Sunday, November 2, 2008

Barack Obama will be Impeached by Hillary

The utter nonsense of the Democratic party in carrying on with the charade of allowing Barack Obama to enter the election process on Tuesday is opening the United States, black voters and the entire Democratic party up to the biggest embarrassment in the history of the world.

Currently, there are guards standing outside hospitals in Hawaii, guards posted around Kenya to keep all information about Barack Obama's birth under wraps, all when his own Grandmother is on YouTube confirming Barack Hussein Obama jr. was born in Kenya as she was present in the delivery room.
I had by logic concluded no mother would ever endanger her child in 1961 by flying pregnant, but then these are the same liberal women hacking unborn children out of their wombs for birth control and dumping their 2.1 children into every government program so they don't have to raise them. So apparently Stanley Ann Dunham Obama was not about to let a little thing like reckless homicide keep her from making Obama jr. a British subject.

The question is obvious in the way the Clinton's have spoken that they have the damning evidence on Obama already, but how long do you think it will be before some PUMA supporter doesn't ferret out what is going on in Kenya and Hawaii?
How long do you think it will be before some underpaid worker is handed fifty grand to forget to lock a door and in Kenya and Hawaii the hidden away facts will surface and show Obama perpetrated a fraud on the United States?

The Hawaiian leading medical official, Dr. Fukino, has now gone on record "verifying" Obama's birth certificate she has seen without explaining a thing.
The problem is this state official has in her statement involved the entire state of Hawaii in a criminal cover up due to Grandma Odinga's on the record statements which will hold up in court.

That is the point in this in the fury of the PUMA voters is not going to go away. A group of them will hound this in the courts until it is literally a Watergate fiasco as all of this benefits Hillary.

The worst enemies of Barack Obama in the next years are not going to be Rush Limbaugh or the right, but the entire PUMA millions who are going to legally get Barack Hussein Obama.

I want to remind all voters that this isn't going to be some House indictment of Barack Obama in impeachment like Bill Clinton with a Senate trial over political matters. What Barack Obama has carried out is a known felony fraud which is being compounded by all of these nitwits in Hawaii to the courts making this a RICO Act violation punishable by real indictments, handcuffs and a United States President led out of the White House by FBI agents.

America will be humiliated and how many thousand lawyers will then claim that Joe Biden is not fit for succession as he was a part of the fraud and Nancy Pelosi certainly is part of this fraud in being an Obama supporter, so in this conspiracy the FBI marches up and arrests Biden, Pelosi and Reid.
How long before an over zealous Patrick Fitzgerald has Hillary Clinton in cuffs too?

Barack Obama is going to if he steals this election bring down the entire Democratic party and as this will exceed the turmoil of Watergate as there will be joined in this PUMA voters with the entire GOP demanding legal action, a complete purge which is going to have the heads of media arrested to the heads of corporations owning the likes of CBS, NBC and ABC arrested.

For those patsies wanting Obama change which is pure revolution, you have just lit the spark of a real revolution where court trials are heard in 3 minutes and the verdicts sound like a house raising for all the gavels hammering non stop in guilty verdicts.

You liberals set up Dan Rather and hung him out to dry. Dan is going to be back as the chief spokesman in urging on the purge of all his enemies from media and corporate.

Obama is going to bring down everyone from George Soros to Zbigniew Brzezinski to Charlie Gibson to Bill Keller to Howard Dean to Barclay Surrick, because you screw job liberals are not wiping out people who play fair in Conservatives, you screwed over PUMA voters who know how to fight and they are coming.

It is now too late in the lap dogs like Diane Sawyer to even break a story in this to save themselves. The group which must move to join Christians, Patriots and Conservatives is the PUMA voters whom John McCain has been wooing with the Clinton's blessing.
PUMA voters help defeat Obama and America can go on after fixing our security and finance to fight the same political battles, otherwise hell is going to have no fury like the PUMA masses as they unleash from inside on the Obama corruption and fraud.

Barack Obama has lost this election already, because he can not lead. Democrats in Congress have already shunned him in the ranks and so have those across the nation.
Obama has doomed the idiot Governors of Ohio and Virginia to absolute defeat. There is every reason to conclude that the Governor of Ohio will be impeached as he lied and covered up the illegal search on Joe the Plummer.

Add illegal alien Obama to the mix and a simple crime of impeachment becomes a high crime against the United States in felony fraud of illegal documents.
These morons of the media like Charlie Rose and the morons of the Democratic leadership like David Plouffe have broken laws for so long thinking themselves immune like the Clintons who actually know how to play this game have no idea they are naked in this as they have no cover, as a reckoning is coming and it is coming from inside the Democratic party by the PUMA group.

The day will come and it will be most enjoyable to see a bawling Brian Williams caught up in the Obama mess along with all of his cronies. Ignorance is no excuse of the law liberal media and politicians when there are lawsuits filed all over America in the courts as public record showing Barack Hussein Obama was a criminal fraud for the past 2 years.

Even his Grandmother in Kenya knows that.

When push comes to shove it will be Hillary Clinton impeaching Barack Obama and all her other betrayers. What a fitting circle from Watergate 1972.


Grandmother Odinga

Hawaiian Fraud