I was looking over who the person is that has Wall Street having orgasms of delight as Sec. of Treasury in Timothy Franz Geithner.
I will at this point note that the financiers who are in the process of installing B H Obama to rape and ravage the United States into submission are also the financiers who are creating the Wall Street chaos to drive all that money out of stocks into bonds and cash, where it appears according to Franck Biancheri the Obama government is going to default and deflate the US dollar to 10 cents leaving all Americans destitute.
These same financiers have a real love for Timothy Geithner.
I try hard to like Mr. Geithner in having an affection for the Germanic history of Americans along with Jews who had a part in this. I try hard in liking Mr. Geithner as he fly fishes which is a noble virtue.
The problem is Mr. Geithner was shipped off as a child to the International School in Bangkok, which is a sort of club for rich people it seems in creating world leaders while in a spa location of a pool with a room for a pony.
Names start popping up in Kissinger and Associates, Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Monetary Fund.
All combined which have basically inflated the US economy to a bloated state where a French European based attack in simply pulling one feather out caused the American goose to explode into a stinking mess.
Mr. Geithner played his role extremely well for the reason he landed at a right youthful age the head job of the Rockefeller of Rockefeller golden goose assets the 9th President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and joined the Group of Thirty aka Manipulators of America.
What is interesting in this is Mr. Geithner and Mr. Obama have something in common in what Barack Obama has in his pants.
What might you ask this is?
The object of desire both these men have is Hanuman.
What is Hanuman?
Hanuman is the monkey king. This pagan god is the patron symbol of the International School of Bangkok and the idol which Barack Obama keeps in his pants pocket.
The story is Prince Rama of India had his wife Sita abducted by a demon, Rakshasa, king of Lanka whereby Hanuman, shows up, rescues the wife and attains the status of god.
Hanuman is the conqueror of demons, the faithful friend and the god of strength and wisdom.
One might find it interesting that a familiar, for that is what a demon possessed animal is, is currently tagging along in Barack Obama's pants and just happens to be the god of the school where America's next Sec. of the Treasury was moulded.
The same southeast Asian region of Thailand for Mr. Geithner and Indonesia for Mr. Obama, in the severest of economic attacks on America, and this monkey familiar shows up by coincidence in their past leading to their present.
I guess when Mr. Geithner asks if that is a monkey in Barack Obama's pants or if B H Obama is just glad to see him, only the demon will really know for sure.
While the world has been wondering about a moon god in allah, it seems Indians have been showing up in the Obama administration and now the monkey demon is showing up not in just Obama's pants, but in the Sec. of Treasury's indoctrination into the world of leadership.
These things are abhorrent to the real God and none of it as nothing is by coincidence.
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