As great minds run alike, my friend uses the term, "himself" and I came upon the same time to use "hisself". Mine is based upon a character phrase from a John Wayne movie by Hank Worden who always spoke as if he had hisself mouth's full of marbles.
In that I wanted to make note of a few things that all American's are having their emails, blogs and postings filtered. It reminds me a great deal as in the summer of 2001 when the leftover Clinton thugs like Valerie Plame were busy at work disrupting "right wing" communications.
I have mentioned before that this reached an epic point where I knew something was going on big as on September 10th, 2001 during the American time zones of 7 to midnight vast swathes of the internet were going down and rebooting.
We all know what happened on the 11th. I'm not stating that event is going to happen as the signs are different currently, but I will note that in the Twin Towers were a host of intelligence apparatus and on the 11th the tapping of my computer ceased completely. As of this summer when hisself was once again on the move with his forces and I started doing the most in depth coverage of hisself in profiling him and his proxies and mentors that once again my computer started showing the same signs as the Clinton era.
It all started out bland enough in emails being censored, but soon built to sites like Google logging me out and "forgetting" who I was. There are other signs which are an apparent gliche in this new artificial intelligence watching the world for the operatives in charge, but as I'm not about to reveal what they are that the whiz kid missed and will allow the Obamacons to earn their pay trying to figure this out.
What I wanted to inform people is something that most people do not know as they surf the internet is that you leave computer tracks in your computer number and your ISP location on every site you visit. Most will install cookies to track you nonstop and most people have no idea that when you go onto a site that site records the referring site.
I will at this point let out a little fun I have which I would suggest others might like to quirk the system of information collected on all of us quite illegally.
I profile people and study them. One of the most interesting base studies I work with are those people "practicing" at sex. These are raw people who act emotionally so one gets a good read on how people react instead of act at their most vulnerable "look at me" stage.
I have frequent pages I visit, some are porn, some are webcam and some are just goofy video sites. The point is they are in my quick menu and I click on them as buffers before I go to the main sites I usually visit. In this way, I leave tracks which make no sense in my profile that Google, Drudge, Yahoo and the intel community of Obamacons collect on me.
I'm certain the CONservative sites think I'm a perv for the feed they get off this computer which is fine with me as I do it to feed false reads into their monitoring.
For a time, I was on European buffer sites which sold marijuana linking into them even though I have never done any drugs in my life. The closest I have ever gotten is sitting in Psych class and having some girls walk by and tell me, "Cripes they stink!"
I had no idea what he was talking about and asked.
His answer was, "That is weed. They're smoking weed in their car over noon hour".
Such for the virginal blogger.
It doesn't matter what you might choose whether it is some blogger you like, your own blog, your own business site or you can log into unicorns and elves, but I do recommend people use buffer sites to screw with the system of information. I just log into human study as I can keep track of things at a glance and move on.
I do many things like this just to tweak things.
In search engines, I use Cindy Margolis as a constant buffer as she was at one time the number one search or download. It doesn't matter, because for every hisself I search for there is Cindy tagging along.
The thing in this is if you have enough of your group doing the things I do then sites and searches start appearing to lurch up the scales of traffic that effect the results of the internet. That is what the scammers do nonstop to elevate pages and as I have a noted audience I do like to entertain them as they open my system up and lurk around.
Yes our good friends at Microsoft and Apple both created Operating Systems which have backdoors, transmitters and other fun things designed to making surveillance all the more easy.
Do you really think these giants of the internet just got that way without intelligence funds? Take a look at Google sometime and find out they are contracted with the US government just like the rest of the beavers from UPS to cell phones.
I really don't mind the audience as the real professionals aren't like the low grade gomers at Yahoo stumbling around being dicks leaving footprints. Most of the pros have their own satellite feeds doing surveillance on the chick in Florida who works out on her deck at 10 am each morning or the husband and wife private cam feeds at night while they are away on work.
Just pop your Corona, add some pizza and it is all the nerd could want for a date.
Hopefully with the witness for God and the pointing out to these good Americans that what they are doing to me and others in being illegal for hisself also means their files will be opened up by some hisself employee as Ron Brown noted the Clintons were doing on him, so he refused like bin Laden to use the phone or computer as Hillary was doing a great deal of looking at underwear labels.
That all should be fun in the short run of things as Hillary knows all the people, her people are still there and Obama's people have no idea that as Hillary sits at State she will be fed just as much surveillance information on hisself as on any person.
It ought to be quite the interesting gatherings as Rahm Emanuel is tied into Israeli intelligence which is one of the best in the world, so everyone will be looking at what everyone else is doing and all leveraging against each other.
This blog as harmless as it is will just keep typing along in ways to assist America through the judgment coming on it. I don't make the rules. I just play by God's rules of always respecting His Laws and American laws and in that way while so much time is being wasted on looking at Americans illegally someone might ask this time why is it all this effort wasn't invested in looking at the enemies of the United States.
Well it is off to the races now and time to take the tour.........oh and you can also use dead sites too as your buffers. That really gives them nothing to chew on.
Ain't America a wonderful place with hisself in charge. You can be a star bigger than Bill Clinton for just writing a blog with all the AI and managers watching what you is up to today.