The case is laid out and simple for one Lawrence Sinclair. He suffers from a brain tumor and after a horrendous summer and autumn of the Obama syndicate harassing him by direct means or proxy, his condition has come to the point where he is suffering from numbness, he has blackouts and is dizzy.
This entire condition did not exist before Barack Obama and his thugs took it upon themselves to make a political prisoner of Mr. Sinclair.
Mr. Sinclair suffered death threats.
Mr. Sinclair at the behest of Democratic operatives in Delaware, to which Joe Biden received the Vice Presidential nomination for this work, was arrested on fraudulent charges from Beau Biden and his assistant Attorney General and held in DC where he was lost in prison so his attorney could no find him.
Mr. Sinclair was denied his medications and telephone service.
Mr. Sinclair was hounded by the DC prosecutor causing further stress in attempting to make him pay exorbitant bail fees.
Mr. Sinclair furthermore was terrorized by having his Social Security benefits taken away. Then he was terrorized in being informed he would have to repay all benefits.
Mr. Sinclair was then threatened by Delaware with life imprisonment by the Biden syndicate to try and force him to plead guilty to a crime he was innocent of.
Mr. Sinclair was forced in economic attacks to try and raise funds in order to drive from his home in Minnesota all the way to Delaware for further stress on his ailing body.
Mental torture is equal to physical beatings under the law. Barack Obama and his subordinates are guilty as any thug who would haul a handicapped person out of a wheel chair and beat them with a bat.
Anyone aggravating the condition of any human to make that condition worse so their life is threatened is guilty of attempted murder under the definition of the law.
Perhaps it is hatred of homosexual people in why the Charlie Gibson media condones this brutality which Mr. Sinclair has endured to Cynthia McFadden's complete silence in the murder of Barack Obama's gay sex partner Donald Young who was shot numerous times after speaking with Lawrence Sinclair.
Perhaps it is the Queer Nation thinking they need to be punished by Barack Obama for their silence.
Perhaps it is the ACLU's mandate that all are equal under the law except those citizens being brutalized by Barack Obama.
What has occurred in the repeated assaults on Lawrence Sinclair is far beyond what liberals have railed against in Abu Gharib or Gitmo detention of Muslims. Teddy Kennedy to Hillary Clinton to Nancy Pelosi to Harry Reid in their 1939 German silence as Nazi's rounded up innocent people is a travesty to the lying statement, "Never again".
Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Beau Biden, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, to the recorded DC law enforcement both federal and district are all guilty under the law of assault with known intent that assault on Lawrence Sinclair would bring about his death.
All of the above should be indicted and God forbid Mr. Sinclair's condition worsens and he leaves this veil of tears, the above are guilty of murder.
Barack Obama, the gay reaper.