Mr. Sinclair understand full well the connections between body and brain with the conditions he has endured with a brain tumor and how this all is interrelated when your body starts doing things or stops doing things once the central nervous system starts being over stimulated or retarded.
I doubt though that Mr. Obama like Mr. Sinclair is going to be arrested on false charges in DC, thrown into prison for 4 days, denied medical and phone access with necessary medications by Joe Biden as the Biden Syndicate performed on Mr. Sinclair this past summer.
In setting the stage with that reality of how serious this is for Mr. Obama, doctors will tell you they don't know what caused brain tics which causes tremors or twitches in the body. They will tell you that stress builds them. Mr. Obama's started this past summer and has gone into a full blown tic that has his wife Michelle very concerned as there is no stopping it.
I will offer Mr. Obama some help in this as I know the area of the problem and I know the very people who are around him who are poisoning him. The reason I know this is because many of my friends, family and people I run into are being poisoned by the agri chemical industry which is good buddies with Tom Daschle.
Mr. Obama is not suffering from nicotine from cigarettes but a complex poisoning that is manifesting in numerous people in skyrocketing numbers of auto immune, tumors, intestinal like Chrons Disease to diabetes. All of the above are related to the hybrid frankenfoods and the chemicals in food which I have been writing and warning about to people for years.
The FDA and the profiteers of agri chemical will tell you small doses of all those wonder things will not harm you. The problem is they are spraying grain and vegetables in the fields, in storage and in processing with ever increasing amounts of chemicals for fungus and insects which are not showing up on food labels.
That is why I was mocking the other day in Mr. Obama handing out turkeys to poor black people. Poor people do not get Butterball turkeys nor a fresh bird with no preservatives from a farm or from hunting. Poor people get injected with preservative lace broth and "healthy chemicals" which in turn are slowly killing people.
I will lay out the process for Mr. Obama.
Mr. Obama eats bread full of preservatives. His french fries is full of preservatives. His vegetables are washed in chemicals as are his fruits. His meat is covered with various preservatives.
It doesn't matter if one is vegan, because they are getting you with these humanicide poisons just as much and when one figures in the genetic hybrids, people are being poisoned at record numbers.
I have noted that pets are dying from these same human diseases now in diabetes, arthritis and chronic bowel inflammation. It is the food and what is in the food which is murdering people to record profits for Chicago Obama backers.
So Mr. Obama downs a coke, fries, Doritos, a salad with dressing and a nice fillet o chicken sandwich. Every one of those things is laced with chemicals and the salad is most deadly as it probably has Mexican poop on it as that is what the big agri California businesses growing produce in Mexico are using down there as it is legal to use human sewage or poop to fertilize crops.
Think of all the garbage you eat from pain meds to what you cough up and that if flushed in Mexico, absorbed by plants and you like Barack Obama are eating it.
This all goes in the Obama stomach and churns around giving him that dull look in his eyes like he has been drugged, because he has.
Then with stomach acids, digestive juices, it all quick ferments to new chemical poisons in the small intestine where the first round of amino acids breaks up food and attaches it to the base amino acids in the human body.
The problem is all those chemicals, new chemicals and whatever else from Mexico shows up tags along with the base amino acids and starts burning as sugars in the body to provide life as the body is a chemical electric machine.
Notice I said ELECTRIC, because that is what is happening with Mr. Obama's twitching. He smokes a few cigarettes, drinks some caffeine in coffee, gets a little tired so adrenalin starts pumping in his veins and with the natural and unnatural sugars his body and brain start firing in sparks in areas they should not be.
The body of course notices that and says, "Hey this ain't food and it ain't me, so I better stop this whatever it is because it isn't supposed to be here".
So it starts inflaming. It might be the pancreas as millions are finding out now in diabetes is caused by the pancreas being inflamed trying to deal with the poisons the body is processing. It might be twitches like Mr. Obama. It might be diarrhea as the body tries to rid itself of the problem. It might be cysts. It might be your eyes get puffy and your sinus flare up. It might be hemorrhoids. It might be your joints start getting sore. It might be boils and fever pimples.
Those are the first signs and people just keep right on ploughing along stuffing more Chicago chemicals down their throats inflaming their body more.
Then they go to the doctor and the doctor listens, does tests and says, "Here take this pharmaceutical pill the Rockefeller with the Obama backers are selling for this. It will take your inflammation out."
No it won't. It will cover the symptoms allowing you to poison yourself more so in 5 to 10 years your entire head will blow off, your heart will burst or your kidneys will shut down if the cancers associated with this that feed off of these poisons don't show up and start going berserk eating the body.
The odd behavior of Mr. Obama on the campaign trail might not be coke or a fried brain as was thought. In the last process of the body, the large intestine is suppose to be the last filter which takes in all of that poison and flushes it from the body. The problem is people have so much poison and usually dehydrate (Mr. Obama is working out a great deal so those large intestinal fluids which are poison laden are going right into his body.) which when those chemicals come into contact with brain make it lethargic and you start saying things like America has more states than it has.
Barack Obama is being poisoned by his Chicago corporate chemical agriculture of frankenfoods which has everything so injected and coated from carrots to chicken breast that the stuff won't mold in a week. One joke I read stated that the meat in restaurants will not spoil under refrigeration for 3 years.
So what do you think all of that is doing to your body?
Exactly what Mr. Obama is finding out and what most of the people of America will find out in one form or another as they keep getting sicker each day and blaming it on something else. Sure your back hurts and you think it is from lifting, but it is from inflammation due to those chemical preservatives you are eating. Sure you feel tired and you think it is from working too hard, when it is really those chemical poisons trying to be shed from your body and it will not nourish itself with them. Sure you get sweaty in bed and you think it is hot, nope it is because your body is attempting as a last effort to burn that out of your system before it shuts down.
The signs are all there just like Mr. Obama's shadow under his eyes and the twitch he has developed, but no one wants in the profiteer industry to note that most of the American food supply is pure poison.
Ask the FDA sometime or your doctor if all those chemicals that "preserve food" if they are killing anything living like fungus, bacteria, mold etc... and then ask if it is healthy if you take a tablespoon in their office. They will warn you not to as in high doses it kills things that are exactly living in your body. That means it will kill you and is killing you in yearly low doses and you just haven't figured it out yet or are too stubborn to listen.
From his ethnic history, Mr. Obama is due for a very short course in this life by the symptoms he is manifesting as they deal with the neurological centers where his genetic weakness is. At least in public that is all that is reported, I have no idea what his bowels or sugar spill is.
In that event. Mr. Obama is heading for either a stroke or a heart attack from food poisoning do to what his benefactors are dumping on the American public.
There is absolutely no reason in this age of quick frozen foods for any preservatives to ever have to be used. That same case is with baked goods in molds and fungus in dried pasta, breads and cereals are not going to be alive with air tight containers.
I have done experiments with homemade Grape Nuts and baked bread and both of mine using standard flours without the anti caking agents dumped into most flours will last longer than it takes for any family to eat them. The cereal will last a year without problem and my bread will sit in a plastic bag for weeks without mold compared to that in the manufactured state which will mold in a week.
Meat can be defrosted safely in the refrigerator without any problems.
So Mr. Obama as you are now being poisoned by your benefactors, I hope that you fire Mr. Daschle from that idiot communist care you are attempting and simply appoint someone who knows the production of food to the manufacture of it and simply mandate 99% of these chemicals be banned. Doing that will drop health costs as people's bodies will start to recover from this constant poisoning.
That is real health care.
I do hope you are well Mr. Obama and not a recipient as the crass Julianne Malveaux hoped for in the death of Justice Clarence Thomas as most black men die of stroke or heart attack by age 60.
Stop the poisoning of yourself and the world Mr. Obama and people will be living healthier lives.