Sunday, October 5, 2008

Small Town America

I just wanted to remind people the following small town America facts which Obama loathes, Gibson detests and Letterman mocks.

If and IF, these liberals elect Barack Obama the Marxist, he has already promised all of the terrorists and thugs around the world all they want including the Israeli's and Europeans. All can not hold the same prize so there will be friction as they all try to roll the empty suit Obama.
Obama speaks of diplomacy. His diplomacy is code for arm yourselves and then start a war.

In this Obama will see enacted like Jimmy Carter, Afghanistans, Angolas, Nicaraguas and Irans. He has already stated he is going to love Pakistanis to death with a nuclear strike in the event an attack comes on America like 9 11.
Nukes are all Democrats have left as they ruined diplomacy and will not implement military action. There is a certain the next attack on America will be in the plus 100,000 venue in civilians or 10,000 venue for military. That will mandate an Obama nuclear strike.

Currently, Pakistan has 200 nuclear weapons. Iran purchased several assorted nuclear warheads from the KGB/FSB 10 years ago which are operational.
They purchased Chicom enrichment 10 years ago and according to IDF they had 25 nuclear warheads, of the small cone shape of Dr. Khan design, scattered around Iran. I believe the number is now 30.

Iran was attempting to sell Russian uranium (weapons grade) to Columbian narco terrorist communists FARC last year to start a nuclear front against the United States and trace back to Russia leaving Iran "innocent".

The long moral of the story is. Gibson can elect Obama and sneer in their Letterman cocktail crowd as Zbigniew Brzezinski will nurture these Islamocommunists again in his war against Russia, but just like Clinton they are going to run an operation like 9 11 which will be lost in the fray.
The cities these terrorists will hit with dual nuclear warheads launched from suicide ships as I have detailed will be the major liberal centers on both coasts.

Terrorists are not going to be blowing up Wadsworth Ohio or Ponca Oklahoma where Conservatives live. Terrorists will blow up the place liberal dregs concentrate in the big cities.

So I hope people do see the irony in this, that Gibson being a prick with all his ilk is actually voting for his own nuclear destruction along with millions of other Obama voters.
So when this does happen and the nation mourns if America is doltish to be installing Obama, just remember these liberals like David Letterman voted for this and it is their choice as they have been warned.

I also promise you this, and I hope the rural governors would all take up the legislation to keep the Gibson ilk from fleeing to the rural states and hiding among them while they leave the poor minorites in Harlem and West LA to die of radiation poisoning.
Gibson wants this, let him and Letterman deal with the consequences as the last thing rural states need is a million Gibson's sucking up water, groceries and housing that a rural state's infrastructure can not handle.

Thus ends another LC storytime of liberal stupidity of the Little Red Gibsonhood jumping into bed with the big bad wolf and then expecting the rural lumberjack to save his prissy bottom when Conservatives warned his ilk not to be playing with big bad wolves.
