When a Conservative looks on a pregnant woman, they see a life to protect.
When a liberal looks on a pregnant woman, they see a problem to be eliminated.
I have noted in my blog that the liberal mindset is of the child who is made to cry in school and instead of getting up, gritting your teeth and making something out of their life, they instead cry, retreat, sulk and find other people who exist in fear and failure, to be miserable with.
In school, they join doper groups, torment other "lesser" children, and in adult life they join a liberal group and find ways to torment entire sectors of life in taxes, fines and prison for eating fatty foods, smoking cigarettes or for owning firearms.
This psychopathy must be quite real as 2 years after I noted it online, a PHD wrote a nice book on it stating all liberals were nuts.
The point I'm building to is what Val Kilmer recited in Tombstone as Doc Holiday. When Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp is searching for an answer as to why people hate so much in that there can never be enough whiskey, sex or money to fill the void in them, Val Kilmer responds, "It's revenge".
"Revenge", Kurt Russell asks amazed.
"Revenge for being born," is the absolute factual answer.
Liberals do not like to fail anymore than any other person, but instead of hating failure and their failing to overcome it, they turn it to the outside world. That is the amazing thing about the core of most humans in they can not hate themselves, but search for a myriad of ways to deal with that self hatred by projecting it outwards.
I noted long ago that Bob Barker who America celebrates is one of the most bizarre textbook cases in being childless and a widower exploded his misery onto the world as money, women and power could not fill the void, transferring his hatred of the bad things in life onto humans and dictating terms on innocent animals who had not hurt him but were viewed as "pristine".
What is Bob Barker, the childless human so engrossed in, "spaying and neutering" of animals.
People cheer this, but it is an entire industry like aborticide for profit. Spaying and neutering deals with sexual activity in creating life. Mr. Barker has no children to fill his void, so he has without a clue been acting out in slicing off animal reproductive parts just like he was cut inside from life's basic denials. If he is not going to be happy in this way, animals sure are not in the millions going to be fulfilled in that way.
This blog was inspired by a Lady Professor who happened to drop me a note. As stated before, I do not know where or who posted my writing across the internet, but someone has and I get enough email on Stanley Ann Dunham's Revenge that it is time to move from the revenge Stanley has taken to exploring the revenge Barack Obama has been taking and will take on this world.
In that one must visit the subject of the correspondence from the NAS Professor as she and her husband were discussing Mr. Obama's focus on aborticide.
This all takes us back to the beginning of this blog in how people view an unborn infant in the womb.
I settled this long ago by God's Grace that all people from conception to their last breath all require some sort of womb to live. A ship is a womb if you cross the ocean. A house is a womb without which no one could survive. Astronauts need a womb of a space craft. Travelers in a jet need a womb as no one could survive flying. There are myriads of wombs all people require all their lives. A grave is even a womb to protect society from the disease of a decomposing body.
So there is no such thing as life and non life, there is only human life in numerous wombs we inhabit.
This though brings one to the question of just why is it Barack Obama is in favor like all liberals of the most heinous forms of infanticide.
Perhaps it requires a review here of partial birth aborticide which is like terming a Nazi work camp as a dietary physical resort as there is no birth involved at all.
What is involved is dilating a woman with drugs, reaching up inside the woman with forceps, forceps are metal tongs, so picture someone grabbing your head with metal tongs and pulling you through your car window halfway rolled up.
Next as your head is held, you are gasping for air, a blinding light is hitting you so you are recoiling, someone rams a hollow tube into your skull and after that starts sucking your brain out.
Granted the top part of your brain is thought process, so the stem cell which has your motor function and your basic nerve ending functions to the last, so one feels to the end what is the most gruesome of torturous deaths.
This is what Barack Obama votes for and backs completely.
The question is in all these liberals know what this is and yet still back it. It is not one bit better for the morning after pill which is a humanicide, meaning a poison like Zyklon gas. There is saline which scalds an unborn child, meaning it fries the human like a massive sunburn to the scrape or vacuum which pulls the person apart piece by piece.
This is beyond savagery and yet this is what Barack Obama advocates with a smile.
In that is Barack Obama's revenge as Val Kilmer noted in Tombstone, Barack Obama is seeking revenge like all liberals for being born, but being too much the coward to commit suicide, they in this warped liberal mindset think they are "saving children later pain" by butchering them now and adding to the most important factor of transferring all that anger onto someone else.
This is a vast empty hurtful void in these liberals like Barack Obama, because one castrated puppy just will not do, Bob Barker needs millions in a ritual of pain to deal with his daily pain and people like Barack Obama dealing with the human objects of the world, require a mass grave of ripped apart children to deal with their not so perfect childhoods.
In short, Barack Obama is angry like most liberals that they were not aborted before birth in saving them from their misery here. Mr. Obama was "aborted" when his mother abandoned him at age 10 fusing him forever as a juvenile. He has a fury in him that Stanley Ann Dunham did not practice infanticide upon him.
Whiskey never covered up the pain, dope didn't stop the pain, Dominance over gay males in sex acts never stopped the pain. Michelle never stopped the pain, his children have not stopped the pain, and in the end, playing President is not going to stop Barack Obama's pain in life and his deep seated desire that he should have been aborted like millions of other miserable liberals lust after in fantasy.
Conservatives look at the garbage of bullies, failure, bullying others, making horrific mistakes as the hurt of life, turn to God in most cases to hope for a better tomorrow and try and never make the mistakes again in building a better world for their own children.
Liberals take on the hurts, pile them up, demand revenge and exact it on the human race. Sarah Palin was thee most absolute of "sinners" to a liberal. She was not only intelligent, she was attractive, she not only had a career, but she had a family, she not only made mistakes, but overcame them in Jesus, she not only had a handicapped baby, but she did not slaughter that child.
Do you realize there are millions of aborted children in this American nation. That means there are millions of liberal women who aborted those children. Care to ask yourself how many of the Charlie Gibsons to Katie Courics to Nancy Pelosis to Teddy Kennedys have not been a part of this industry in piling up dead babies from adultery, rape, fornication and just because "it" was a girl and they wanted a boy?
These people just as Barack Obama have been seeking revenge their entire lives and those other people called Conservatives have been making lives seeking life all of theirs.
Barack Obama looks out at the world as a fused abandoned 10 year old with a world of objects termed other humans who are lesser than him. Only Barry can feel the pain and these other people are just like a mannequin in only there to serve a purpose for him.
Barry has been prowling about again this past week. He was happy being king when posing with John McCain, because then it was 10 year old Barry rubbing it in the old white guy's face that Barry had beat him on the playground.
Barry was quite jovial in this juvenile game joking with the press. He wanted to make note of it for the record. He needed it in obsession to prove to the world that that 10 year old boy in Indonesia being bullied, but retreating to a fantasy he would be a president someday of some nation to give himself self worth, would finally give him that kingly salve.
John McCain walked into this thinking he would be the statesman for the good of the nation, but only he knows if he figured out Barry was sitting on his back rubbing his nose in it.
Barry also showed up on 60 Minutes in his true 10 year old form. I watch a great deal of television with the sound down as sound gets in the way of studying what the human is actually communicating.
Barry Obama was on 60 Minutes exhibiting anger and tearful hurt in his eyes. Mr. Obama as the 10 year old is finding out he has to dress up and do the unfun stuff. He is angry it is not all lupines and tulips thrown upon his path in adoring subjects, but people in the millions who do not like him and millions more now demanding payment for their votes.
Barry has found it is work which he does not want to do and Barry is crying inside over this not fun stuff.
Barry Obama has just discovered he can not vote "present" in being a United States President, but he must make yes and no decisions which please no one and those decisions cause 100 more decisions that he must carry around growing more each day.
The average Conservative attempts in God to build a way through life in dealing with the problems. The average Oprah fan sits on their couch escaping life and numbers of them being cowards find a way to commit suicide, not by bullets or pills, but finding some harmful way to murder themselves slowly so they can have an excuse and be "innocent" as 3000 gallons of nutrasweet over 30 years is like the old MASH song, Suicide is Painless.
The average liberal though in Barack Hussein Obama finds revenge to deal with their existence in many forms. Infanticide being one of them in millions of dead children. As this blog pointed out this past summer, Mr. Obama plans fully to abort the US economy which he has had done for him in part and is about to in 2009 deflate and devalue the economy. There are all sorts of aborticide procedures Mr. Obama is going to inflict on the womb of America as his dead mummy can not be punished any more, but only used to drag her corpse out to destroy insurance companies and the US health care system.
Obama chose to leave his mother die alone as she had abandoned him to the world. Psychopathy dicatates he will leave America die alone as he abandons her to some exiled European state.
Mr. Obama will abort the US military by cutting it 25%. Mr. Obama will abort a few cities in America by al Qaeda nuclear attacks. Mr. Obama will abort the rights of parents with their children by fining them. Mr. Obama will abort unions by making border busters of all sorts legal workers and Mr. Obama will get his revenge on those Muslims who tormented him as lesser by responding one day to a terrorist attack with cobalt and plutonium bombs for a long season killing field in the Middle East.
This is Barack Obama's revenge on the world in aborting it. It won't be pretty, but he will probably be quite pleased with himself for the few moments that the mushroom clouds light up the horizon.
Then just like testicles, ovaries and dying people can not satisfy the liberal, he will have to ramp it up for another day as the revenge for being born, the revenge for being a child and the revenge for being a liberal will have to be fed again as the brooding night conjures up the demons of their youth, gnawing and calling, come feed me Barry...........revenge is mine saith the mahdi Obama.