In caring for the welfare of Barack Obama as apparently the only blog on the planet who neither wants something from him or wills to tear him down, but only to protect him from his abandoned past and the manipulators around him, I advocate that ex Senator Obama and future President Obama appoint not just political advisers, but to fulfill his needs I strongly advocate that he appoints Spiritual, Psychological and Mentoring Advisers to fill in the voids of his childhood which have become a void in his life.
I have pointed out before the dire need for Barack Obama to be helped in addressing his bisexual nature due to abuse, the abandonment by both his parents as he struggles with that, his need for real Spiritual guidance and the desperate need for his seek a way to find peace in the warring in his blood of the white, the Arab and the black which is causing him all sorts of problems as he is finding being President is a horrid thing and not just the cheering crowds he had in fantasy.
For all of the "caring" on the left, I have not seen one person on Huffington Post nor DailyKos seek to assist Mr. Obama in addressing his deep seeded problems for his welfare, his family's welfare and the more important issue the prosperity and security of the United States.
Mr. Obama requires strong mentoring in all of his needs to help secure him for the good of the United States in the massive tests which are appearing on his emotional horizon.
I would suggest a wide array of steady hands from Walter E. Williams, William Cosby for black American issues, Dr. Ruth for sexual trauma, Dr. Phil for family issues, former US Marshal and Sen. Gene Abdallah for Arab issues and for the most vital of issues, Mr. Obama's Spiritual direction, Franklin Graham and Leroy Thompson, and finally to take Mr. Obama out into the great outdoors for some Theodore Roosevelt manly activity, John McCain should take Barack Obama out hunting and fishing as those lessons in the great outdoors are so necessary for Mr. Obama to find who he really is.
This blog advocates this for the purest of intention of saving Mr. Obama from himself. There are far too many people wanting and demanding things of this man and as President Lincoln noted in his days, "There are just too many pigs for the tits", everyone is wanting a job or a handout and there is not enough Barack Obama to go around.
It is disappointing in the only blacks have been basically more white than black. Eric Holder is due to be Attorney General and his entire record during the Clinton years were government secrecy, cover ups which caused great harm to the Clintons and to the United States and the most criminal of pardons of Marc Rich was what he oversaw.
These types of positions for blacks in being paper pushers or bringing in reminders of political mischief is nothing to start an administration with to leave the impression that black people can not do the job or that blacks are only available for crooked deals.
I have advocated Jesse Jackson as Sec. of State, because if Hillary Clinton is qualified then Mr. Jackson certainly is qualified, especially in his dealings with the PLO in the Middle East powder keg along with Africa.
Congressman John Lewis as a hero is certainly qualified for Sec. of Defense instead of Sen. Chuck Hagel whose recent outburst ranting about President Bush and Rush Limbaugh reveals he has more problems in his mental outlook than is desirable for someone who has his fingers on nuclear buttons.
Mr. Obama is running to white authority as he feels secure in that authority, but his entire choices have been not up to what he requires. A nation rapist in Warren Buffett who is now having stories planted "he is poor" after he looted over 30 billion dollars in on year from the markets to Sen. Tom Daschle who is selected to be in the cabinet looking after people's welfare, when his wife with the FAA got people killed in a plain crash and is a lobbyist is nothing which will serve Barack Obama nor the United States.
There are good people in the United States and Mr. Obama needs good people around him just as an NFL quarterback requires a good coach to help utilize his talents and to keep him focused after he gets sacked 3 times and is seeing stars from a concussion.
Mr. Obama needs people who are high profile and have the ability to not be starstruck in dealing with him. I believe the above suggestions are those types of personalities who will tell Mr. Obama to straighten up when he has to and to be informed of a different perspective of all the chirping flocks telling him it is wonderful to lead America over the cliff or blow up Pakistan.
These are the internal core issues of Barack Obama which must be addressed. David Axelrod and David Plouffe were more concerned with stroking their own psychopathies than in being concerned about Barack Obama.
Mr. Obama is already angry and hurt in his early interviews in not being able to deal with the office he has had stolen for him. He is surrounding himself with weak, self serving and sycophants who will not protect him from himself.
Due to the tarnished images of Eric Holder and Tom Daschle they should have informed Mr. Obama immediately they wanted no part of tarnishing his image and yet they seeking their own interests have dredged up the worst of the 90's past.
Mr. Obama is being let down and he requires people in his cabinet and offices who will serve him to their utmost for the good of the United States.
If Mr. Obama continues on this course, he is going to be an epic failure who will leave an image that black people are incapable of being in chief leadership roles.
Mr. Obama give Charles Rangel a call, assemble a kitchen cabinet to find mentors for you, who be seen and heard only by you for the good of this nation, because if you screw this up sir as it appears your own party is only giving you 90 days, you will in 2010 be facing a GOP majority and certain investigations to bog down the government and no doubt impeachment for all of the problems you have hanging over your loose ends as Eric Rush has pointed out.
You have a financial meltdown from your European comrades which they initiated, 2 wars and coming al Qaeda attacks. Those are the events which try men's souls. You are not up to this and you need a cushion of mentors to help you deal with this in human terms and not political terms.
I hope for Barack Obama's success, because Jeremiah the Prophet found himself suffering as horridly as the heads of government in the bad times he warned of. I do not want to see good Americans suffering, because too many feeders are pulling on Barack Obama and not pulling for the United States of America.
I have done enough suffering in life and I don't want more. Call the people who have character to serve your human side Mr. Obama.
God bless
Eric Rush