You are in a chess match and the bishop of you got yourself out rooked by all the Democrats on the board in your sneaky diagonal moves.
While the world is creaming you, I instead am willing to help you Governor for the same reasons I tried to help Barack Obama. There are 2 little daughters in this and a wife who do not need your legacy to be the scapegoat of a much bigger criminal policy.
I doubt you will ever pay off for my saving your rear, but Gov that is not why I play the game. I play it just like Singlaub and Dyan played it and I remember sitting there and listening to them ..........but I digress.
Gov, you got to get yourself a big old tuna Washington attorney like Uncle Bob Bennett or that Brandon something who was Ollie North's hotrod attorney or maybe that mousey chic attorney who was hot sitting being Ollie in Congress who seemed to pop up working to defend Scooter Libby.
In any case, Gov don't resign, but fight this like the Balkan toughie you are.
First step is your defense is, "Don't convict me, convict the system".
Gov, you got yourself a goldmine here in problems for Democrats. You depose all those big shots who were trying to buy your Obama seat. You depose Jesse Jackson jr. to embarrass the Black Caucus, you depose Rahm Emanuel to embarrass the communist liberal Jews who are the alter ego of the neocons, you depose old David Axelrod and you haul in Barack Obama for his dealing with you on at least 2 confirmed occassions.
Then you get mousey chic to inform the Democrat leadership you will be hauling Prime Minister Obama and all his negotiators with Jesse Jackson jr. into court and as your tearful wife and children weep behind you, mousey chic asks each one on the stand why they were not indicted while poor you was left holding the bag for the entire crooked system.
You can get hisself Obama on the stand and have mousey chic ask him about counterfeit crimes in money dry cleaning via credit cards, ACORN election theft and this pesky birth certificate and passport fraud in how he could be asking you to resign when he has all those crimes to answer for, he ain't answering for as the FBI didn't indict connected hisself.
Make sure mousey get allot of black and Polish jurors out of Chicago and make sure you ask hisself just how is it Tony Rezko was convicted for being a slum lord hisself created while hisself has not even appointed any real blacks or hispanics to his cabinet...........when that is all you Gov were really trying to bring to light in your Senate seat auction in wanting attention to be paid to some poor minority person for the Obama administration who seemed to be up for sale in all millionaires and billionaires getting those high posts.
That makes it all admissible........and big deal Roddo as once the jury hears it they are going to be thinking, "Hmmmm ain't no blacks or minorities in the Obama cabinet. More of them under Bush 43."
I doubt Oprah will be allowing your hottie wife on her stage as she hates hot looking chics like Sarah Palin. Poor Oprah is suffering what I noticed Cynthia McFadden and other Obama chics suffer from in fat frumper syndrome the minute they get jungle fever for Obama. Oprah weighing 200 pound now just will have double anger on her mind, so hire a public relations firm and show your wife off to the public.
Leave the Hillary cleavage out as mammaries get the public thinking about boobs. Slit skirts are your game Gov as they allow the pervert audience hoping hot stuff will cross her legs as she is weeping loudly. You don't want people listening to a thing, just flash the legs and trigger the mournful tears and everyone will be wondering why poor Rod is being railroaded while Michelle is dining to servants in the White House when her crook husband is making speeches to Muslims in their own cities wooing them and forgetting about American needs.
You see Gov, Democrats are terrified. They sit there already wondering what will come of this. Your job to save your behind for your family's sake is to stir the pot up and ask the questions John McCain and his patricians at Newsbustahs wouldn't.
Don't be too worried about the Democrat machine as your best champions are going to be Bill and Hillary Clinton. Your little court case drags in Barack and if mousey chic is any good she can depose Joe Biden too on his crooked activities over Lawrence Sinclair tossing him in prison.
Ok, I will lay that out for the mousey chic too for the kiddie and wife's sake.
You have public statements from Mr. Gibbs in Obama's staff they were being briefed on the people spying on you. Obama is either a stooge witness setting you up or he was illegally being informed of an active FBI investigation protecting him.
This will have mousey chic note that in prior activity against Lawrence Sinclair that Obama's people were enlisting federal Marshalls, various federal agencies along with state agencies and were being briefed in the same way to which Joe Biden benefited in arresting Lawrence Sinclair by the payoff of the Vice President's seat.
Seat? A seat was offered Biden in a quid pro quo? Oh my, mousey chic will probably conclude that Obama selling a seat for Biden's benefit is as illegal as what you were arrested for, so why isn't Obama or Biden arrested and you are?
Have your wife weep in mournful sobs at this point in court. Perhaps your children can run to you and wrap themselves around you.
By miracle someone will have this all captured on their cell phone video and posted anonymously on YouTube.
To the point, you and mousey chic, make sure Obama and Biden are exposed so they get themselves in jeopardy legally, the FBI or US Attorney's for leaking information to Obama in protecting him get in hotsy totsy water and Hillary Clinton grabs the quivering White House staff and announces in a unanimous vote she is President according to the 25th Ammendment, section 6 as she is Sec. of State.
I would imagine Hillary will pardon you for being a naughty boy, your wife and kiddies will beam with delight in how innocent you are and you will forget the mousey chic fan who laid out your entire life saving defense.
I play the game Governor in ways the pompous and arrogant have no idea they have just been played as that is what I do by God's Grace and I'm good at it.
Of course, you will never read this Gov and it will be pure coincidence when you enact this plan.
Post Script: Gov have the mousey chic wear a tweed mousey outfit. She keeps wearing those business suits and looks to cuddly. Wool tweed makes you want a woman, but then you think of that scratchy wool and "meow" that kitty is dangerous to pet as she scratches, so the jury will find you not guilty by reason Obama is a bigger crook.
Don't convict me, Convict Obama!
Nice t shirt and bumper sticker sales there. I don't suppose mousey chic or your wife will deliver my royalty check either in those sales. I promise though I'm not a lesbian although I have been mistaken for one........even being hit on in Newsbusters of all CONservative places.
my compliments to Bertie Wooster in his new persona with thirteen and cut throat bitch.