Behold Barack Obama looking to President Bush like the chihuahua tagging alongside the big dog looking for protection from the world.
Pictures continually come now in poses of Barack Obama looking thoughtfully off into space revealing he doesn't have a clue what is next.
What is next is not "an attack" from al Qaeda. What is next is thee attack from the Islamocommunist terrorists which will fulfill what they have been been after all along. The fulfillment is mass murder on a scale of thousands.
People have forgotten that the first Twin Tower attack was designed to murder thousands of people.
People have forgotten that the second Twin Tower attack was designed to improve on the original operation in using the towers as dominoes in knocking over other skyscrapers murdering half a million people.
Those are the numbers these communist terrorists were speaking of and is what event they plan to unleash upon the United States as an offering to mahdi Obama.
The communists who assisted Barack Obama in stealing this election are sitting there waiting for thee event to occur with new draconian bills, a hiding under the bed Obama issueing martial law and all of the shocked Letterman cocktail crowd if they are alive will be screaming for Barack Obama to vaporize Muslims as Letterman is tired of war and needs to take a nap after his Obamanasm he has been ejaculating to.
The Islamocommunists of Persia as I have noted were attempting to sell weapons grade uranium to the FARC narco communists of Columbia. This is why the Bush Administration has slaughtered the problem in Columbia.
If Bush has long term brains as Obama is going to cut off aid to Colombian allies, he should unload 4 years of military supplies in December on America's best ally in the region.
As the Persians had weapons grade uranium to sell which was of Russian origin, it means that when the attack occurs on America, it will be nuclear.
I hold no malice toward the liberal dolts who elected Obama from their enclaves, but when the attack comes it is fitting it will strike the Obama minions who created this problem, as none of the liberal press nor Obama is stating, "How to stop this attack", but is instead welcoming the attack.
Welcoming because such a horrific herding event will make all the little Obama minions from Europe to Illinois pleading to be saved from the boogey man which will install the intended perpetual regime.
Logic dictates that Obama has only 90 days before the nation swings back from Democrats and Obama policy will stop in it's tracks. That brings one to April.
Franck Biancheri speaks of a default and a new US dollar around July 4.
The net result in "response" to Israeli strikes or some fabricated "response" by the Islamocommunist proxies mean that it is 90% certain that by July a nuclear event will vaporize from a sea attack New York City.
The fallout would mean screaming Obamaniacs demanding another attack, blood for blood, Noonan for Noonan, Letterman for Letterman, burnt hair for burnt hair.
Letterman though in his compound will have fled the United States for France as incinerated poor people smolder in New York and Noonan, well she will probably like most liberals have filed her last Obama jungle fever sonnet.
The strikes hitting select humanitarian Muslim targets would have a proper little war, as there will be a proper little horrific war just close enough to Europeans to bring about their old order which a great deal of this has been about.
The Obama above which George Bush is knowing is a puppy on a leash by his expression is perfect to make America flounder and Europeans to fill the void.
What have we?
We have what?
Have we what?
What we have?
Lamentation for the trouble brewing for which knowing Americans already mourn for the woe America is about to have inflicted upon it.
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