Sunday, October 12, 2008

Very good grasshopper Newsbusters

Newsbusters I'm very proud of you stumbling onto this European Union and the Euro, but you don't quite have the right spin on the ball.

Here is your pitch though.

I was talking to a Serbian editor this past summer and we were discussing world war. He was coming at it from Brzezinski's arc of containment which he saw from the Hindus to Kosovo as a ring of fire in smaller wars and my point was these friction points will eventually erupt into the Eurasian World War which is destined to be.

What was of note in this are the Serbs are very astute as they are living in the eternal war zone of Europe. When the invasions come, when the big wars come, they always smash the Balkans.
The Serbs note things then like Russia buying up all the assets of the little nations to leverage them or annex them.

This editor also noted how the Greek's with the Germans were making a financial move in east Europe.

While most will not mix in Biblical Prophecy, I will and gladly do as it is always correct when one is blessed to note it when it fits instead of stretching things to fit what some book seller desires.
The Bible plainly states a rebirth of the Roman Empire will occur. The last one was in World War II. While the world watches Obama, my Serbian friends and myself have been watching central Europe.
One will notice in this that Germany has been very angry over "Anglo Economics". The Italians are upset also. To let the cat out of the bag, Germany is the money house along with the leverage of the Vatican funds with Italian currency based upon the superhouse of the Greeks who control world shipping and have a chunk of currency too.

This is what Newsbusters has stumbled into and is eluding to in your questions. As I eluded to in another post concerning Mr. Shepperd, the reality is the same backers of Obama attacking the United States want an end to the Union as the western powers want no part of it. They will indeed push a central European group which will arise quickly when it comes.
It will be immensely powerful in economics and military along with adherent weakness. I suspect that Pope Ben might not be around for it, but a new pope will be who will put the glue of this holy Roman Empire together again with one currency and purpose.

The central Europeans who can tank the US and world markets with their trillions in funds have been pushing for a conflagration in the Middle East to force America out and move themselves into place.

This will cause immense problems as America is the buffer or honest dealer there and without America 3 other empires will move in and in the meantime Egypt and Libya will flex their military authority in western Pan Arabia. AFTER the dust up coming, this will be the war which most likely starts the world war as these Europeans strike their Libyan antagonists, smash into Egypt and seize what they have been leveraging for in the Holy Land.
Do not ever forget these Rothschilds converts have bought up most of the the Israeli state, Soros is driving Jews out of the West Bank for his own plunder and they are causing a great deal of the problems in the Middle East as it is in their financial and policy interest.

Jerusalem is the prize in this and these people want it along with the known mineral resources and what I suspect as Soros is involved in oil under the West Bank.

This entire scenario is going to break exactly along the lines of World War II. The Europeans can't do a thing with France as no one can, so they need their own empire united to get what they want.

The problem as I have pointed out is the Russian Bolsheviks and Persians have their own plans and when a "peace" comes all of them are going to be rearming and without America there this will explode into a world war in Eurasia again.

This is why I have been working so hard for John McCain. With him and Gov. Palin America has a chance to stay out of this mess, but Obama is going to drive America into the biggest weapons of mass destruction wars in history killing billions.
Make no mistake about it in just as Patton's Uncle told him to stay in the military because a hell of a war was coming, the same forces are moving this forward without end now. These empires are known in history for being savage in wiping out entire groups of was not that long ago that Russians raped every infant to 90 year old woman in east Germany in their plunder. I personally know people who are the result of this bastardized race deliberately created by the Russian communists to Russianize them.

Mr. Obama's invocations will have America involved in this and America will be invaded. Alaska is the prize in oil for China and she will strike to get it in order to pin down the United States as Japan attempted in WW II to keep the US from assisting western Europe.

That is what the policies I have advocated are all about. I like President Bush have been fighting the coming war in an attempt to keep this nation from eating nuclear weapons.

There is though no European Union. There is a fiction of a euro currency which is not suiting purpose. As I noted Paul Volcker who is Obama's financial guru eluded to something he should not have on Charlie Rose in stating that the dollar was where people were going to and "we" want to keep them there, but they might just go into another currency. There is no other currency, but it will be create in this 3 member led central European empire.

I don't write the Bible, but God said that it would be 10 toes, so there will be 10 nations involved. It should break from Jutland to Greece with the western lost 10 tribes once again in confederation milling about led by the Ephraim English and the Reubenite French with the Danites of Denmark and the fine troops of Gad and Naphtali in Scandanavia.
The Ha Machir or Americans of Joseph being a reserve I'm trying to keep out of this.

The Serbians and every one of the Slavs know what is coming. They can feel it and unless America elects McCain and Palin so Conservatives who understand the purposes being worked out here can assist them in formulating better policy, this nation is going in naked and blind with Obama or his replacement in Hillary when they either remove him in December or impeach him later.

This order is one click from happening and America is just a few clicks from having Russia take all of our Middle East base assets driving us to Diego Garcia as an imploded secular Jewish state runs out the American Jews there.

This is going to get nasty quickly with a fool in charge or not. President Bush was blessed to have this delayed, but it is coming now.

America will rue the day they ever let Democrats get into the White House. That is a fact.

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