Wednesday, October 22, 2008

While child Obama plays

I would like Americans to ponder a question in, "If someone from the Middle East has broken vast laws in exposing currency fraud to funnel to you, $250 million, knowing the people you just took money from deal in human traffic, terrorism, money laundering of opium, diamonds and weapons,

do you think they did that all for free or are they going to want something from you in return?"

That is the saga of Barack Obama in the company he keeps as Americans who adore him have not quite figured out yet that the international mafia of Eurasia is funneling counterfeit cash to gain favors from America later when Mr. Obama has stolen the election.
President Clinton took the same cash bribes from Chicoms who were given all sorts of things like American nuclear codes, American missile technology, American spy satellite technology, all of which has nuclear missiles now targeting everything from Chicago to Los Angeles.

What do you think these Eurasians are going to want from America this time now that Obama has sold the American soul for his messiahship?

Do not make the mistake people of thinking this is some Obama problem that will not touch you. Everyone of you who voted for Bill Clinton and Ross Perot has dead US Soldiers on your hands to the dead on 9 11, because this maze all connects and when a blackmailed Bill Clinton over Saddam's bribes won't prosecute Saudi terrorists and lets them into the United is all about voting and paying in American blood.

I want to remind voters in this election that China is currently smacking around the Tibet intelligence faction for that little uprising before the Olympics. The pretty Peking girl is back with a whore's attitude in beating to death her john.

While you haven't been paying attention, Iran, who so many people in the Obama left claim because they hate George Bush has a ship sitting off of Africa. Big deal you say as this doesn't affect you in your Obama hamlet........
Well think again, as the pirates who were on that ship blew up a container on this Iranian ship to open it. Soon they had burns on their bodies, their hair fell out and they were dead.

That is called a chemical weapon. The was ship, the Iran Deyanat, was registered to carry almost 40,000 tons of cargo to the Netherlands. The Netherlands was a bogus address as the Islamocommunists are busy shipping weapons of mass destruction around the world.
Some think this cargo was for Africa. Some think it was destined for Hamas. The point is Iran is just like before in helping to ship chemical weapons from Saddam at the time to murder Christians in Darfur is shipping poisons which murder humans again.
To give you a real American Obama voter view of this, sugar is sold in 5 pound bags in your grocery. Take a look at the display sometime as you might see 100 bags stacked there in bulk.

What Iran just got caught shipping, that the United States is attempting to bribe in a $7 million offering to Somalia to get a look at that cargo, is 160,000 of those stacks of sugar which would fill an entire grocery store.
Human pesticide as that is what chemical weapons is IS just like Raid that you spray on bugs. A little goes a long way and Obama's negotiating friends just deployed 1 load of that. If you figure just 1 teaspoon to kill one person, that cargo would kill 3.84 billion people.

Still feeling secure as Obama plays with these fellow Marxist thugs?

Well, how about those Islamocommunists now pushing for a first strike on the Israeli state as they are destined to strike Iran over nuclear material.
Dr. Seyed G. Safavi, head of the Research Institute of Strategic Studies in Tehran is an adviser to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reaffirmed the Persians have a very vocal group advocating the strike.
These thugs of course want the talkative Obama installed as sanctions have no power and Democrats in Congress just killed a vote to blockade the Iranians.

The Islamocommunists have a ship off of Somalia with a terror cargo that could murder 4 billion people, has already killed pirates who blew open a container and these are the Isalmocommunists who according to Ghadaffi of Libya who are funding one of their own native Muslim sons for the White House.

It is my hope in God's Grace that He saves Americans from themselves and this Obama theft of the election process, but in noting the above America is now in debt to the central Europeans who are laundering this entire financial terror network's cash and is in debt to the Islamocommunists.
If Barack Obama attains the White House, they will require payment. The first people on the list are the American settler Jews in the Israeli state currently under attack by the secular Jews in that Olmert faction with George Soros representing the Europeans for the plunder of the resources under the West Bank.
If Obama crosses these thugs, they will just like in the stock market meltdown going on currently come for America not for cash but in a massive 9 11 attack for America blood again.

No matter the President, I might have a way out of this as solutions are not acceptable in either Israeli or American nukes lobbed at the Persians polluting the oil supply as the communists intend to which Iran will by cargo ship vaporize New York City.
Letterman's cocktail crowd might hide in Connecticut, but the radioactive dust is going to get them and it is a fact that rural states are going to close their borders and not allow millions of eastern seaboard refugees to invade their states as I have pointed out in policy papers the rural states do not have the infrastructure of water, food supply and housing to deal with numbers of fleeing people.
Houston almost melted down with New Orleans refugees and that was only 40,000.

I have advocated the use of pulse weapons in defensive postures for the Israeli Defense Forces. Fry Russian missile circuitry on the gound and one stops the attack in full.
This is not some high tech weapon which I speak that could fuse the 30 or so Iranian nuclear warheads they have built or acquired according to Dr. Khan's plans out of Pakistan. The device I speak of is Sam Cohen simple. For those who need refreshing on Mr. Cohen is a personal hero of mine, he is the father of the neutron bomb and is the scientific basis for President Reagan's Star Wars which proved the liberals all wrong as Star Wars does indeed exist on platforms of various fields.

What I advocate is using a M 1 Abrams tank barrel. The same bunker buster which the Americans invented out of necessity which is simply hardened steel, packed with explosives and dropped at speed so it drives into the ground and shoots through concrete.
Use this elementary system, if need be add an explosive charge to drive it into caverns and as the explosion moves forward have it unwind a magnetic coil which is charged. The breaking down of the field just like in an automobile will create a massive electronic lightning strike. In a car it is termed a spark plug spark, in these terms you know it as electro magnetic pulse.

As this little darling requires a name, let her be called Siren as she sings a sweet song. What the purpose of Siren is, is not to fry circuits, but to trip the matrix fuses of the Dr. Kahn cone shaped warheads and detonate said warhead in it's own bunker.
If the Islamocommunists want these warheads, then the policy should be to detonate them on their own soil in an effective means.
The benefits of this are that the United States will not have opened up the nuclear gennie tempting others to follow.
Barack Obama has indicated he desires to use nuclear weapons which will call for a nuclear retaliation by Islamocommunists. This solves the ignorance of Barack Obama at least on this issue.

Tinkering with Siren's electronic pulse would also make it an antipersonel device as interfering with an Islamocommunists central nervous system frequency would have the same effect as a phaser.

Barack Obama has brought this to America's door. I do not see Harry Smith, Keith Olbermann, David Letterman or anyone else who has insulted Gov. Palin's intelligence in coming up with a solution for their messiah's mess as usual in what they created.

A $250 million bill means Obama's funders are coming now. This is the best solution to attempt in dealing with this providing the Persian warheads can be located in acceptable numbers.
I really do not want to see my Statue of Liberty melted into a puddle of radioactive copper. I find these liberals disgusting for putting this nation into this position while mocking President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Americans have not 1/10th of a clue what these people have done to keep this from America's door. It can never be told what our friends in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Israeli state have accomplished either.

This is the best option to attempt as Mr. Obama is going to send in troops and when they get slaughtered in mass numbers he will go nuclear which will bring nuclear to America.
The Israeli state can not sit idle and will have to react as was the progession plan all along which will bring nuclear to America.

Tune up Siren, drop it from a B 1 platform and let these Marxist friends of Obama eat their own nuclear weapons. In theory, the concussion of this pulse might not even need detonators to trip but be so smashing to compress the uranium to create a reaction.

This sounds like something Admiral Thomas Moore would advocate in ending an American problem on foreign soil and dealing with an election thief in Obama if he is installed.

The policy is to keep America safe, American Soldiers from being fodder and American prestige from world condemnation as liberals are prone to do from Daschle to those French types who are not Normans.
