Thursday, October 23, 2008

thee American Prayer

Almighty Father, our merciful God,

Behold the nation You have planted and grown for a heritage of goodness, as a Light to this world. Know of our sins and forgive them for those we do out of weakness and those we do deliberately out of wantonness.

Remember us before our real hours of need in giving to us a people of a contrite heart and good leaders.
In that many prayers are offered and we pray that You discern for our nation You have given, we give always back into Your hands. For we are the people of your pasture and inheritance of Your field.
We ask for You have revealed by Your Prophets that which in the cycles of time is come. We ask in your infinite mercy as our Good Shepherd that You create in Sarah Palin the shepherdess of Your people. Let the rod in her hand teach John McCain the understanding of Your Way and let the staff of her reach protect this acreage of Your chosen Founding Father's Covenant from the bear, the dragon, the moon, the star and the powers of darkness unseen.

We go about content one moment and perplexed the next as stock in our pen thinking tomorrow can be no worse and in the next proclaiming an evil that today can be no better. Raise up a standard for us for Your Namesake as we are called by Your Name. Show that Saul in his height was not of the heart of David, the shepherd, whom You chose, for you look on the heart and not the experience.
Strengthen Sarah Palin for the good she is. Reveal to her heart that as Ruth saved a people, as Esther saved a nation and as Mary saved the world, that there is purpose for her in Your Grace. Turn this people's heart unto to her so in time they may discern your workings in good leaders and let the humiliation encompass those who have strayed in mocking Your chosen as correction for them to grow in Your attributes.

Hear our prayers and sort through them in Your Wisdom for only by that will Your will be accomplished.
Bless Sarah Palin in her rising up. Bless her in her laying down.
Bless her in the morning. Bless her in the evening.
Bless her countenance to be as Yours. Bless her virtue to be as Yours.
Bless her with your enduring strength. Bless her that our enemies fear her.
Bless her words to be Your Words. Bless her thoughts to be Your Thoughts.
May she be the instrument of Your hand for the good of Your people.
May all the tribes of our brethren respect her.
May her words be spoken of You and none to follow after.

For Goodness, for Your Mercy, let us follow You all the days of our lives, in days of great tribulation and days of hope in Your coming. Let Your will be done in this nation for the faithful who You have reserved and held for the time ahead to give Your Light to those who have erred.
This we pray in Your Name, the completion of Your Law by Your Living Thought our Father, Who we acknowledge as our only Messiah and Savior, Jesus the Christ and look to the Comfort and Guidance of Your Presence in Your Holy Spirit.

Your will be done and not our will.

Bless the Lord, the soul of this American nation. Bless the Lord for He is good this American people. For His ready Love and Caring endures forever.
Hear America, for the Lord is God and our Lord is One. Amen
