Here are some of the B H Obama highlights in his first 24 hours as President.
Hour 1: Ossama bin Laden blows up New York as B H is out walking on the water after a lengthy meeting on the mount where the mahdi has just chisled the Obamamandments for the world to live by.
Hour 2: B H gets hisself a 10 mm magnum pistol from the FBI and signs his Oval Office over to Hillary as he is going bin Laden hunting putting to use all his skills of watching CPO Sharkey.
Hour 3: B H flies to France in a B 2 Bomber and kidnaps the Russian ambassador to question him over bin Laden ties.
Hour 4: B H is captured by Russian FSB while interrogating the Russian ambassador and is hisself tortured.
Hour 5: B H bites out the jugglar of 3 Russian FSB agents, makes a bomb out of a microwave oven blowing up Belarussia and stealing a Russian tank drives to safety.
Hour 6: B H is scolded by Madame President for biting jugglars out of Russians and is branded an international outlaw by Al Gore for driving a non friendly eco tank.
Hour 7: B H meets Ice T and they wrestle naked on a basketball court much to the delight of Barney Frank, but viewers have no idea what it has to do with bin Laden.
Hour 8: B H invades Iran, launches a Shahab 3 missile and rides it directly into bin Laden's camp.
Hour 9: The New York Times publishes B H's plan and bin Laden flees after hearing of it on CNN reported by Kiran Chetry wearing a very short skirt which no one hears as they are all looking at her panties, except a homosexual ex body guard of Yassir Arafat who is rubbing Zawahiri's feet and warns bin Laden.
Hour 10: bin Laden hisself stands on a mountain with an AK 47 in both hands pumping the sky full of lead waiting for B H Obama.
Hour 11: A massive smog cloud created by Al Gore's jet covers bin Laden's hideout and B H accidentally blows up the Great Wall of China.
Hour 12: The Chicoms capture B H and torture him, but B H in Jack Bauer style creates a rice fire machinegun and machete chopsticks out of his dinner and fights his way out defeating the entire PLA army.
Hour 13: B H escapes to Japan where he once again wrestles on a basketball court noted actor Danny Glover naked much to the delight of Barney Frank.
Hour 14: B H refreshed steals the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, renames it Obama Hawk, and sails it to Pakistan for his final man on man duel with bin Laden.
Hour 15: While in Pakistan, B H visits his old Muslim friends who demand payment for all the money they funded into his campaign and when not paid betray him to al Qaeda for 3 goats and a log of camel cheese.
Hour 16: B H is transported to bin Laden's camp on the back of a mule. B H develops a relationship with Yasim the mule and they plot how to escape.
Hour 17: B H is fined for cruelty to animals by PETA, but Yasim breaks loose and kills all the PETA rights people saving B H.
Hour 18: B H wrestles naked with Yasim the mule while playing basketball much to the delight of Barney Frank.
Hour 19: B H closes in on bin Laden's camp, but now bin Laden has an Islamocommunist nuclear bomb which the Persians purchased from Russian FSB and plans to fire it at B H the moment he reaches the crest of the mountains overlooking bin Laden's camp.
Hour 20: Google publishes photos of B H crawling up the mountain outing B H in his plans. Queer Nation quarterly votes B H the best butt in the Himalayas.
Hour 21: B H meets the advance force of al Qaeda in deadly combat where he wrestles them all naked much to the delight of Barney Frank and reaches down the throat of 3 freedom fighters to pull their hearts out, reaches into the chest of 5 freedom fighters and pulls their hearts out and in heartfelt sympathy says Muslim prayers over them.
Hour 22: bin Laden fires his nuclear missile at B H, B H rips his clothes off to fight the missile much to the delight of Barney Frank, hops on and rides that big piece of steel and struggles to disarm the Russian made warhead.
Hour 23: B H calls home and tells Michelle he loves her, but they need to make room for the mule.
Hour 24: B H rides that big steel missile into bin Laden's camp shooting his big 10 mm while bin Laden blazes away with his AK 47's until both are empty, whereby they both get naked and wrestle in the snow much to the delight of Barney Frank..........