I was watching the Obama quadfamily handing out turkeys in Chicago in the cold playing to the cameras. People who know Chicago with a Canuck wind blowing off the lakes know what raw cold it is that makes one sick to the stomach. Yet, there was our grinning presidential family handing out food outside freezing poor black people and making them run up from the line to get their goodies treating them all like they were Kenyans.
It astounds me no one picks up on this and is furious in the black community in what white liberal television was showing in David Axelrod policy showing Obama handing out food to a bunch of scampering black people all shuffling like 1850 America.
The murderous incident in New York where Jdimytai Damour was trampled to death by a bunch of 3rd world animals is the photo above shopped over the American flag from the Drudge site.
I call these Obamamart shoppers animals, because these creatures stepped OVER the dead guy to get into the store and then were snarling as they stepped back over the dead guy they had just murdered as the store was closing.
That isn't human. That is pure Hugo Chavez 3rd world border buster Mexican belligerent Russian illegals that is flooding into the United States.
I counted in the above photo, 40 "people". There were 3 black people, 3 white people, 2 Hispanic and 32 who 3rd world types. Walmart isn't catering to American consumers, but is opening stores to glean the immigrant low wages and prey upon them.
The excuse for the murder was not enough security. One supposes with all the Secret Service around Obama the blacks of Chicago were told to stand in line, run up, bow, take your bag and go away or they would be shot as Obama had no trouble at his Obamamart.
The reason that is vital in noting that is the liberal media is the one who is stating that you need herdsmen with guns to control 3rd world shoppers or else they act like animals murdering each other.
That is worth repeating in the message the liberal media is stating. PEOPLE must be treated as animals from the 3rd world or they will murder each other in acting out like animals.
It was not this blog. It is the David Letterman cocktail crowd media in Jungle Lust over Obama.
As Peggy Noonan, Noel Sheppard, Bill O'Reilly and Shep Smith were not trampled at their Walmart's it is apparent, something different was going on in their holiday shopping areas.
That of course can be answered in the facts. While the liberal press likes to just toss around the idea that America just happened, the fact is the people who built America were dregs in most cases.
Black people were naked savages literally who did not know enough to build a fire to keep warm.
Swedes were really interesting in Minnesota records in being filthy louse infested immigrants from Sweden.
Italians were considered grubby refuse no one wanted to be around.
The list goes on, but that is what Americans of our most pristine anchors, pundits and comedians hailed from. The difference was though they had at their roots of barbarism a hint of Christian morals that at least had a fear of God in them to behave in public.
Black people picked up Christianity as it promised freedom and all of these types became Americanized.
That is what is missing in the border busters of today. They are fleeing thug systems and bringing that animal behavior into America.
The problem is all of those pretty liberals who vote for Barack Obama are fleeing New York to California for states like Connecticut and Montana.
Here is a massive heads up for what is behind the massive population shifts going on in the United States. It is liberals fleeing liberal policy they voted in. The PROBLEM is these idiots invade states like Montana which were Conservative. These idiot Obama voters then start voting in liberal Democrats and take over those states.
The Conservative voters in Montana currently are moving to the Dakotas getting out of Dodge as they don't want a part of this idiocy any more.
Amazingly when Americans were known as Amyrgio Scyths in Asia they were pushed by Mongols into Europe and displaced peoples and became known as Celts, Franks, Germani, Anglo Saxon etc...
These peoples then moved into the new wilderness of the west and voila guess who is following now invading behind them, but the same peoples who were following before taking over the developed lands.
That is history and America is facing the reality that it has deliberately having dumped on it millions of people who have no intention or peer pressure to become Americans. I find it interesting now that Mexicans in rural America are no longer lurking, but lately the ones I have watched are speaking very loudly in stores in Spanish, flexing their muscles of presence.
New York had one of these immigrants who should have like all Americans had his name English in Jimmy Damour murdered by his like named 3rd world herd followers acting out in Obama fashion.
This is how people in Africa, Asia, South America and in parts of Europe act every day. That is why you see armed soldiers handing out rice bags or throwing them out of helicopters, because the democracy, sorry the mob, is acting the way all democracies act without the fear of God in them.
Who in their human heart steps over a dead person to get at an Incredible Hulk DVD?
Obamamart voters do in New York. The same Obamamart voters who cast 66 million votes with Peggy Noonan for Barack Obama agreeing his kind of change is what America needs.
Noonan, Letterman, Gibson or Limbaugh, Sheppard, Wallace who all got Barack Obama elected by either being shills or parrots to the cause of course don't shop at Walmart. No, they sit in luxury in their nice homes. Have the money to take trips. Have the money to wonder about college football and it never comes up in their daily postings of how much it matters that gas has gone up a nickle a gallon, because that kind of money just doesn't matter.
Just listen sometime if any of these liberals or CONservatives ever talk about the issues you focus on daily like a 100 dollars means something and it will either be rationed on getting a child's tooth fixed or maybe you can look for a used freezer to store some bulk purchase of hamburger.
They never talk about this stuff as they watch real Americans being turned into 3rd worlders scraping for food and mortgage payments. Of course, real Americans don't act rude, we just take it being robbed by Warren Buffett and will be expected to take it when they devalue the dollar in 2009 dumping all that 3rd world debt on Americans.
But then we got Walmart, buying goods from China where Warrent Buffett is invested taking that money. We got Obama handing out turkeys pumped full of toxin preservatives that will inflame our bodies driving us to doctors we can't afford to help fund his pharmaceutical pals and we got the best of all, we can now trample people without worry as New York police have no intention of arresting anyone no more than Chicago police have any intention in arresting the murderer of Donald Young.
Obamamart shoppers attention please........trample your next American on aisle 3, but don't forget to reach over the dead body to buy our price saving Obama cookies on aisle 4.