Sunday, November 2, 2008

All hail, Dame Hillary Hamrod the First

As I noted before, Obama is being outed. Lawrence Sinclair currently has a tape and transcript of Obama's Gram stating she was in the delivery room in Kenya. That means Obama is disqualified as President.

So Democrats steal the election. Obama is disqualified, perhaps Fitzgerald indicts him for a Thanksgiving turmoil.

THEE ELECTORAL COLLEGE is the measure to watch.

What IF I give you a scenario, that might work to keep the GOP from going postal and demanding new elections.

What IF, Dean, the DNC and Congress who runs the electoral college meets in December and casts their votes for..........wait for it.......

Hillary Clinton.........and she offers the post of Vice President to John McCain and he accepts for the good of the nation.
To appease Conservatives Gov. Palin is asked to be Sec. of State, Biden might be phased in as Sec. of Defense.

There is something in the works and this would be the most logical possibility to keep the nation from melting down.

Of course, the real solution is PUMA voters saving this nation with the GOP from all of this in electing McCain and then sorting it out in a real election in 2012.

Oh and final point, Obama has done this deliberately and it is not too much to ask as justice to exile Barack Obama in deporting him as he is about to unleash the worst disaster in US political history since Aaron Burr.
