Sunday, November 30, 2008

Obama's 25th Amendment Problem

For those who are focusing only on hisself and his problems concerning his birth certificate about to be taken up by the Supreme Court on December 5th, there is a real drama being carried out on other fronts concerning Mr. Obama's developing muscle tic in his face which has worsened.

I pointed out this could be a type of chemical poisoning affecting his central nervous system and it could be related to some other brain dysfunction from anything to drug use to venereal disease.

Something though in the bizarre statements coming from Mr. Obama as the United States having more states that she has to his current medical manifestations all point to some underlying cause which must be investigated.

People requiring life insurance to a common United States Soldier are all subject to a medical examination in a complete physical. Considering the definite manifestations Mr. Obama is exhibiting, there must be a full scope of tests from CAT scans to neurological scans to determine just what is occurring inside Mr. Obama's brain as that is where electrical activity occurs for tics.

All of this must be disclosed in public in the tests to the United States Congress and the Citizen in what is found.

This then brings the question if Mr. Obama has a degenerative condition as indeed his condition is progressively getting worse, that at what time does this invoke the 25th Amendment?

The 25th Amendment speaks of the President and Vice President. These are currently George Bush and Dick Cheney and have nothing to do with Barack Obama or Joe Biden.
In the strangeness of this Barack Obama medical situation, it is not Joe Biden who would be awarded the office of President, but Dick Cheney as there would not be a viable and capable candidate to assume the office as acting President elect upon Mr. Obama's medical condition.

As of January 20th, Congress or the Supreme Court would have to determine if Mr. Cheney would be sworn in or another scenario in this unbroken ground might come to fruition.

Section 6 reveals a profound succession to the Presidency which could indeed come into play in this concerning Mr. Obama's physical brain condition in if factors such as disqualification occur, and the Senate votes to confirm an acting Secretary of State, that person would be Hillary Rodham Clinton, who would have legal right to the presidency.


Section 6

(a) (1) If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, there is neither a President nor Vice President to discharge the powers and duties of the office of President, then the officer of the United States who is highest on the following list, and who is not under disability to discharge the powers and duties of the office of President, shall act as President: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Postmaster General, Secretary of Interior, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, and such other heads of executive departments as may be established hereafter and in order of their establishment.


All of this gives certain new meaning and scope to Mrs. Clinton being positioned into the Sec. of States office and it being like a reassembling of the Clinton cabinet these past weeks by Barack Obama.

If not Dick Cheney, it very well could be Hillary Clinton who will be sworn in on Jan. 20th, 2009.

All of this birth certificate and the known medical condition should have been vetted by the press which has been completely at fault in this along with the cheering mob who have followed Mr. Obama like the Pied Piper taking the rats over the cliff.
For the sake of the United States government and national security, Mr. Obama must submit to a full range of tests to determine the condition of his brain and if he is in the early stages of some degenerative condition.
It is one thing for Chief Justice Roberts to have seizures which are under medical treatment and another thing altogether to have a President having brain dysfunction at the moment a nuclear attack is coming on America and he is incapacitated.

At that point, the United States will not have hours to file papers, make cabinet meetings in 2 days to invoke the 25th Amendment and Congress 21 days to decide what to do.

This is why the Founders created the Constitution and why there was supposed to be a system of checks and balances along with media responsibility to vet people like Mr. Obama.
This would have been huge news if John McCain had developed a tremor and yet Mr. Obama as given a complete pass on this now worsening condition.

The public deserves to know and know within days before the Electoral College votes.

It is up to Congress, the media and the public to demand that Barack Obama submit to a full battery of tests at the hospital Presidents are treated and make the findings known immediately for this nation to decide and for Mr. Obama to receive the care he is in need of.


25th Amendment