Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why does Jesse Jackson hate Obama?

I thank God for the blacks who are having conversations off the record about their disdain for Barack Obama.

Jesse Jackson is the original carpetbagger who is an agent just like Barack Obama. The difference is Jackson was in place after Martin King to keep a lid on black culture from going violent and Obama is of a leftist intelligent faction stoking violence for a revolution.

Jackson knows the facts and that is why he wants to castrate Obama as he has been supplanted.

Ok here is something my blog broke which no one is talking about.

Take a guess who Barack Obama just happened to start dating whose daddy was a South Side Democrat giving him the insider slant?

His wife Michelle.

Here though is the big secret which Jesse Jackson has figure out.

Take a guess who Michelle Obama's friend was that was the real target of Barack Obama's mole scheme?

Michelle Obama's friend is Jesse Jackson's daughter.

Obama is akin to the Kevin Coster mole played in No Way Out. Obama chose a connected black woman to Chicago's South Side and deliberately chose a woman he could "fashion". I suspect that his handlers knew very well Mr. Jackson's daughter was too adept at spotting con artists along with Rev. Jackson so Obama either got brushed off or knew better than to attempt the sale.

It is these blacks who are the leaders of the community that you will notice are very silent about Barack Obama in support as they know what he is.

Look at people. Who are Barack Obama's associates?

They are all Muslim Arabs. Barack Obama Sr was a Muslim Arab by bloodline. YOU as in liberals think all blacks are the same, but in Africa there are Afrikaans which are white, Africans which are black, Arab Africans of the north and the Coolies who are Indian by birth.
Africa is not Oprah in a multi colored toga and there is a pecking order among tribes.

This is why Obama is in bed with slum lord Rezko preying on blacks on Chicago's South Side. Blacks mean nothing to Obama but a Democratic stepping stone to power as he uses them just like his Luo tribe rounded up Michelle's ancestors and sold them into slavery to the west.
Obama is an Islamocommunist and all the Muslim Marxists know who he is one. His calling card is his cousin Odinga in Kenya whom Obama informed he could overthrown the country when he was elected President and cleanse Kenya of other tribes.

This is no secret among blacks from Jack n Jill elitists to the Jesse Jackson old warriors who know exactly what Obama is about. If you remember Jackson's castration statement was met with an affirmative nod by the black leader sitting next to him.

I honestly believe there are numbers of blacks who are figuring this Obama character out just like Jewish voters are figuring out this is not Jesse Jackson, but Yassir Arafat they are dealing with.

Arab Barack Obama is the family which rounded up blacks and founded the slave trade around the world.

Obama's mother as my blog has shown has set up a massive savings and loan pyramid scheme in the third world which will be collapsed on those poor people as billions of poor mean 5 trillion dollars plus confiscation of land.
The same thing occurring in America is going to happen in Indonesia, because it is already happening with Obama's financiers in India stealing farmers land.

Obama has no loyalty to blacks. His associations are all white Marxists or Arabs. As something I will reveal here for the first time:

Obama has stated he will take 1 trillion dollars from Americans and "give" it to the poor in the 3rd world.

Ask yourself, have poor people ever seen a nickel of any money?

The answer is NO. Paul Wolfowitz tried to stop that pilfering by putting money into poor black people's hands and the Europeans booted him out.

Who gets the money then?

The answer is there Marxist dictators around the world.

What do they do with the money?

They put it into central European banks where they never see it again, but these Rothschilds use it to make billions off of in interest.

That is the way the system works and these Obama backers have been looting the American treasury for decades in this wealth transfer.

Barack Obama is going to reward his European benefactors. You will notice he didn't bother on his world apology rock tour to visit Indonesia, Africa, South America nor Mexico.

He instead paid homage to his Muslim Arab roots and his Marxist European roots.

Obama is then going to with your money pay a trillion dollars to 3rd world communist who will transfer that money to European communists.
The same communist financiers who crashed the housing market in America and tanked the derivatives market to install Obama just as BCCI was tanked with the savings and loans to get Bill Clinton installed.

Why is Rush Limbaugh silent on this? Why is Sean Hannity? Some of it is my blog by God's Grace exclusive. Some of it they know, because Jesse Jackson knows all of this information.

Barack Obama gets into office and blacks are going to be savaged and thrown away just like on Chicago's South Side. After Obama was leading there the black male population was greatly imprisoned.

Barack Obama is a black issue. The issue being he is an Arab preying on blacks and when he is done savaging blacks he is going to savage white America and then he is going after Asians for their lands.

Those are the facts.
