Truth what is Truth?
For liberals Truth is the vantage of garnering the masses to support your dictatorship in votes purchased with tax money.
For the right, the Truth is the advantage of gaining a larger profit off of the masses to shear the sheep so you can live in a bigger mansion.
There is a vast array of hog troughers sitting down this Thanksgiving praising the loss of John McCain, not giving a toilet flush about America they claim they love, all for the pass they gave Barack Obama to assist him in stealing the election.
Don't believe for a second that all that money these folks root around for in their truffle patch comes from different sources. Once you get high enough out of the barnyard, the money all starts coming from the same sources right or left.
That is why one sees odd things like politicians like McCain getting money from Soros and his praising nation rapist Warren Buffett and politicians like Obama getting support from Rupert Murdoch and George W. Bush just sitting on his gluteous max not unleashing the Justice Department on Obama's money fraud.
It is all one big pig pen and they all oink on the same feed, squealing to delight, because that is why they get money to run websites, publish papers, have television shows, put on radio programs and write those books.
Their purpose Americans is not that they believe in anything, but the direction they are going but that they are utlized like the Judas Goat leading sheep down the path so those same sheep don't bust loose and find out what real freedom is.
They are termed constriction points in military jargon and that is what the premier choke points of the right are all in place, funded by the olde financiers, just to keep the panty prancers who are in need of attention on stage gaining what they crave most in fans and funds.
Joseph Farah wrote a book "None of the Above". Thanks loads Mr. Farah in helping elect Obama.
Jerome Corsi, same deal, ran around the world, got kidnapped by Obama's people, but no story there or charges filed at DOJ.
Matthew Sheffield and Noel Sheppard, the Newsbusters chimes with their other chimes who didn't appreciate my challenging them to stop waving the white flag 2 weeks before the election, parroting exact phrases out of the liberal media and then Mr. Sheppard had to write a rude note attempting to assume superiority like a teacher when he had just been corrected that Sarah Palin suffered political rape and was not as he stated in quoting a lesbian liberal in Camille Paglia that Sarah Palin had been a willing participant in an Sadomasochistic orgy.
Rush Limbaugh, bored, bothered and oh boy 4 more years of great multi million dollar salaries all to bash Obama.
Sean Hannity, yup Sean got Hillary, but like all these right wingers earning big dollars never seemed to find a way to produce Lawrence Sinclair, THE ONE PERSON who could and still can blow an entire hole in the Obama syndicate as Mr. Sinclair was being contacted by the very Democrats telling him to go home and they would handle Obama.
Sure enough, they all got hired by Obama.
Jeff Rense, great job in being not an aggitator, but an anarchist in joining in on the political rape of an innocent Sarah Palin by accepting the media which one claims is always bogus, until it is assaulting a woman. Hillary was out of bounds, but Sarah Palin was drug through the streets and now there sits Obama for story feed.
Rupert Murdoch, jumps in bed with Obama and now warns that Obama might be bad. Wonderful now that you assisted in installing him.
Chris Ruddy, Newsmax, real objective site there in the owner tanked for Obama years ago.
Peggy Noonan, well she is the stuff that floats at the WSJ and her feminine twin David Brooks is at the New York Times, same spew, same operative lines in being established by the elites to earn a high wage for Conservatives and then sabotage Conservatives when a shill Obama shows up on the platter.
Daniel Pipes, same deal in complaining about both sides of the aisle, but like Robert Spencer complains about the Muslim side, but neglects that Jews who he states he is one of voted for Obama in overwhelming numbers to install him. The Muslims though are the bad folks celebrating. Makes perfect sense to people named David Horowitz remaining silent on the facts in this too.
Might as well toss in Dinesh D'Souza too, because his little keyboard must be just chattering away at night as he sells his new Conservative book, while not being a Conservative which he admitted, in cut and paste in things he does not comprehend in being from India, but in reading what others state, he writes wonderful books that just sell to people who want to hear what they want to hear, even if the guy doesn't understand a word of it in his soul.
Heck toss in Chris Wallace, Kiran Chetry, Shep Smith and that Bill O'Reilly, one sees the Truth doesn't matter. These people sell their sermon to whatever pulpit they are being paid to preach out of.
If America was American Indian of the Sioux, we would hear Newsbusters extolling the virtues of exterminating the Pawnee and Crow.
If America was Cambodia, we would hear Shep Smith, Chris Wallace and O'Reilly on Murdoch's orders all extolling the virtues of killing fields.
If America was 1937, Italy, we would hear how great fascism is by our man Mousillini by Hannity.
If America was 1940 Japan, Daniel Pipes and company would find a way to show the Japanese have rights to all those Asian lands.
If America was 2008, Obamaland, Rush Limbaugh and Joe Farah would put out the ditziest stories the public had no interest in while leaving Pennsylvania Avenue open for Obama's cruise to the White House in abandoning McCain.
Everyone of these lovely people of the media who are claiming to be voices for Americans who love America did nothing but assist in elevating Barack Obama as they whispered behind the scenes information to other media outlets keeping tabs on people doing the reals stories.
They are all the same in purpose and effect, because they defeated John McCain deliberately, installed Barack Obama by their actions and all will make huges amounts of money while having the mandated purpose by those who are paying them money to keep the American Citizen from rioting as Obamaland become a daily platter of their thanksgiving as they make profits while Americans get the stuff in the garbage can.
No cheap shots, just the beasty game in how it is played for power and profit using genuine Americans while keeping them penned up as they rely on the icons to be their voice.
I didn't vote for Barack Obama, so it must have been some other voice being implemented. It wasn't coming from the fawnlings on the left. This was agreed to by the "right".
We now return you to controlled media. You may vent. You may post to earn money off of traffic hits for the stars, but you must not think and you must not ever leave the pen, because they are passing around the Obama platter now and the garbage cans are in the back for the Conservatives to feed out of.
It's all red white and blue with all the Obama trimmings, because that's what money is made of.