For all of this activity to be unleashed means there are reams of evidence and this Obama Senate seat sale has immense criminal tentacles which are going to keep reaching up and up.
We know for a fact that Barack Obama is a liar. Two public accounts deal with his meeting with Gov. Blagojevich over the issue of who should end up in the Obama Illinois Senate seat.
This blog can state this in no simpler terms than Barack Obama in lying to the American public is nothing but a fraud, a coward and a criminal proving all the evidence against him from money dry cleaning, election fraud and his having a part in the destruction of the derivatives market.
Today we have discovered that Jesse Jackson jr. was candidate #5. In published reports in the press there are indications that Mr. Jackson was promising to raise $1 million dollars for the Obama Senate seat for Gov. Blagojevich. Candidate #4 was offering half a million dollars in whoever that criminal was.
Valerie Jarrett was offered up by Barack Obama for the position in exchange of a lobbyist job in 2 years for Mrs. Blagojevich.
To put in plainly, Gov. Blagojevich, Rep. Jackson, Candidate #4 and Valerie Jarrett, with David Axelrod and Barack Obama should all be indicted and arrested for the criminal sale of the Obama Senate seat just as Gov. Blagojevich has been arrested.
As Mr. Obama has set the stage now for people to resign on allegations alone, let America call on Barack Obama to resign his Prime Ministership on the grounds of this Senate seat sale along with Jesse Jackson jr.
Furthermore as criminal acts are a part of this, Joe Biden jr. must resign from the Vice Prime Ministership due to his making Lawrence Sinclair a political prisoner and endangering his life.
All of these people are crooks by Mr. Obama's definition of being criminals and should immediately resign, face indictment and speedy trial.
There is certainly more evidence involved in this or the FBI would hot have been hounding Gov. Blagojevich for 3 years and leaking information to the Obama staff to not make contact with the Governor due to wire taps being conducted.
In that, it would be in Gov. Blagojevich's best interest to not resign, but instead to remain in office and fight this just as William Jefferson Clinton did. Hire Bob Bennett and a host of Washington, DC attorneys and put the system on trial which has been stalking him.
In this Gov. Blagojevich can certainly make a deal in knowing all of the illegal activities of bigger fish such as David Axelrod, Joe Biden and Barack Obama for the good of justice.
We know that all of the above are involved in criminal acts and guilty to the point of their resignations be demanded, because of Barack Obama's own mandate in judging people without a trial.
It is time that Barack Obama resign under his own mandate of guilt, because if Gov. Blagojevich is guilty of selling the Obama seat, Barack Obama is guilty of attempting to buy stolen property for Valerie Jarrett.
Throw them all in prison so lil miss Hillary Clinton, who is waiting in her senatorial wings, can assume the position in the Oval Office. The media has had their catharsis in voting for a black man, who is more white than black and more Arab than black, but how it feels is all that matters so Harry Smith can quit bawling, and almost being President is enough for Obama just like the West Wing was pretend enough for Democrats during the Bush 43 years.
Patrick Fitzgerald rattled this cage for a desperate reason. Mrs. Clinton does not need any more leverage than she already has over Mr. Obama.
Evidence is plain in one has Barack BOHICA for Bill, Barack puts Hillary as Sec. of State all so she can be matron in waiting.
What needs to be looked at is just what this means in working things out for the New York cartel in if they can implement a Clinton deal due to the problems Bill created before. As there is a great deal of silence in these parties, it means their silence is worth a golden fortune and they are in control. The only chicken cackling is Barack Obama and that is what guilt looks like.
Dick Durban is in a panic and that panic is due to the feeder chain moving up which will probably have his name showing up in this. He wants this put away and Obama wants Blagojevich put away so come Jan. 20, his first act will be to shut down Patrick Fitzgerald and leave Blagojevich cool his heals in prison.
Barack Obama is now part of a cover up. He needs to be hauled before Congress and made to swear under oath his current lies are true under the penalty of perjury. These are the same things which got Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton in trouble. Mrs. Clinton wearing virgin pink did quite well in lying as women get away with a great deal by crying and wearing cleavage.
If the GOP is worth anything they will schedule hearings and put this all in public record before the Democrats are in full dictatorial control and will leave this buried just as Bill Clinton left Obama's Hawaii money problems buried from an FBI probe long ago they shut down.
Watch this though in one person not being named in Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief of Staff. It is evident this Illinois boy had his fingers in this beyond Axelrod and he might be the FBI leaked to source as Mr. Emanuel while being a fine American thug has just as deep Jewish intelligence ties which bind for eternity.
In speculation, Mr. Emanuel might have been the mole who in perfect direction orchestrated that Barack Obama in his hick vanity stepped right into this.
I seem to recall Mr. Emanuel was working for the Clintons a few years ago. I guess it pays to have a Deep Throat in the White House if you are Hillary Clinton just waiting for the phone to ring with the words, "Madam President, are you ready for your closeup now?"
Go get hisself Rod Blagojevich, you got an entire Clinton cast helping you, just make the call and say, "Bill my wife is blonde and hot. She gets really hot over lobbyist jobs in keeping you company while I'm waiting on my pardon from President Hillary Clinton. I'll make her President by bringing down both Obama and Biden.
I have nudie pictures I can email to your Yahoo account."