a beam of red across his brow connecting them and the 5 almost became a 6.
I don't know what numbers his brain was attempting to dial, but he did prove that the Democrats should have chosen this street thug for their nominee as he is 5 times the man Barack Obama was.

As I predicted by God's Grace, I stated in blog forever public that Gwen Ifill the Obama moderator would work into the debate questions in the words "experience" and "heartbeat away" and of course she did to which Gov. Palin slapped it aside easily.

As stated, Gov. Palin has been slandered by people who said she was an "airhead", but then she topped Biden who did very well. Biden just didn't have a thing to work with in Obama except allowing himself to be filleted or seperated from Barack Obama.
Sarah Palin proved she was more adept than one of the most successful chattering politicians in the world in Joe Biden. That makes her the debate titan as she topped the man and proved all of her slimers wrong.

Sarah Palin proved she is experienced enough to be President, intelligent enough to be President and in a heartbeat away from being President she is qualified in being Vice President.

Sarahcuda meant it when she said she wanted the debates to continue as this is where she is at her best, rather than sitting for 5 hours in a room with hot lights with a Couric or Gibson droning on about subjects to get gotcha edits.

Sarah Palin is the clear debate titan as she topped a very good performance by Joe Biden, but when you cut your opponent off from his objective in being with Obama and stand on the stage afterwards, that makes you the victor.

Sarah Palin is the victor in the Vice Presidential debate.
