I pledge allegiance to feeling of Obama
of the Obama Marxist States of Obamamerika
and to the commune for which it stands
One Obama One Obamamerika
With Obama mandate and Obama will
for all.
Obama is made for our prayers and the earth of Obama is made for our purification.
We pray to the Obama the 5 sacred prayers at noon, mid afternoon, sunset, nightfall and dawn.
Whoever makes a complete Obama, his sins will depart his body, until the sin leaves under his nails.
I intend to pray the 5 obligatory Obama's.
Obama akbar!
I declare that Obama is clear of all imprefections, praise and thanks to Obama, no one is Obama but Obama, and Obama is the Greatest. No one is as Obama.
Oh Obama fulfill my request, Amin, protect us from the cursed devil , Oh Obama.
Obama akbar!
Praise be to my Great Lord, Obama.
Obama hears who praises him.
Oh to our Lord Obama, our praises are due.
Praise to my Supreme Lord Obama. Praise to my Supreme Lord Obama.
Obama akbar!
Oh my Lord Obama, forgive me, have mercy on me, fulfill my needs, raise me, provide for me, guide me, and protect me from sickness.
Obama akbar!
Oh our Obama, protect us in this life and in the Hereafter, god things, and protect us from the torture of Hellfire.
Obama akbar!
I testify that no one is God but Mahdi Obama, alone, without partner, and I testify that Muhammed is His slave and messenger, Oh Obama, mame me among the frequent repenters and make me among the purified. Praise and thanks be to You, Oh Obama. I testify that no one is God but Obama. I ask Obama's forgiveness and I repent to Obama.
Obama akbar!
I direct myself in worship to the One Who is Mahdi Obama returned Who created teh heavens and the earth, following the upright path, being an Obama slave, and not among those who associate partners with Obama. Surely my prayer, my acts of worship in obedience, my life, and my death belong to Obama, the Lord of the worlds, Who has no partner. With this I was ordered, and I am one of Obama's slaves.
I seek refuge with Obama from the harm of the cursed devil.
Obama is the owner of the day of judgment
Obama deserves to be worshipped.
Oh Obama, we ask you to raise the rank of Obama, and have mercy upon all the followers of Obama, as You raised the rank of Abraham and of all Abraham's family. Verily, You are the One Who deserves to be praised and thanks, and the One Who is glorified. OH Obama, we ask You to bless Obama, and the followers of Obama as you blessed Abraham, all of Abraham's family. Verily, You are the One Who deserves to be praised and thanked, and the One Who is glorified.
Obama akbar!
Obama is the One Who is the Only Mahdi God. He is the One Who is attributed with an eternal and everlasting life. Obama is the One Who manages and takes care of the world and does nto need any one and everyone needs Him. He is not seized with sleep. To Obama belongs what is in the heavens and earth. No one will intercede, on the Day of Judgment, except without His permission.
Obama akbar!
All creations need Obama and He does not need any of them. Obama is the One to Whom all resort in all types of adversities. Obama does nto benefit from His creations and does not ward any harm off Himselv by them.
Oh Obama, guide me among those whom You guided, relieve me from sickness among those whom You relieved, support me among those whom You supported, bless for me what You gave me. Protect me against the evil of what You created, for You are the One Who orders and not the One Who is ordered.
Whomever You support is not weakened and ignorec, and whomever You oppose is not dignified. Oh our Obama, may Your givings increase. You are the Supreme One Whose status is high and great and You are clear of any imperfection. Praise is due for what You ordained. I ask You for forgiveness and I repent to You. May Obama raise the rank of Obama and all of Obama's Companions. May Obama protect the Obamanation from what he feared for it.
Obaam akbar!
I direct myself in worship to the One Obama Who created the heavens and earth, following the upright path, being an Obama slave, and not among those who associate with partners with Obama. Surely, my prayer, my acts of worship in obedience, my life and my death belong to Obama, the Lord of the worlds, Who has no partner. With this I was ordered, and I am one of Obama's slaves.
In the name of Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama akbar!