Well, well, well as they might say, it is a little different for Barack H. Obama pretending to be President than for Barack H. Obama acting like he is President.
I have noticed as of today a great deal of Mr. Obama sounding like he is not so much the Marxist, but acting like the dreaded George W. Bush.
Today Obama gave notice that he was not going to implement removing the tax breaks on the rich right away. Gee I wonder if the Obamacrats who wanted to smash the "rich" who is every American noticed that Barack Obama just agreed with John McCain who they didn't vote for.
Mr. Obama has been doing a great deal of running away from his DailyKos backers positions just like Nancy Pelosi and Congress just told the unions at the auto junk cars which no one wants makers to go take a hike as America wants no part of handing out billions of dollars to Obama socialist FDR welfare fascist programs pretending to be companies.
Even Republican Mitch McConnell, leader of the Senate minority issued a warning this past week stating that Obama was off to a good start, but he better not make the mistake of trying to drive through Congress all those crazy left wing programs.
I will even give a further hint why Hillary Clinton is looking to get out of the Senate for numerous reasons. There is going to be a big push in this communist health care as the final enslavement of America (The first tour was FDR's Social Security, second tour was LBJ's welfare war and all add up to Robert Mugabe president for life voting blocks.) and Hillary Clinton knows very well that this type of health care ruins a nation.
Every nation this has been implemented, people can not get operations they need, care they need and hospitals stagnate and people die in droves. Mrs. Clinton wants the voting block this scheme will give, but she sure doesn't want the Clinton legacy to be tarnished in 20 years as the people who brought you the disaster.
So for Hillary Hamrod Clinton, the best solution is to give it to cancer laden Teddy Kennedy, let him croak and let people worry his dead carcase when it all goes tits up in a decade.
Mr. Obama has a major problem in even on foreign affairs, weeks ago Zbigniew Brzezinski informed him that he was not going to change a thing and things in warfare were going to stay the same no matter what Obama promised.
So it is going to be Status Quo Obama as he oversees the deflating of the US economy and world economy which is being engineered out of Europe.
This blog wants to out as cowards the bloggers at SCOTUS who would not answer legitimate emails concerning Barack Obama's case in the Supreme Court, wants to out the Justice Department who refused to answer an inquiry of who oversees to make certain someone has a birth certificate and outs the people who are now tapped into my computer signature making the system run slower. It is illegal and I know what you are doing and it is shameful that none of you have the respect for the Constitution in tapping what I'm doing.
I will though assist Mr. Obama while his globalist backers hide and mess around with my system monitoring the factual postings occurring here.
Mr. Obama is going to face 3 major challenges which he is party to willingly.
1. al Qaeda states it will attack America in a mass murder attack.
2. Franck Biancheri states the United States will default on the dollar leaving the United States citizens impoverished without any savings.
3. Mr. Obama in order to answer his war call is going to draft hundreds of thousands of United States children leaving them for dead in a Eurasian War.
Mr. Obama to assist the United States, I give you the answers to this in not just allowing it to happen.
al Qaeda solution: I know the south central Asia region. It is infinite mountains and finite trails. There are sensors one can mount on every trail which can be coupled with 50 caliber sniper rifles and various other means which one can shut down that entire region sanctioning every terrorist which moves along with Predator strikes.
Much of the antagonistic groups in Eurasia have been throttled due to policy which I was in contact with the government about chiefly concerning that in dropping the price of oil to stop terror funding and making terror states more interested in food than in bombs.
There must though be implemented a banking confiscation process in cleaning up the billions in illegal credit card money laundering. That sir is something you know of as it is how you stole the United States election in 300 million in terror narco mafia funds from Lebanon.
As Democrats and your socialist operatives have been leaking non stop to the New York press ruining Vice President Cheney's policies of cleaning this up, I no longer see a viable way to stop a mass murder attack upon the United States as it is what Brzezinski and many other globalists will utilize for a much larger Eurasian policy and one you will seek to use to cement power.
Do not use the nuclear response though, take the sniper role and invest resources in that and kill the enemies off 1 at a time.
Franck Biancheri solution: Do not bankrupt the citizen. Instead implement a policy which I advocated before. Use the 2 tier dollar, but allow Americans and specific US allies to trade in the "gold" dollar which will be the high value dollar and keep the greenback for international trade.
This system will allow US citizens to keep buying power while allowing people holding US debt to inflate that dollar out as a trading commodity to their benefit.
The gold dollar will be the reserve currency which all currency and trade will be linked to and the greenback will be the dollar of trade.
Draft solution: Mr. Obama, draft the 20 million illegals into 6 years of mandatory offshore service in a US military division.
The key role in this will be they will be promised in a land trade in the northern Mexican states which the US will invest heavily to Americanize that region where they will then have the lives they dreamed of, be secure in being a well armed militia which will spread and stabilize all of Mexico, and in a decade create a strong trading partner with the United States for our goods.
Those 3 issues are what you are going to face Mr. Obama, all of them are of your own creation in selling your soul to Europeans, Tom Daschle agri barons and your Muslim mafia in the Middle East. You have incredible debt in which everyone is going to demand payment in the flesh of the United States making her a vassal state.
You are in over your head sir, and no one in your sphere is going to give you one shred of solution to assist you, but only assist themselves.
This blog gives you the answers for the love of the American Republic which you despise and seek to change. The solutions will only come from God inspired Conservative principles. Face these 3 challenges immediately and I will assist you in building solutions to keep the United States out of a World War which remarkably all now can see is coming in Eurasia when this blog was warning of it in papers years ago.
Listen Mr. Obama as you have not nor have your sycophants previously.
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