As a breaking story exclusive here, it is time to revisit Barack Obama's European financiers, in their official "Destroy America Spokesman" in the noted, Frenchman, Franck Biancheri, of Euroland, which rhymes with Hitler's Reich (no it doesn't but get the point that a European group who is in league with Putin's Bolsheviks whose Alexander Dugan manifesto is cripple America and then destroy America is calling itself in Hitleresque terms "Euroland" while predicting since 2006 exactly how the continuing economic attack on America is being carried out, perhaps should be taken notice of.) has come out with a mid 2009 policy of America declaring bankruptcy and destroying every one's savings by deflating their old dollars to 10 cents on the dollar while the new dollar held by Warren Buffett and all the Friends of Obama will have the new full value dollars.
Why would Barack Obama be signing onto something this grave? The simple answer is Robert Mugabe in once Obama tanks the entire nation, national unrest occurs, calling out the troops and in a few months you have rounded up the Americans and left only the Amerika flat as a tire to lump along as Obama preens himself with an adoring Peggy Noonan on the White House porch saying, "My what a big strong Obama you are".
The reality though of Franck Biancheri is the same as the Europeans who broke the US housing market, sent the derivatives market into a spin for installing Obama and is continuing to put pressure on the stock market for the expressed purpose of driving all of that money into a cash market where they fully intend to destroy it's value.
Mr. Biancheri's exact prediction was in June July after a banker's holiday, Americans would wake up to being told their old dollars were only worth a dime while a new American dollar was worth whatever.
As I know history, the new dollar will be pegged to the Euro, which will then be established over night as the world currency of trade, meaning the dollar will be good for toilet paper and starting fires to keep warm.
I noted previously these Europeans like numbers and dates. It would be just up their ally to kill the United States on July 4, 2008 under a white Arab with a sprinkle of black in him to pay back for America being born on July 4, 1776.
Biancheri picked the time and the only holiday in June and July is July 4th.
This policy is a kill America policy and exactly opposite of English or Dutch banking structures based upon fractal lending (lending more money than what one has on account by a percentage as banks do) based upon debt perpetual debt and then inflation to deal with that debt until it can not be run any more.
This is what our Founding Fathers in George Washington, the brilliant Alexander Hamilton and John Adams all warned of. Banks must be regulated on charter and operate for the public good.
How the Europeans via Barack Obama will kill America in 2009 in the final coup de grace which has been building since the foreign owned Federal Reserve took to life is this:
Instead of inflation, they will deflate the entire wealth and savings structure of each citizen. If you have a million dollars, you will wake up with 100,000 dollars, much like they did in the dotcom bust where they sheared Americans and Americans took it.
This same scenario arose in 1930's Germany when Germans lost all their retirement savings, but gained as was pushed forward an Adolf Hitler, whose purpose was to destroy Germany, Germans and their Christian nation which was effectively accomplished by Western bombs and Soviet gang rape of German women.
Americans will awake and be told by President Emergency State Obama, "My fleeced Americans, this is your fault living high on the swine. The nation is in the tank, but you gave me a mandate or Obamadate to spend trillions more on health, give aways to the third word and other such Obama things, so it will be paid for and you will pay for it as America deflates the dollars you are holding and the new Obama dollar will be our currency which is stable.
You may bow now and obey or my Obama army will shoot you if you protest near your bank".
The trump card is Obama's national emergency and as things stir up in America, it will allow the Europeans the space to become the world superpower fed by their friendly communist oil from Russia.
As no one else has figured this out, I will post another exclusive here as to why the Chinese communists are getting bailout funds. That is called a bribe.
I will post another exclusive as to why the Buffett banks and now it is pushing into the "auto industry" which should be termed the "industry to implement sodomite degradation of America, socialized training of Americans for future communization of them all the while building gas guzzling vehicles so all that expensive fuel flows in your buying it to multi billions into cartel oil and banking robber baron's pockets".
The reason being is GM and Ford get several hundred billion in loans from Americans. These companies know full well Mr. Biancheri's prediction which is told from the nation rapists setting this up that America will default in 2009.
So Ford gets a huge loan which will deflate from a 100 billion to 10 billion in one day in July. The people left holding the debt will be Americans. Ford will produce crappy vehicles mandated to be purchased and Americans will beg for Obama crumbs to be fed, housed and clothed as Obama's new 30 million illegal Mexicans become Americans now marching in their right not to work, but have black and white Americans pay for them too in welfare.
It doesn't matter if you buy gold as those ill informed mantras chant, because if you buy 1000 dollars in gold, it will deflate to 100 in new American dollars. They have this worked out in cash will be king until 2009 and then what will it bring but a pauper's death.
Americans are going to be told this is necessary. Yeah necessary like Paul Volcker who is Obama's economic thug was predicting the same thing Biancheri was because all these operatives are working for the same globalists out of Europe against the United States.
This is why they pushed for these loans and why Bush 43 bought into them, will submit to G 20 world finance with Obama's stooges rewriting the entire international finance structure against the United States encompassing it and why Obama is pushing for auto sodomites to get their greedy share before Obama busts the system to deflate it just like a tire.
We have heard Al Gore huffing and puffing about saving human civilization and I would not be one bit surprised if Obama will push through some grant or loan to this communist scam before he busts the economy. These financiers are going to scrape the American bone, bust out the marrow, suck it dry, grind up the bones and sell them until there is nothing left but a naked and starving 3rd world nation with a 1st world nuclear force to keep not the Eurasians in line, but the American people in line.
Of course Pelosi and Reid with Democrats want this implosion as it means Americans dependent on Democrats just like blacks have been made slaves again. That is FDR perpetual voting block Democrats. That is what is behind the health rationing system in making people wards of the government in fear.
These Obama financiers have been screaming the world is falling for so long and using Molotov Mob reporters with attention grabbing headlines of the end of America for decades to condition Americans so when the real event is coming, people will think it is all hype.
They have never predicted deflating the US dollar robbing the citizens of all of their wealth before. Not even in Germany did they do that as the Mark was always equal for equal value exchange.
Mr. Biancheri who has been predicting correctly as it is his benefactors in European banking who have been waging this economic warfare on America is the one stating the above. If he is correct again, the interpretation is correct in that on July 4th, 2009, Barack Obama will make America into Amerika.
President Bush 43, you just saw what Obama did to you after your private meeting. Be an American President sir and do not allow this to occur in America. Currently the Supreme Court has 2 cases before it, led now by Justice Thomas concerning Mr. Obama's illegal status.
Do not hand this nation over to the national rape coming. Raise the issue and make Congress take up this issue or the Supreme Court will.
I submit this fix for the dire political situation of America.
Congress elects from the Democrat and GOP presidential candidates in Hillary Clinton and John McCain in a power sharing venture of Mrs. Clinton is President from 2008 to 2010 whereupon Mr. McCain will be President from 2010 to 2012 when new elections will take place.
Sen. Biden will be Sec. of Defense while Gov. Palin will be Sec. of State.
All banks will be put on a federal renewal charter monitored by Congress and America will be geared to a production economy in both raw and technology services for Asia.
Gov. Palin will oversee crude oil production and supplying allied trading partners Japan and England as economic routes into Eurasia.
Under Joe Biden, America will maintain forward fire bases, but allow native peoples to govern their own states.
If Americans have better policy, then build on the above, but no one has even witnessed this was coming and is being implemented as the fawning press is caught in Obama jungle fever catharsis.
That is about enough to chew on today.
Franck Biancheri
Supreme Court vs. Illegal Obama