The Barack Obama presidential election we were told was about American white liberal exercising their parent's and their demons for being racists in electing a "black" man. Apparently there is some kind of shadow ceiling or a afrophobia as all the above people look very white to me and Obama's flag seems more white stripes with a great deal of pale only allowed woven in.
As this election was about minorities being celebrated, I thought I would show what a minority looked like as Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer are not rising to the cause to champion black, Hispanic, Asian or any other group who seem to scare Barack Obama as they are absent.

The above photo features Arab blacks in Obama's cousin Odinga and brother George. The guy in the middle is Eric Holder who told Bill Clinton it was ok to pardon an international criminal in Marc Rich which is still a plague on the Clintons.
The differences between Obama black, Holder black and African black is noted, and, one will not find African black in the Obama White house.

Next up we have latinophobia as Bill Richardson, the "Hispanic" with the white guy name and white guy look is apparently what Barack Obama thinks is "Hispanic".
The above photo shows who Hispanics are as David Letterman didn't seem to notice no Hispanics are being allowed into the Obama White House.
No need to picture Asians as Obama apparently has real oxidentaphobia in not even nominating a faux Asian.

Then we come to the Jews who one can see a world of difference in between Sephardic Jews who are deemed bloodline Jews of ancestral Jewish roots in being dark skinned and the Ashkenaz Asian Jews who converted and look European, because they are the same light skinned line as Russians like Vladimir Putin.
Above we have pictured David Axelrod looking like Hitler which is beyond comprehension like sending Mr. Obama to do a speech at Hitler's favorite war monument. Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff and soon to be Sec. of Treasury, Timothy Geithner.
I certainly can not figure out how liberals who made this race one of catharsis have now abandoned the affirmative action of minorities and now are stacking the Obama White House with all white, and blacks and Hispanics who look more white than their liberal category of race.
I didn't know this liberal race was on of, "We got Obama in, so now slam the door Barack and no more minorities in with skin color darker than yours in the brown bag test."
In short Barack Obama's Administration with all the liberal media silence in allowing this segregation like some 1950's skin lightening horror show is looking factually like the most racist in the nation.
I'm not blaming this all on liberals. I begged, I posted, I pleaded for CONservative sites to take up this issue and one hears deafening silence like George H. W. Bush slamming the door on Latino Republicans Ronald Reagan invited into the fold, but patricians just don't know how to deal with "those people".
This is the biggest issue for America in assembling this White House and sites like Newsbusters were more intent on running me off over absolute lies than in dealing with the Truth. I don't make an issue ever of my background on the white Newsbuster site, but for what Noel Sheppard wrote to me there are a host of alphabet minority legal groups who would just love to take up the case and embarrass that group.
I do not deal in race. I deal in what is right for Americans.
I will note that Rahm Emanuel is a fine choice for a thug Chief of Staff. I would love it if he was Conservative. The problem is he is pushing all the Marxist garbage that got the Clintons into trouble.
It was pure stupidity of David Axelrod to pose looking like Hitler and then send Mr. Obama to Hitler's monument.
It was pure idiocy of Bill Richardson to stick it to the Clinton's and trust in Barack Obama who will not even take care of his own black relatives, so why should Mr. Obama without white liberal heat even bother to appoint Hispanics into power positions.
The above white people including the Clintons are all adept at their calling. Mr. Clinton, I judge now as well as his wife, if they would drop this health care scam which is only about enslaving people like FDR did with Social Security and blacks were on LBJ's welfare to keep these people voting for liberals, would make them both presidential material as they have finally grown up.
It is morally wrong though to tell homosexuals to go murder themselves as much as it is to let Hugh Hefner get away with the things he is doing. Who on earth wants Hefner as a son or their daughter to bring a guy like that home. It is nothing but pure heartache in the making.
That is what the Clintons need to work on in stop being politicians for a few years and start doing what is best for people completely instead of 70% of the time.
It is beyond disgusting that the liberal media and Congress has joined with the silence of Conservatives in not once raising the issue of where on earth are minorities in the Obama Administration.

But then what does one expect in Oprah Winfrey has been running from her blackness like Michael Jackson ever since she signed her million dollar contracts.
These messages being sent to children and all the world that America is still reverting to the brown paper bag test. (for those who do not know, that is a racial test racist blacks used to give in that if you were not darker than a paper bag you were not "black enough".)
Is it too much for Condi Rice to say something about this? How about Patty Solice Doyle?
They made this presidential race about race and all it is is an issue of 1950's "can you pass" in the Barack Obama White and Tan House.
How can America really state this is a victory when no one in the White House looks like Martin Luther King jr.